Front, back or around?

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Front, back or around?

I recently dreamed that my back was inflating and my front was staying normal, to the extent that i was eventually the size of a planet but almost all of my volume was behind my head.  So my feet were still less than two metres from my head, my front was still normal size, but every part of me behind my head was incredibly vastly inflated.

I've sort of vaguely thought about this before, as in, when someone is inflated, are we thinking of them as inflating forwards from their current size, backwards or both?

So my question is this:  when you think about inflation, do you think of the whole person's body inflating outward from a central axis, behind, in front and sideways, as inflating forward, so their back and buttocks stay normal and the rest of them gets bigger, or something else?  It occurs to me that we generally seem to imagine that inflation involves either getting bigger "horizontally", "horizontally" and "vertically" or "forwards", but rarely or never do we imagine that backs or buttocks alone are inflating, or for that matter that there is inflation sideways only, or even just on the left or the right.

So how do you see it?  I can think of buttocks inflating as a popular option, but what about the others?  Do you also find sideways or lopsided (left or right) inflation interesting?  I personally always imagine outwards or forwards.  Does that make sense?


mosherballoon's picture

Thats actually quite interesting, I've never really thought about it before. I personally enjoy inflating all over, so outwards, however in my videos I inflate forwards and at the sides, mainly because don't have a suit. I think outwards and infront are most popular because then the inflatee can see whats happening to them and can hold their expanding form. I think if there was a group interested in back inflation it would be a very small group, but I could be wrong.

bigganbigga's picture

A planet-size dream? Sounds spectacular and enviable.

As for the area of inflation, I tend to think of someone going through stages.  As in growing belly-first a bit followed by limbs puffing, followed by growing frontwards even more before beginning to round out finally around a central axis.

The "back" inflation idea is something I've thought about as well and it's an interesting "mode."  The King in the Raggedy Ann & Andy clip tends to reach that sort of shape where he's round but his head and feet tend to be near the bottom of the sphere a bit.



Now you come to mention it, that seems familiar. In a way it's odd it's so uncommon as that's where the buttocks are and you could imagine those blowing up and "spilling over" to the rest of the back. I've sometimes imagined air creeping around the sides after inflating the front. It makes more sense in a standing than a lying position unless the inflatee is on their front, which suggests a story.

As a dream, it didn't work for me as i can't get interested in extreme vastness. It was partly a frustration dream and partly to do with a mapping project i'm working on. It's a shame the dream didn't happen to someone who would've enjoyed it!



I find my mind tend towards inflating the stomach only which irritates me as it leads to what I feel is a rather asymmetric, artificial inflation.

Thus I came up with a system that I find helps when "rendering" the image of someone inflating.

The inflation starts with "pregnancy". The stomach alone moves mostly OUT IN FRONT OF HER and a little to the side.

The next stage is "ball". Paying attention to how the body will curve on either side to accommodate the change in shape, the stomach begins to fill out, that is, on either side. Bear in mind the "centre" of the sphere must be within the body - that is, if one were to observe from the side, the centre would be where a horizontal line through the navel and a vertical line through the ears would meet. Too often I've found the centre to move outwards and the inflation to appear more like a balloon stuck to her stomach rather than, well, her stomach ballooning. Thus bear in mind that her flanks will move outwards, too. This makes it easier to imagine her inflating all over.

After this we have "egg" stage. The inflation starts to move up, while the greatest rate of expansion is round the stomach. If we were to draw a vertical line down the centre of an upright egg, the rate of expansion would be proportional to the distance between that centre line and the edge of the egg at that point. Thus she starts to roughly blow up like an egg shape.

At last she starts to lose shape, the "sphere" stage. Self explanatory.

Bear in mind it's best if all these stages blend into each other. Therefore the second stage should start about halfway through the first one, the third halfway through the second etc.

This will take some visualization but I find it really helps to imagine realistic inflation.

darth_clone19's picture

All around, completely and utterly.

 -   Read my stories: 


DisruptedOriginal, that's a nice way of looking at it, very visual and makes me want to try to draw it, however badly that would be.  I also find the belly expanding on its own to be oddly asymmetrical and not necessarily as appealing as all-over inflation.  It seems sort of gross in some way, though i'm less put off by it than i used to be.



I guess overall (or oval'd most of the time) is my favorite, but I tend enjoy any part isolated or not. If I had to pick one fave isolated part it'd be the butt though.


Ah yes, this is it! The buttocks are a popular site. The breasts are also popular but in that case there's a corresponding belly inflation. It wouldn't be a stretch (well it would!) to see the back as the corresponding area, i.e. the human torso is this shape: qb (both on the line).