Would you rather be the...

30% (20 votes)
70% (47 votes)
Total votes: 67

After the last question I posted, I enjoyed seeing the results so much that I felt curious to do this, just to see.

If it helps, I'll start again by saying that I would much rather be the inflatee:) But if you've seen my last few posts, then this isn't new news to you *blush*

So how 'bout it? Which end of the pump would you rather be on?

Kadche wrote:
After the last question I posted, I enjoyed seeing the results so much that I felt curious to do this, just to see.

If it helps, I'll start again by saying that I would much rather be the inflatee:) But if you've seen my last few posts, then this isn't new news to you *blush*

So how 'bout it? Which end of the pump would you rather be on?

I suppose the inflator though I have never been inflated so, I think I am kinda biased. *shrugs*

I'm mean. 

I suppose the inflator though I have never been inflated so, I think I am kinda biased. *shrugs*

Well, for sake of RP, of course. :P


I like both myself... ^^


either for me or both at the same time :D

Helium Inflation is the way forward


Inflatee by a long way, but i still find the inflator role very exciting. You could be both.



Inflate123's picture

I do wish both was an option too. Depends on my mood, honestly!

I do wish both was an option too. Depends on my mood, honestly!

Really, I meant to put that here. Don't know what I was thinking... Apparently I shouldn't do polls while sleepy :P.


im sure you can add it if you edit your orginal post

Helium Inflation is the way forward


Cally, I looked and apparently it won't allow me to, ^^;... Could just start another poll, I guess. It just seems a bit silly to, though I would like to know more about my new neighbors. :)


Inflatee, because I want to feel a big hug around me. :D
Also, never really thought about being the inflator. I guess I would be jealous at the inflatee because she/he has more fun. :p

Kadche wrote:
I suppose the inflator though I have never been inflated so, I think I am kinda biased. *shrugs*

Well, for sake of RP, of course. :P

My inflation RP experince is limited to mainly berry and stuffing. (its hard to find a good Rp'er)

I'm mean. 

Ratbiker's picture

i'd rather be both, its split 50/50 for me.



Inflator... although personally I prefer it if there is a female inflator.

Auriga's picture
Also, never really thought about being the inflator. I guess I would be jealous at the inflatee because she/he has more fun.

In case of RPs both actors may be inflatees, that kind of RPs have proven to be fun for both.

darth_clone19's picture

In RPs, depends on my mood. If the person is very creative, it really doesnt matter. theyll do a great job either way

 -   Read my stories: darth-clone19.deviantart.com 


Honestly I prefer being the casual observer. XD

Auriga's picture

It looks like tastes are moving from inflator to inflatee over time? Am I wrong?


This isn't exactly an accurate poll. I accidentally left off the option of 'both', which may effect the current voting. ^^;

swella's picture

I'm surprised that number of people choosing inflatee. Though thats my choice also. :)

Auriga's picture

Strange enough, inflatees ratio should decrease, as pops occur. Despite that, we observe slight shortage of inflators.

oh2bpreg's picture

Inflatee. Gotta get that nice pregnant shape :) I don't mind being the inflator, but the desire isn't as strong.

hellview_666's picture

I prefer to be the inflator...there's something just so satisfying making someone huge by any means necessary :P


For me, it's inflator all the way. I never even considered being the inflatee, hmmmm....


Inflatee all the way, but only because I love it too much. ^_^

LittlePumpkin wrote:
Inflatee, because I want to feel a big hug around me. :D
Also, never really thought about being the inflator. I guess I would be jealous at the inflatee because she/he has more fun. :p

My exact opinion. You'd be losing out on too much fun being the inflator :D

No videos yet, coming soon though :D


Either works for me, but I don't get to RP often enough :/

I want you to shave your beard, nail it to a frisbee, and fling it over a rainbow


maybe by leaving off 'both', you're giving a more interesting result by forcing people to choose ;)

Certainly, it pleases me to be in the minority.

bostoncowboy's picture

i like both myself


Inflatee here. There is so much more fun when there is nothing you can do about it. ^__^


both for me


I used to be strictly inflator but lately I've come to really really REALLY love being the poor, helpless inflatee :3 A shame I don't know too many people who RP. Oh well.

And such is me! I'm always bored and always open to chat or what have you. ^^

Inflate123's picture
carnatic wrote:
maybe by leaving off 'both', you're giving a more interesting result by forcing people to choose ;)

I simply cannot decide!


See, I REALLY should have added the both option :P. But I do kind of like seeing how it's divided up.


It depends on who the other person is of course, but usually I would prefer to be the one being inflated.


Although I've never had the chance, I'd be the inflatee all the way! Id like to try it wearing a blueberry suit. Hopefully I'll get the chance someday.

flationable's picture

Inflator, mostly because I can't bring myself to be submissive in any way (yet). On another note, I just find inflatees really cute/attractive/hot.