Female Inflatee Looking for Rp

I just joined the site today through a friend, and im in need of someone to rp with. I always play a female character, and my preferences are listed in my profile. Im not really on MSN, so Yahoo and AIM are preferred :)

I would also strongly prefer the other person to describe the growth/progress, because im bad at it >.<


I never done rp before but I can try.

TayvaRP's picture

No worries, im new at it as well. I also like to mess around in chat with inflating friends :3


OK. That's cool. Well, we can chat too.


Send me a message any time if you want to chat.


inflation-racer's picture

im down with this,

my YIM: megaszblue
AIM: Balloonracer

Shooting down the monitin roads, and inflating guys & gals sins 2010

TayvaRP's picture

Thanks everyone! I'll get right on to adding everyone now :3

Also if anyone knows where I could go to get a commission for an avatar, I'd be very interested :3


I've never done rp before but im more than willing to do it!

TayvaRP's picture

awesome! ^^


I have not done any rp in awhile but if you are interested drop me a line here.


TayvaRP's picture

Awesome, thanks guys! Keep the interest coming :D


Is there a specific way you would like to contact me?


Is there a specific way you would like to contact me?

TayvaRP's picture

Umm. If you have an IM address you can send it to me via PM. Otherwise just drop me a message :)


My IM is cppl14@yahoo.com. Drop me a message when you want to do rp! :)


Im here if you need me. i'd be more than happy to RP with you. i happen to love Rping with female inflation lovers. skywalker4293@yahoo.com IM me any time.

Inflation is comforting. Especially with Women.

bostoncowboy's picture

yim - paskasox

bostoncowboy's picture

yim - paskasox

TayvaRP's picture

will add right now ^^


Im also up for some RP if you want ;) You can add me via msn or AIM. Search for tim94.forslund@hotmail.com

Hope to RP soon with you ;)


tanya,i would be inflate by you or i would inflate you(belly or body espansion)with helium or air , i am italian


TayvaRP's picture

Tayva, not Tanya :P

If you're interested Darius, please add me onto messenger ^^

Sticky site lover

I like suit inflation it's more fitting than flesh inflation


If I had a YIM or AIM (and could access the sites... it's a LONG story...) I would use those... I can only RP here or via Email or Google Hangouts.

If you wanna RP with me shoot me a message of what you like and are willing to do, and what you don't like and are not willing to do. I'm open to a lot, but what i am not open to.... well... it's due to things i've had heppen in my past.