WG Chat?

I am intrigued by the idea of gaining weight in real life. I'd like to chat with some people of are interested in it as well.
I am usually a fan of most Types of inflation, but as of recently I've been interested in talking with people who are either gaining weight or into gaining weight.

Feel free to add me on YIM inflatinggirl123 :D

bostoncowboy's picture

i just may paskasox on yim


Well I am more into the fantasy than reality but I do enjoy WG among other inflation methods so if u want 2 chat hit me up


YIM: Mastamindtaker

There is absolutely no such thing as too big ;)



I might, try me at YIM jamesrifle1861.


I Would love to chat about real life weight gain! I myself am intrigued by gaining weight in real life! My YIM is cppl14@yahoo.com.


I'd try WG inflation, but if you YIM me, tell me where you saw me first.

Scorch Draken

I'd like to, I'va just added you to YIM yesterday

bigganbigga's picture

I'm a fan of WG in certain aspects like the less blubbery kind. 

While I haven't actually fattened up myself I have gained a considerable amount of weight on purpose (over 100 lbs.) with great success.

I actually used to advertise personal training services intended to add weight rather than subtract it and had a rather astounding response for several years.


What kind of ways did you offer to gain weight? I would love to know any tips on how to get fat! Ive been trying without success for a long time!

bigganbigga's picture

It was basically a bit of compound movement weightlifting with a bit of heavy eating.  The caloric intake overcompensated for any fat loss, so they basically bulked up by adding a lot of leg/butt mass.  Squats and deadlifts will not only add mass quickly to the lower body but will add some everywhere else.  They quickly thickened up due to the right amount of heavy lifting and plenty of eating.

As for actually getting fat, I can't offer any advice there really as I've never tried that.