Story posts

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Fleetingsanity's picture
Story posts

If I post a story how long does it normally take for it to come up in the Libary? I'm just curious because I'm not sure if I posted my story right I don't see it in the Libary. 

Falcon Pawnch!

LutherVKane's picture

It's already posted.

By default, the library sorts by the "Date Written" field.  An old story that's been posted to the site recently won't show up at the top of the Library listing.  Your story was dated 9/10/2006, so it's five years back on the list.  It is, however, appear at the top of the Recent Posts list since it only got posted yesterday.

Fleetingsanity's picture

Ok got ya cool thanks for the info. 

Falcon Pawnch!