Fix-a-flat FTW!

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Fix-a-flat FTW!

Bbwhite wanted to be a balloon,

Filled up like one, and popped like one too.

xxRainbowFalloutxx's picture

I just read this and was going to post it. I was laughing the entire time I was reading this!

doubleintegral's picture

Yeah, man, a woman could've died because she had cement, super glue, and flammable chemicals similar to gasoline injected into her body. LOLZZZZ

Sorry, but this story is fucked up and I don't see the humor nor the "win" in it.  Homeboy/homegirl/homething needs to be locked up for a long time.

oh2bpreg's picture

You do have to wonder what he/she used on her own behind tho.


Double, the world is full of 'fucked up', and we find humor in it where we can.  We don't need to be chided to realize it isn't fun to the people involved, although I do respect your input.  Thanks for keeping things in perspective.

Bbwhite wanted to be a balloon,

Filled up like one, and popped like one too.

doubleintegral's picture

I would agree with you if it were simply a matter of someone trying for a Darwin Award and doing stupid shit to themselves (and it looks like the "doctor" probably did that too).  That's not the case here, though, but to each his own.