everyone knows about that site
What do you think about the website?
actually, not everyone, this is the first time I ever heard of it. I'm more used to hearing about another ranting/bashing site. I don't recall the full name, but I think it has the word encyclopedia in the name for some weird reason.
Well, with a quick glance at the top of the website you'd see "Wednesday, August 21, 2002 Update by Josh "Livestock" Boruff".. so yeah, pretty old stuff.
Honestly though, you're on the internet and haven't at least heard of SomethingAwful even in passing? They bash eevveerryytthhiinngg. Don't get too upset about it.
Yeah. They're only good for Let's Plays.
Meh, i didn't bother to see the date, all i saw was inflation, the website link, and some rants about luther. that's about it, and i got really angry, really quick.
Try not to let things on the internet get you angry, you'll end up having an aneurysm.
As other people have stated, you can't really stop people from disagreeing with you on the internet. If you accept that everything you like has an equal opposite of people disliking it somewhere online, then it doesn't bother you so much. :)
I actually have fond memories of this one. I got home from work and was wondering why my internet connection was so slow. Luckily, someone had sent me an email warning me that the site was the Awful Link of the Day. Nothing like a thousand visitors an hour to kill my connection. No big deal, just put up some code to abort all requests with somethingawful.com as the referrer, and things were running smoothly again.
Stranegly enough, this makes me nostalgic for a time when people actually put some effort into their rants. Seriously, it's been a long time since I've seen an inflation critic who looked at anything beyond the front page of the site before posting a link and saying "Hey, aren't these guys freaks?" G4, I'm looking at you.
This site's been written up by SomethingAwful, Andy Ihnatko, The Portal of Evil, and even got a brief mention in Maxim Magazine. Their reactions ranged from shocked to repulsed, but at least they all actually looked at the site.
Parting shot at G4: When Maxim and SomethingAwful.com appear on the list of organizations that do better journalism than you do, it's a pretty solid indication that you suck. That is all.
Parting shot at G4: When Maxim and SomethingAwful.com appear on the list of organizations that do better journalism than you do, it's a pretty solid indication that you suck. That is all.
Seems relevant
Well I would say that article is pretty old since it was posted in '02. Anyway, the guy was a total deusche. He completely degrades us like he holds a grudge against inflation fetishes by calling us "stupid jackasses".
Obviously the guy had no life since he regularly looked around for fetish websites to bash. Interesting to note that apparently he had a "revolving door" fetish, but yet he found it appropriate to degrade us because we have a website? What a hypocrite.
hat the hell is a revolving door fetish? lol
thats great carnatic!
holy crap, i remember that site. its been years since i even heard of it again.
As other people have stated, you can't really stop people from disagreeing with you on the internet. If you accept that everything you like has an equal opposite of people disliking it somewhere online, then it doesn't bother you so much. :)
it just made me sick that they actually put effort in bashing, and its sickening that they bashed the entire site, even putting a link up to see the "freaks" people like this deserve to be behind bars, but that would be a little far fetched.
but still, its basically verbal assault, and its not like a roast, he's actually doing it out of douche-baggery.
so technically, he should be at least fined. its ridiculous that he actually takes time out of his so, so busy life of bashing, to find a website, and exploit it by making an link, an entire page of text about how horrible the people are, without checking the site out himself and reading post, he just read the news and looked at a few images, then created it.
Try not to let things on the internet get you angry, you'll end up having an aneurysm.
That site still manages to irritate me a little when I'm reminded it exists, but pfff... whatever makes that person feel important. 0_o"
Anyone complaining or getting angry at this should sit back and ask themself: Is there nothing you hate, complain about or bash? People have differing opinions and lampooning things has been a part human nature for a long, long time.
It's a website specifically made for bashing any and everything on the internet. Hell, they even bash themselves. You're not meant to take it seriously. Besides, let's be honest with ourselves.. our interests are kinda silly when you really look at it.
I'm not going to lie. Body inflation is pretty fucking weird.
Yeah, but in the end life is. You can't get any crazier than that.
True, but don't get all metaphysical on me. :p
Honestly, and I mean no offense, but I bet a lot of you are upset because deep down, you have some doubts about yourself as well. I know I do. I mean, you all talk about how they don't GET us, but do we act like we want to be understood? I doubt many among us use their real names, and we all lurk in out own forums and such. Again, I don't mean to offend anyone, but the fact is we're a pretty weird, introverted group.
But the thing is, this is a case of "You either like it or you don't". They're not going to understand it, and there's really no way that you can. Just as there is no way (short of brainwashing, which I believe is immoral) they can change who you are. We are who we are. Let them think you're weird; it's not like they know who you are anyways. Just remember, you are who you are, because that's the only person you can ever be.
True, but don't get all metaphysical on me. :pHonestly, and I mean no offense, but I bet a lot of you are upset because deep down, you have some doubts about yourself as well. I know I do. I mean, you all talk about how they don't GET us, but do we act like we want to be understood? I doubt many among us use their real names, and we all lurk in out own forums and such. Again, I don't mean to offend anyone, but the fact is we're a pretty weird, introverted group.
But the thing is, this is a case of "You either like it or you don't". They're not going to understand it, and there's really no way that you can. Just as there is no way (short of brainwashing, which I believe is immoral) they can change who you are. We are who we are. Let them think you're weird; it's not like they know who you are anyways. Just remember, you are who you are, because that's the only person you can ever be.
