Which is your preference?

Fantasy Inflation (art, stories, roleplay)
68% (13 votes)
Real Inflation (photos, movies, actually doing it)
32% (6 votes)
Total votes: 19

Maybe it's just my inexperience but from the people I have talked to it seems as though most women are into fantasy inflation through art, stories and roleplay and do not seem to have much interest in real inflation whether it be themselves, another woman, or a man. Why is this? Is it much broader than women in general? Does the inflation community as a mass prefer art to reality?


I myself as a woman, have done actual inflation, it's pretty interesting really

darth_clone19's picture

WOmen are into the same things guys are. Dont matter how different we are supposed to be, we are still in the same species.

Personally, I think women are more into real inflation, at least those I find in the community. Seldom do I find a girl who tracks down stories and pics. If they dont do it in real life, at least they are not into stories and the like, maybe because its not enough. I just think its worth mentioning. Again, this is my personal experience.

 -   Read my stories: darth-clone19.deviantart.com 


My girlfriend likes Art, Stories and Roleplay.
Sometimes with videos she finds it difficult to see the attraction. (depending on what it is...)

She hasn't tried 'real' inflation yet, but personally I wouldn't want her to. (refering to enemas here) I've grown off of that aspect of inflation completely now, it just seems like a waste of time. If she wanted to do it once for the experience that's fine by me but it's not something that I think she would continue with.

I seem to have woken up and joined the vast majority of the community that believes that fantasy is better (and less risky/wasteful) than 'real-life' inflation.
(no offence to real inflatees intended).

Roleplay with balloons and inflatables is far easier. ^_-

dragon_6860's picture

I think most like fantasy, because it's safer, for one, and it's bigger for another. If there was some techo-magic way of actually infalteing to a large size, then i think more people would be intrested in real life, but untill we get those nanomachines, it'll have to stay in fantasy :)

No, I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.


Good question actually. I can't answer that really but from dealing with my experiences with the opposite gender they like fantasy more than real life. I don't blame them. Fantasy is my preference as you have A LOT more options than what real life can offer. Usually the girls I talk to like to be huge...heheh...*-blushes-*

Anyhow...I think that real life is more dangerous and some how isn't that appealing...not until nano-technology that can be used to alter the human genome is invented. *-winks-* XD

Never let those who dislike what you enjoy get to you. If they won't bother to understand than it's not worth your time. Hold your head up high and be proud for what you like!

Inflate123's picture

My wife dislikes props, and would likely not be down for any reality; it's RP/fantasy or nothing. And fantasy is good. :)

dragon_6860's picture

True Inflate123, diffrent strokes for diffrent folks. Some girls I talk to dislike props as well, mainly because it's not "real" it jsut feels odd to them to have balloons or whatever, but they'd still love to be able to do it in real life. Come on Science! What're they doing with their time, it's 2007! Where's my Jetpack, robot, and inflatable girl?

No, I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.


I am female and also enjoy "actual" inflation,


My girlfriend is into both kinds.

That nice black girl was really getting big. I pressed the footpump once more and she just popped!!!

Inflate123's picture

Dragon, don't forget about the flying cars.

dragon_6860's picture
Inflate123 wrote:
Dragon, don't forget about the flying cars.

I know! I'll give them another 3 years, but in 2010, we better have some bloody flying cars.

No, I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.