Bestest Wonka Fan Fiction Ever

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:
Date Written: 

It had been ten years since they had all met in one place. After leaving the chocolate
factory, none except Charlie had stepped foot inside. None but Charlie had even tried.

Wonka had disappeared a couple years after choosing Charlie as the winner of the factory
visit; leaving the facility entirely within Charlie's capable hands. It wasn't like it was that
difficult. He had an army of Oompa Loompas to take care of business and they always
let him know when an idea was out of line with the whole consistently-inconsistent
concept of the factory. If Charlie tried to make something make sense, the Oompa
Loompas would give him a look, he'd backtrack, and everything would be fine. It wasn't
that he didn't make any important decisions or anything, but mostly it involved the
flavors and varieties of products being produced rather than the logistics of producing
them. After several years of running the factory solo, Charlie had fallen into a rhythm
with his workers and they together had become a finely tuned candy producing machine.
Of course his family was still living with him in the factory. He cared for them deeply,
but of course he wished for someone his age to identify with. And no one his age really
understood what he had gone through except for a very few: four to be exact. Mike
Teavee. Violet Beauregarde. Veruca Salt. Augustus Gloop. The names were seared in
his brain. Lately they had all been on his mind now that things were going so smoothly
and he had some time to ponder their fates.

Mike had left as a stretched out beanpole. He had been in the news a bit but had dropped
off the face of the earth after a year or two when the media lost interest. Violet was
apparently still blue. Her mother had all but given up on her after the "incident" and
she'd put on a few pounds the last he'd heard. He wasn't entirely sure what she was up to
but at least she had a permanent address. Charlie kept it in his pocket for years just in
case. Veruca was not-too-surprisingly doing very well. Her parents had both passed on,
leaving her as the head of their already incredibly successful corporation: and she was
doing a fine job of it by the looks of things. Strangely enough, she was the only one that
had ever contacted Charlie. Just a couple months ago she had sent him a short, official
looking letter that seemed to hint at the possibility of a merger or buy out. Charlie wasn't
sure he wanted a whole lot to do with her and definitely didn't want anyone else calling
the shots in his factory. Plus, the Oompa Loompas probably would have gone on strike if
they found out she was going to be in any sort of administration position. Yet... maybe
that letter was what had finally gotten him to thinking about his old acquaintances again
so maybe it had served a purpose nonetheless. And lastly there was poor Augustus.
Despite surviving the exotically dangerous factory he had not survived the dangers of the
real world. When Charlie heard of his death on the news he half expected it to be from
heart attack or choking incident. Yet a simple car accident had caused him his life.
Charlie had attended his funeral and was quite surprised to see none of the others there.

Charlie had decided enough was enough. Despite the fact that none of the others seemed
to want to acknowledge it, they all had something in common that they could never share
with another human being. They had, after all, been subjected to a ludicrously influential
event at a particularly receptive point in their childhoods. It had shaped, in some cases
quite literally, the very people they were today. Charlie was feeling the itch for a reunion
and it appeared he would have to be the one to make it happen.

In a week it would be the ten-year anniversary of the fateful factory visit. A little irony
would go a long way with people he hadn't seen in ten years. He wished he could have a
camera in each envelope when it was opened and a golden invitation found inside. Of
course with Mike having no known address these days he simply had to send one to his
father and hope at least *he* knew where he was and could forward it. Charlie hoped
that Mike had finally gotten over his childish, violent temperament but rather doubted it.
Still, he had to try.

Veruca was the first to respond. She probably thought he had finally come to his senses
about joining forces and Charlie wasn't going to correct her. If it at least got her in the
door then maybe he could talk her into taking a little time to hang out before she rushed
back to her duties as CEO. Violet responded a day before the visit was scheduled. She
was very busy and wasn't sure if she could make it. After all, she was very busy
"training". Charlie knew she hadn't been in an athletic competition in five years but let it
slide. Maybe she'd come to her senses. Maybe she was just shy. After all, she was still
blue from head to toe as far as he knew. That had to cause some issues with going out in