There isn't much we can do but lurk in forums, because people don't like the idea since its different. everyone has a fetish, but declines to having one. whats different from this fetish from others? the only difference is it isn't actually possible to do the fetish, you have to stick with story's and art. too me its like racism, if you dislike a persons fetish, that doesn't mean you have to prove your point.
Another quote to Ghassy..
Who doesnt use a fake name on the internet? its for security reasons. even with fake names people can get tied up in bad situations. and sometimes a fetish is really best hidden. besides, who actually dates a girl then says at the last minute before sex that they have an inflation fetish or different fetish? but once again, don't mind me, I'm just really easy to offend :?
Honestly, and I mean no offense, but I bet a lot of you are upset because deep down, you have some doubts about yourself as well. I know I do. I mean, you all talk about how they don't GET us, but do we act like we want to be understood? I doubt many among us use their real names, and we all lurk in out own forums and such. Again, I don't mean to offend anyone, but the fact is we're a pretty weird, introverted group.
Well, the fact that they don't get us does not mean I have doubts about myself. I'm not sure if that's what you're trying to say but those two things don't exactly add up for me (and I didn't take offense).
I have thought about this public acceptance thing for years, and I see no real way to tell them how to "get" us. There would have be to some major sea change, or some major pop culture event -- some celebrity talking about it on a chat show, for instance -- for there to be any awareness, and then some silver of acceptance from some people would inevitably come out of that. Can't predict that, can't expect that...and I'm certainly not going to wait for that before I feel confident in myself. I yam what I yam. [/popeye]
We're not so introverted that outsiders can't find us. That's how the mockers find us, but it's also how we get new community members, right? They hit Google when they're all alone and the keywords of their tastes, and that leads them here or to Bambi's sites or YouTube or a story archive.
But I agree that just being ourselves is not going to win anybody over. I wanted that for a while -- I used to make snarky comments about how "the shoe people got all the good press" -- but I no longer think it's a goal worth pursuing. The Forum UK article was a nice opportunity for us because it was aimed at an audience that had an open mind to sexual deviance. But it's clearly not mass acceptance.
I use a psuedonym and always intend to. I have a relatively public job. What's the point of being a public martyr for this cause? Will awareness make it more enjoyable? It won't bring more acceptance if I just come out and say "Hey, guess what I'm into?" Nobody will care. More importantly, I have nothing to gain -- not only do we have each other, but we have people among us making videos and art and stories and sort of taking care of our own needs for fresh content. I can enjoy it without everybody else understanding it, so why try to make them?
I didn't mean to suggest that using pseudonyms is cowardly; that's just how this community works. But; to compare us to something like the Homosexual/Bisexual movement; we're not out there as ourselves, defending who we are with pride. Now, Inflation is MUCH more esoteric in nature, so the comparison isn't exactly fair. But to most people, we're a faceless community of weirdos for people like SA and Wired (There's an article there of them being disgusted about the Berrygirl comic, but I've never really looked at it)to laugh at. Come on people, people on the internet are uncaring DICKS. You're going to have to accept that.
In my experience, the only people who you should care about gaining acceptance from are the individuals you know IRL. They know who you are; you're not a faceless freak to them, which is what you are to people online. My best friend IRL knows, and although he doesn't share my interests, he can understand them. (It helps that he himself is a Furry, though :p)
Well... that website will always offend someone. That one is pointed to us, so just shrug it off. I still think of us to be a little odd, but everyone thinks I'm weird.
I say, "If you use the internet, carry a since of humor with you." ^_^
And honestly, there's stuff in this fetish that weirds even me out. Nothing against popists, but how can you expect to be not thought as weird when you find people exploding sexually arousing? Sorry, that's just my opinion on it.
hey, there are people out there that get sexually aroused by weirder things.
True, but I'm talking from a so-called "Normal" Stand point. They're not going to care if there are worse things out there. They're still going to judge us. The only recourse I can offer is don't let it get to you. If you want to go to that forum and defend inflationism, no one is stopping you. But you have to remember that they don't know who you are, so the hatred, like most over the internet, is impersonal.
I didn't mean to suggest that using pseudonyms is cowardly; that's just how this community works. But; to compare us to something like the Homosexual/Bisexual movement; we're not out there as ourselves, defending who we are with pride. Now, Inflation is MUCH more esoteric in nature, so the comparison isn't exactly fair. But to most people, we're a faceless community of weirdos for people like SA and Wired (There's an article there of them being disgusted about the Berrygirl comic, but I've never really looked at it)to laugh at. Come on people, people on the internet are uncaring DICKS. You're going to have to accept that.
I certainly agree with that. And really, the homosexual and bisexual communities are more important -- folks might make fun of us, but those groups risk physical violence for their lifestyle. They also have a political agenda, which is powered by going public. I don't really think we have a political agenda, and as such, I don't think we're seen as a threat. I mean, we get picked on because we're not going to do anything.
A handful of people know in real life, and the most important is my wife. You're right -- that's all you can really ask for, is people who you care about accepting you. You can't expect the strangers to do it.
i was in Google about to click on the link to Body inflation.org when i accidentally clicked a link just above it, i do not know how long ago this was made, but it bashes inflation, as well as other fetishes. It seems they actually run around finding stuff to bash, fetishes may be odd, but still, there is no reason to bash them and bitch about them. here is the link if you want to rant.