I thought my kink is pretty rare, almost unique. Then I found several people who are into it.
Briefly speaking, I enjoy being deflated by girl.
Anyone else into that?
I thought my kink is pretty rare, almost unique. Then I found several people who are into it.
Briefly speaking, I enjoy being deflated by girl.
Anyone else into that?
Nice. As to deflation on DA, do you mean pictures or stories& I know authors (besides me) that write such things.
Unfortunately majority of stories are either about sex dolls or furries.
I've seen a good bit of pictures but most of them are moreso flattening than they are deflating... And yeah unfortunately the sex doll/furry is a lot more popular but I'm really hoping to find some more straightforward deflation
I find it technically difficult to draw deflation pics (compared to inflation and inflation morphing).
While we're on this, i want to mention a deflation scene i once saw (not into deflation myself unless it's back to a natural state, sorry).
Years ago there used to be a programme on British TV with clips of foreign TV programmes which were seen as weird. One of them was a scene from a sort of fairy tale or historical setting, possibly mediaeval. A woman was repairing a man's silvery quilted doublet while he was wearing it using a needle and accidentally pricked him, and over a fairly long period, maybe about two minutes, he deflated until he was just a pile of clothes on the floor.
Thought i'd mention that in case anyone's interested. I'm curious about where it's from and i'd like to know. Also, on the subject of drawing deflation, maybe quilted clothes would help because they'd emphasise the sagginess maybe?
Nice. Thought, I think it would be difficult to find it on youtube. :(
Oh God yes, i've long since given up hope of ever finding it. It's not in English either.
Having said that, i happen to have a sort of plan. I'm no artist, as my doodles on DA have doubtless revealed, but i have prowess in other areas. Now, my thought is that one effective way to portray deflation would be with something quilted - diamond shapes all over something would emphasise the contour. Consequently, i'm planning to create two raytraced images of quilting, one on a sphere, the other on a dumb bell shape, in order to visualise how deflation would look. The problem, i think, is that deflation is less anatomical than inflation because we are already in a sense deflated balloons hanging on the frames of our skeletons. A deflated human would have to be a human without a skeleton, which would make it look less realistic. So, you have to work out what kind of frame you're hanging your deflated human off. I suppose what you'd do is to think of a normal-shape human body as already inflated and work backwards from there.
They did it quite well in the Rav4 ad:
But of course, it is a lot of CG effort.
Ha! Like the fact that the woman is in the only "erect" car! Hmm, not sure what i think about it because the bloke's head at the beginning seemed to deflate from the same start point several times, but each individual shot is good.
It would be time-consuming to do it as CGI but if you had some kind of easily manipulated function you could do it with POVRay.
There was another foreign commercial where there is a woman at the beach with her husband and she starts to complain to him, but he pulls a plug on her and she deflates too... half way through that explanation I actually went and found it so here you go! Haha http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jIykMAcI_AA&feature=related
That works better than the car ad, i think. I particularly like the rolling up thing. To me this is an intellectual interest though, rather than erotic.
LOVE deflation! Haha I've spotted some nice ones on DA but sadly not all that many =/