This cartoon clip- Had butt inflation

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This cartoon clip- Had butt inflation

Could someone please help me find this. It was this thing where this woman was in a public restroom pumping some sort of fake butt pads she was going to use to help her career and she ended up floating out a window. 

Thanks for your time. 

LutherVKane's picture

This scene was mentioned here a couple of years back.  The show is called Producing Parker, and you can find the thread here.  The RapidShare link in the first post is still active.

The search function on this site is greatly improved over the previous software.  Searching for cartoon butt inflation returns the aforementioned post as the first link.  I don't mean this as a criticism towards you.  Searching on the old site sucked (I tried this search on the old site, and it failed miserably), so I fully understand why people don't do it more often.  It's more me singing the praises of finally having a site with a reasonably useful search feature.


I had never heard of this show before ... a glance through TVTropes also revealed this gem:

"In "The Skinny on Parker" Dee becomes morbidly obese and in the end gets liposuction."

Relevant to interests perhaps?


Yes, to mine. Thank you very much, I liked it.