Would you be able to talk about inflation with another inflation fan in-person?

yeah, no problem at all!
75% (38 votes)
no way! WAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaay too awkward!!
25% (13 votes)
Total votes: 51

lets face it, no one out here would ever dare tell someone about their love for inflation off-line. thats why we're here, right? because we can talk with our fellow inflationists on the internet? it begs the question, though; how many of you out here would feel comfortable meeting some of the other people out here, and talking face to face with them about inflation?

i know i wouldn't be able to do it. it would be strange (expecially with those few female fans we have out here).

Ratbiker's picture

for me, it would be awkward for the first 30 seconds. after that, it would be like talking to anyone i just met. not too big of a problem since we'd both be on the same page, but i have a feeling we wouldnt really get along very well after talking longer than maybe an hour. i dunno why tho, just a slight paranoia of mine i guess..



I can


I've told one or two people about it in real life, so I disagree with the first statement, too generalized.
It's comfortable if you can get past that awkward barrier, or if you're just not easily sociable.


I found it more of a trust thing. i'm not embarrassed per say about it, more like its none of anyone's business but mine in the real world. so when i choose to tell someone in my real life about it, its usually a friend that will be there for life

inflatingclothes's picture

I'm a kind of guy that you would like me or not, when working at a subway store this girl and would chat like we would be bff's but we only just of met.

Contact me via Twitter https://twitter.com/wanna585?t=Ge9klnQkvF2HxSR8dF1efA&s=09

Fairia's picture

I've made small mentions of it before to others, but I know it's been a topic of discussion with my last ex, who he himself was a balloon fetishist.


Used to do inflation for a couple years, but stopped as the prep work was too much of a bother...


I would discuss it with other people in real life if they had the same interest. I don't see how it would be awkward or how there would be a problem if the people all talking about it were interested in the same subject.


I would love to talk with other people in real life with the same interest, but I even feel awkward online.

Inflate123's picture

I've gone to dinner with one or two folks from the community over the years when life took me to their parts of the world. It's actually a thrill to talk about the topic in a public place, because you are really talking around the topic -- you can't speak explicitly but the other person still understands you and...it's like talking in code between secret agents.


For me, trust is a hard thing to come by. So I never do talk about it unless the person who I know talks about inflation first. I prefer to be safe from awkward situations and will talk about inflation if the other person starts to talk about their experience first.


I've told at least 40 girls that I was involved with sexually over the years, I really, REALLY have no idea what the big deal is. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

inflatingclothes's picture

I've tried too, the only girl who likes it, was the one who let me inflate her blouse at school. no button popping, i might add.

Contact me via Twitter https://twitter.com/wanna585?t=Ge9klnQkvF2HxSR8dF1efA&s=09


Thats cool. I wish I could have done that. My two exs at first laughed and thought it was funny, then they didnt like it. My best friend had a nightmare where her sister inflated like a balloon so thats how we related. And my other best friend likes it, though she is scared alittle, but she really thinks its ok.

xxRainbowFalloutxx's picture

That would be extremely awkward for a bit, but I think eventually I'd open up to it.


I only got one real life friend who is aware of my fetish, but hes a fellow expansion fetisht himself, so it's something we can relate to for when we are drawing stuff, but for me it's still awkward as hell talking about in person rather than online.

AlecDeluxe's picture

I did meet a fellow inflationist. In fact, he drove halfway across the country just to talk to me in person, which was pretty flattering. I thought it might be awkward talking about it aloud, but it really wasn't at all.

I want to pop so much I could burst!

Fleetingsanity's picture

I would think I wouldn't have any issue with it I'm pretty laid back and I've talked about much weirder shit than a little BE with other people so I don't think it would be an issue.

Falcon Pawnch!


Only with one of you guys. No strangers.