What is your race/ethnicity?

85% (52 votes)
3% (2 votes)
2% (1 vote)
Native American
2% (1 vote)
Pacific Islander
0% (0 votes)
2% (1 vote)
7% (4 votes)
Total votes: 61

On a few other forums I visit someone posted polls like this one and to be honest I was pretty surprised how some fetishes appear to appeal to some ethnic groups more than others.

So I'm posting one of these here to see what happens.

I'm Puerto Rican by the way.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


does it really matter what race you are?

Helium Inflation is the way forward

JSK00's picture

Not that I know of.

Asian, BTW.

Cally wrote:
does it really matter what race you are?

Just curious.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Archangel_Dreadnought's picture

I think that people who voted should also post where exactly their ancestors come from (if they know). There are a lot of sub groups in these ones that are listed (plus, its would be interesting to hear the multiracial ones background).

As for me, mine come from German, England, and small bit from France.

So many inflation drawings lack flow/life, they are just a girl standing around with a hose stuck somewhere and large whatevers.


Man people's ancestors could come from all over though... mine are Irish, Cornish, Scottish, English, Welsh, Cumbrian, Ulster, Italy and Yemen.

I didn't see an option for that lol


If you go back far enough almost everyone here is all of the above.

darth_clone19's picture

Hispanic is not an ethnicity :S Spanish people are obviously hispanic, but obviously not latin american :p

Mortos, compatriota!! Are you from the island or you live in the US?

 -   Read my stories: darth-clone19.deviantart.com 

darth_clone19 wrote:
Hispanic is not an ethnicity :S Spanish people are obviously hispanic, but obviously not latin american :p

Mortos, compatriota!! Are you from the island or you live in the US?

I suppose I should have put Hispanic or Latino (of any race).

I was born and raised in the US and have only visited the island (I'm so ashamed) once.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


Yeah the idea of Caucasian and Hispanic as different races is purely an American (America the continent rather than just the country) concept. Doesn't happen over here where while English, Russian, Spanish, Greek people etc are all clearly ethnically different they are all seen as part of the same sub-group.

Of course not that there's anything wrong or right about either distinction, race after all is just a man-made construct to decide which ethnic differences are significant and which aren't.

To give another example of racial tags being used differently in different cultures. In the UK the term 'Asian' when used for a race exclusively refers to people from the sub-continent. Chinese or Japanese people in the UK aren't Asian. If you look at the ethnicity section of a British census form the 4 main groups which are broken down into sub-groups are 'White, Black, Asian, Chinese or other'


Good to know.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

darth_clone19's picture

Carnatic, I'd differ. It is an American (the country) concept.

Mortos, thats too bad. I havent met a single person form the island that has this fetish (of course, the people Ive converted into the dark side dont count :p)

 -   Read my stories: darth-clone19.deviantart.com 


I'm a little surprised with the results here.

Sure, I knew there was going to be a white majority, but there were many Hispanic votes on this one WG forum.

I guess fetishes don't always tranfer over.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


lol, perhaps we've figured that Northern Europeans prefer inflation and Southern Europeans prefer WG

Inflate123's picture

I'm a white guy, German/Irish/Slovak. And I prefer to be considered for what I say or type online, and nothing else. I know it's just pop sociology here, and you can't help but wonder what everybody else in this varied community looks like,but...the internet is the equalizer that finally removes that boundary, so I'm not really a fan of reinstating it. I'm happy that race doesn't enter into it very often.


I agree with Inflate123, yea that rhymes...


I do agree with I123... but...

If we've matured as a society then we can talk about things like race without fearing that people will prejudice based on it.

Auriga's picture

Clearly, inflatables are individual race. ^^


Inflate123 is very smart. That said, looking at the poll results, I have to admit I'm a little bit surprised at how large the majority is. :lol:

In case anybody at all cares (which I doubt), I'm multiracial. That's all I'm leaving it at because it really doesn't matter.

Inflate123's picture

I didn't mean to suggest that we can't discuss race (and yeah, I will sadly admit that I know a lot of closed-minded people who will not practice what they preach when it comes to being color blind.) It's just that tracking that statistic doesn't serve much of a purpose for this community. I think the geographic stuff is more interesting as a root demographic.

Like, the social rules about sex in the UK are very different than they are in the US; more sexually suggestive or explicit things are shown on TV in the UK, for instance, than on US networks. That says something about the different cultures. And even in America, different areas of the US have different influences (what flies in California does not necessarily fly in Oklahoma). And then there's Japan, always on its own cultural wavelength!

So I'm less interested to find out what color people are and more curious to know what's permissable in your part of the world. Is there a section of the world that is more open-minded about this fringe fetish, or is it scattered? Can you point to a notable influence from one section of the world -- Wonka being shown on TV or coming out on video at some particular time, for instance -- that drove people to ultimately seek out this site? I think that's just more relevant, since our interest is really only constrained by social mores. I'd drill down to race as a secondary demographic after geography and then see what that data tells us.


White here. German, Russian and Swedish. I don't give a hoot about what race, what is their backgrounds, as along they don't give a hoot about what I do and what heritage I'm from, I don't mind them. Simple as that; no costly consequences.

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