i just was wondering if any you folks recommend a good air compressor/pump for suit inflation.
i just was wondering if any you folks recommend a good air compressor/pump for suit inflation.
You could also look double action air pumps @ ~$10, if you don't mind manually pumping. I would recommend something like this pump for a litte bit more. There are a bunch of different makers for each pump. The later pump is fairly (IMO) noisy, but does have a high flow rate and is fairly compact. Some can also act as a vacuum by switching to a different port to assist in faster deflation.
Thank you all for your suggestions. Yeah, even though I would prefer to purchase a bigger compressor, but i am afraid most of my funds are going towards the actual purchasing of the suit, so i'll have to be a bit more frugal!
I certainly wouldn't mind trying a manual pump and i'll look into that Coleman pump in31415 had suggested!
Some years ago when I had an inflatable suit from Cocoon (before I sent it out for repairs, never to see it again!), I bought the cheapest possible AC powered air compressor from Sears. It was about $50 at the time, which was the mid-90s. I still have it today and it works great on mundane crap like car and bike tires. It is noisy as hell, but it has never failed me. So...maybe the equivalent would be about $70 now, but it was worth it.
Key thing to check before you go any further: will the suit have a Presta or Schrader valve (like a UK or US car/bike tire) or will it have a pinch valve (like a pool toy or an air mattress)? The little $15 Colemon model looks like it's only designed for the latter, but you might need a compressor that is built for the former. Caveat emptor!
Compressors are designed for higher pressures, up to 200 PSI. Something as hard as a basket ball is only about 8 PSI. Inflatable boats need about 3 PSI. Vinyl and rubber items aren’t going to need anything near the 100+ PSI a compressor puts out. Compressors inflate things slowly compared to an inflator or a shop vacuum. A shop vacuum with a blower option will work for quickly inflating vinyl toys, mattresses and boats. Purpose built inflators have better pressures and similar cubic feet per minute pumping compared to shop vacuums and work better for quickly inflating things like boats, suits & vinyl toys. http://www.kmart.com/shc/s/p_10151_10104_089V47767AHP120SP?vName=Fitness+&sName=Boating+Accessories&cName=Boating&srccode=cii_17588969&cpncode=00-38436225-2&i_cntr=1313657330912&sid=KDx01192011x000001
The noise issue with inflators, vacuums and compressors is deliberate by the manufacturers. They found noisy vacuum cleaners, compressors and inflators sell better because buyers are fooled into thinking loud equals performance. You can cut the noise of an inflator by making it a sound absorbing enclosure with lots of air flow. I’ve found cutting vent holes in nested cardboard boxes with external box fans like the ones used for computers works ok for reducing noise from inflators and shop vacuums. Make sure the air flow reaches the vacuum or it will burn up.
I use one like that coleman, you just need the right size rubber hose to adapt to a car tyre valve.
@pneumatic-one, a compressor can inflate fairly rapidly (about like Violet in the 1971 movie). A wet/dry "ShopVac" can move air so rapidly that one would fill most costumes within seconds. Many of them are strong enough to burst a costume, too. (This from experience.) It really depends on what the user wants.
Agreed *some* compressors can quickly inflate items. They have a high CFM / CLM rating [Cubic Feet per Minute or Cubic Liters per Minute]. Big tankage will make up for low CFM/CLM numbers but need time to pump them up. My personal preference is against compressors so I’ll happily argue irrationally against them =D.
I’m going to post an article on ideas for inflating toys. It really doesn’t fit in with a ‘which compressor?’ thread. It’ll have counters to over pressure and too fast inflation problems you might find useful.
You should never use a compressor. I work with pneumatic tools alot, and there is a saftey precausion, because compressed air will kill you if it gets under your skin, which is easy to do on accident.
Compressors are rated in gallons or liters, depending on the country. The smaller units (5-20 gal./19-76 L.) designed for the home user are all roughly within the same price range, so get the one with the bigger tank. The motors can be noisy, so the fewer times you have to fill the tank, the better. If you want something bigger, by all means, go for it. And share some photos, please. :D
How far that much tankage will go depends on the volume of the inflatable and how firmly it is inflated.
Some compressors may not have any attachments, so look into any extras you might want based on the input valves of your inflatables.
Read the owner's manual carefully, as high pressure air can be dangerous. (For example, one can dial up or down the amount of pressure that comes out.)
Get tight, and have fun.