Do you mind having random IMs from the forums?

Yes! We have PMs for a reason!
21% (7 votes)
Nope. I enjoy a good suprise!
79% (26 votes)
Total votes: 33

Was just wondering... I mean I personally don't mind a random IM from a fellow forum member. In actuality, it's pretty fun getting to hear from you guys :). I enjoy the chatting almost as much as RPing this stuff out, to be honest.

Was just wondering about the rest of you. Please, please, PLEASE post a comment if you vote, if you would. Just let people know who you are and what you're up for.

Thanks, all!


I enjoy it. Although the last 2 I've gotten I asked where they saw my name, since it isn't on here anymore, and they apologized for bugging me then signed off permanently :S

I'm a guy. Stop messaging me thinking I'm a girl. If I was, I doubt I would even talk to you anyway.


I used to want people to randomly IM me from here but it only happened once or twice and they'd just message once and never seem to sign on again :< S'why when I changed my AIM I didn't bother to update it on here.

And such is me! I'm always bored and always open to chat or what have you. ^^


Well since I never get im'ed randomly anymore, I could say I don't mind. but it can be refreshing to talk with other members sometimes.

airtankgirl5 wrote:
Actually, I chat with Sharkdude as often as I can. He's a cyber stud
swella's picture

I don't use IM other than on facebook. No one has ever sent me a PM on here. I guess I wouldnt mind.


Of course, it always nice to meet new people.

I'm mean. 


I as well enjoy a PM from time to time, although they are rather rare.

I want you to shave your beard, nail it to a frisbee, and fling it over a rainbow

hellview_666's picture

I dont mind at all really. Its quite fun meeting new people :)


Post your IM name once in here, then see how many people reply in 3 days. Would be interesting to see who likes it but is willing to do it :P

I'm a guy. Stop messaging me thinking I'm a girl. If I was, I doubt I would even talk to you anyway.

WakkaFan's picture

I usually don't mind. I haven't talked to anybody in the community in a long time though. Check out my deviant art. The dreaming god has awakened; you hardly remember dying. Before you ask I actually do end some of my sentences with "ya?".


I've been searching for a while for a female RPer who's into male inflation... But then again, plenty of people here have.

Just thought I'd advertise that if there's any females who are particularly dominating who are wanting someone to be their pet balloon, please let me know =P

...Somehow I doubt there'll be too many answers to this advert, but can't blame me for trying XP

airtankgirl5's picture

I like meeting nice people. I dislike the goons who are all, "How big do ur boobz get?"

bostoncowboy's picture

i like meeting new people, except the ones that bail in the middle of a convo or rp without explanation.


i like to rp with people on messengers like yahoo. a few ladies have actually approached me before i sent them a pm asking to chat, so apparently self advertisement does work from time to time!

if any ladies would like to rp, pm me anytime here or on yahoo

bostoncowboy wrote:
i like meeting new people, except the ones that bail in the middle of a convo or rp without explanation.

Agree completely, nothing worse than that. It's the same as having dinner with someone and just getting up and leaving, except you sit there wondering why they aren't talking back. It would be nice to meet someone who could carry a conversation or role play for longer than 5 minutes!

I want you to shave your beard, nail it to a frisbee, and fling it over a rainbow


I wouldn't mind but I have to actually get an IM service first...