interest in explosions

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interest in explosions

it seems as if i am a minority in this fetish due to my particular preferences and i'm wondering if anyone else can relate. although i like traditional inflation, i tend to enjoy the explosive elements of inflation more than inflation itself. what i mean to say is what "turns me on" isnt the inflation but rather the impending explosion, like the inflation is just a means to an end. i could just as easily be satisfied if a woman exploded without inflating at all or by an alternative means. i could go on explaining but you probably get the picture.

anyways i am curious to know if anyone else has a same or similar kink. thanks for reading.

darth_clone19's picture

A minority? HA! Think again.

 -   Read my stories: 


perhaps "minority" was an overstatement. i know there are a ton of people who are into popping. what i meant was more like i enjoy the explosion more than the inflation, which doesn't seem to be as common amongst the other poppers. although i've met a few others who share that interest.


I'd say about half favor explosions, half don't.  I'm in the former group in that an inflation story without popping is rather like cheating (though there are a few well-done non-popping stories out there, the amphasis is on a few).

The only problem I have as a writer is to make a popping story different from the others so they don't all read the same.

jodieblimp's picture

I LOVE explosions! To me it seems the logical end as well as the building danger of it :)


I enjoy explosions quite often :)

There is absolutely no such thing as too big ;)



Explosions...yup, love 'em.


Love the idea of blowing up with gas against my will and realising that there is no escaping the fact that I am going to explode.  I love that final moment of reaching my absolute limit and then suddenly feeling my body blow inside out.

Inflation is love!

Auriga's picture

 Never really loved popping, but your words are so sedducing.


I've also noticed that while it's a 50/50 split of pop/no pop, the pop part splits further into a 30/70 perm/no perm explosion... which does make certain pop lovers the minority.


I also love pop!


I'll just casually add my name to this list. I do also like a good explosion even if not preceded b inflation, but inflation plus explosion the perfect mix.


Explosion, in as gory as fashion as possible, s'il vous plait.


For me, it's also about the build-up to the explosion.  Best of all when they realize that there's no way out...