Looking for a music vid...

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Looking for a music vid...

I remember seeing some time ago a music video which I believe was rap which featured a gal in green, There was brief BE in the vid followed by a rather bizzarre sudden appearance of more or less a ball of hair after she lifted the shirt up. ANybody remember what I'm talking about?

GiftedShana's picture

Uh...all I can really think about is a song I think is called "Stupid Girls" by Pink. In the video, her date is checking out another girl, and so she pulls a "emergency chord" on her shirt, and her boobs blimp for a second or two. That's the only thing I can imagine it being.

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Thanks for trying but it's not Pink, it was somebody significantly more obscure. I'm trying to remember other things about the video, I remember inflating breasts in a green shirt, the hair thing, mousetraps somewhere, pretty sure it was a form of rap, I believe the girl was a brunette...

Blue_Eyes's picture

The only music videos that come to mind are...

Eminem - We made you. Not breast inflation but the description fits a bruntette in green inflating (her butt, a parody of Kim Kardashian)

Les Homericans - French music video with breast inflation in briefly, but she is in white and it is rather poorly done.

The Offspring - She's got issues. A blonde turns into a cartoonish version of herself while a guy flirting with her has a cartoon hose come out and pump up her boobs and lips.

Ludacris - Stand up. He kisses a woman and her butt expands.

Naam Brigade - Whole video is basically of womens inflating butts.

All I can think off at the moment. Maybe searching one of them may reveal it in a related video, but as for your description I am drawing a blank.

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I believe you are looking for lady soverein's "Love Me or Hate Me".

here is a remix with poor quality video, 1:30 for the scene you are talking about:


not a very good BE or song.



Thanks guys, Nerdslinger had it right... better than I remembered it. I just couldn't remember it thanks for finding it!

darth_clone19's picture

Wow, people actually buy that and listen to it and call it music...


What about tha Namm brigade thing? Which is the video with the butts?

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