Interesting commission on its way

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Interesting commission on its way

You will either love it or hate it. But i am very lucky to have commissioned a very talented artist who has no qulams about fetish work.

I will be male inflation and will have popping. 

You have been warned and I will upload one or two panels when i get them




Awesome, can't wait to see it!


Awesome, can't wait to see it!

Inflate123's picture

Thank you for being willing to share a private commission!


No problem, its done but ive got a crazy busy day today editing and the like so will put it up later on time!




Okay sorry about the wait heres the first panel, it only cost me fifty bucks but at the same time i think it was rushed. But thats the thing with commissions (being an editor and part time graphic designer) youl never get exactly what you want and the artist cant keep reworking it forever, but i digress....