uhm whats vic? not to be dumb or anything
Just curious
You're really wasting your time here if your just trying to find a 'girl', not saying that all of em here are traps or anything but this really isn't the place for personals...there have been many guys before you here that tried reaching out to girls in their areas and it just never works.
Trust me you would have much better chances with just finding a "normal" girl in real life and just explaining your fetish to her when the time is right, she'll understand. And if for any reason she doesn't like it and she freaks, than you should just ditch her ass immediately and forget about her, because she wouldn't be worth it.
yeah you have a good point
I think a better point is we need a proper register of people willing to RP. There are plenty of girls happy to chat but I'm sure they get bored of responding to a new guy every week who starts a thread asking if girls can get in touch with him.
We have started threads designed to be a special repository of people wanting to RP but so many people ignore them, preferring to set up a thread of their own that they soon drop off.
Also, its difficult to find a person with what you want in a RP partner trawling though these threads, much better if there was a searchable database.
There kinda is a database so long as people's profiles on here are accurate you can select the option COntact me about roleplaying it brings up a list of people with the same setting
You cant search the member list though
Most gals prefer to be vic, for fair warning.