Origin of two images

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Origin of two images



Where are these two images from, i have been wondering about the picture called "Fetch" for a very long time and i would like to know where its from. And does anyone know the origin of the screencap of the party?




Not sure about the "Fetch" pic, but the other one is from a flash story/game from National Lampoon called "Jake's Booty Call".


Bear with it for a few minutes, and when you get to the first choice, pick 'get Dre's back' and the expansion happens a few seconds after that.  It has a quick breast and butt expansion as well.

Lateralus87 (not verified)

I've also wanted to inquire about the site's new "mascot" image, so to speak. Looks very interesting and wondered why it wasn't in the gallerey...

LutherVKane's picture

Just posted it to the image gallery.

Big Horse made it some time back when I first started on this version of the site. He did an excellent job.