how many of You want to have kids (reproduce)?

I already have kids [ congratulations :) ]
14% (3 votes)
I want to have kids [ good luck :) ]
41% (9 votes)
I want to have kids but how am I going to hide My fetish from them [ I dont think You well have much of a problem with that :)
14% (3 votes)
Im never going to have any thing to do with kids [ evolutionary dead end :( X_X ]
32% (7 votes)
Total votes: 22
jonathan856's picture

just another simple question.
as for me I want to have kids.
I think Il be a good parent.
as soon as I meet the right woman we well get started on it I hope.

maybe by asking the right questions I can change the world.
pleas note I am vary busy it mite take me a week or more to reply.

living in a way that is too safe is a fate worse than death.if a person never takes a risk then they never lived at all! the freedom of speech is the freedom to resolve all problems & differences without violence.


I have two teenage children. I'm curious about how their sexuality is but i can't really ask.


doubleintegral's picture

I've got a toddler.


I'd like to have kids when I'm a bit older but I really don't want to expose them to my weird ass secrets and fetish's...

airtankgirl5's picture

Not a chance, I'm far too self-absorbed and vain.