Charlie worried for all of about five minutes about how to set the get-together up before
coming to a simple realization: There could not be a more shocking contrast to the
inherent strangeness of the factory than something utterly and completely normal. He
ordered good wine and cheese and had the Oompa Loompas set up a simple but elegant
table spread with flowers, doilies, etc outside his cabin. If they weren't already making
fantastic candy, he would have to consider utilizing them in the field of catering. After
thanking them profusely for the "unorthodox" work, Charlie ordered them to leave him
and his guest(s) alone unless he called for them. He certainly didn't want the Oompa
Loompas breaking into song and dance every five minutes while he was entertaining. He
told his family that they were free to stay and chat but they were surprisingly resistant to
the idea. All but Grandpa Joe had told him that they really had no desire to see the brats
again. His grandfather had pulled him aside afterward.

"Charlie," he started slowly, "they aren't being totally honest with you."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you're a young man these days. You haven't had visitors your age in ten years.
None of us really expect Mike to show up because no one's really sure where he is. That
leaves Veruca and Violet-"

"Possibly Violet" Charlie interrupted too quickly.

"I have a feeling she'll show. Anyhow, that leaves you with two pretty women your age
who will understand you. I don't want to state the obvious, but-"

"I think I see where this is going" Charlie swallowed. His father was a wonderful,
thoughtful, and loving man. But it had been wise Grandpa Joe that had gone through the
awkward talk of the birds and the bees with him. Charlie knew what to do and was pretty
sure he was capable. But being so busy hadn't left much time for socializing. Besides
which, he had a duty to keep the factory off limits. Since the two girls had been in the
factory before, however, he felt he could squeeze them in on a technicality…

"-you may want some time alone. We are all just trying to give you a little privacy.
You've done so much for us. Let us do this for you."

"Thanks, grandpa. I really appreciate it."

"We're all going to picnic for the day. It'll be nice to stretch the old legs out. We'll take a
couple Oompa Loompas with us in case we need anything." Grandpa Joe started to turn
and paused. "Oh, Charlie. I almost forgot this." He tossed a non-descript, unlabeled box
at Charlie. "In case Violet decides to show."

"What is this?" Charlie suddenly turned bright red. "It's not-"

"No, no. Just a little something special we had made for the occasion. You'll know when
to open it." And with that, he had gathered everyone and left for a distant grassy field to
spend a quiet day with the family. Charlie nervously turned the small box over in his
hands but decided not to open it just yet. He put it in his pocket and promptly forgot
about it. He realized with a start that it was almost time. He had to get ready.

An Oompa Loompa came to the door of his cottage and informed him of Veruca's arrival.
As Charlie had expected, she was at least fifteen minutes early. Luckily for him, he had
allowed for her notorious punctuality and prepared early. He had donned a simple blue
sweater vest and had his white dress shirt rolled up at the sleeves. With a simple pair of
khakis, he looked the antithesis of the eccentric individual who had greeted him at the
doors many years before. He was tall, athletic, and hard working and the look seemed to
fit his nature. Charlie took a breath and stepped out the door-and was more than slightly
shocked by the woman who greeted him. Sure, he had seen her photograph in the
newspaper, on magazines, etc. She had always sat at a desk, wearing a conservative
dress or pant suit, hands clasped, hair pulled back, ever the professional. But here she
was decked out in a stunning black evening gown that shimmered as she walked toward
him, smiling, right hand outstretched, long brown hair flowing behind her. If Veruca had
a business agreement on her mind, she was attempting seduction as the vehicle. As he re-
closed his mouth and mated her elegant, manicured hand with his clammy, work callused
one she abruptly pulled him in and gave him a very warm embrace. Verucca certainly
had grown since he had last seen her. She was athletic, well dressed, and entirely too
close to Charlie. He hastily retreated from the embrace lest he embarrass himself. She
had taken him off guard and it was time to regain control.

"Veruca. How long has it been?"

"Ten years Charlie. That's exactly what it said on this." She pulled the golden ticket out
of her stylish bag and playfully whapped him on the forehead with it.

"Right. Er... Sorry." So much for regaining control. Anyway... "Anyway, how have
you been?"

"Busy. I barely get a moment to myself. I feel kind of like you must. Well, without all
the pure craziness I guess." She gestured at the fantastic candy themed landscape around

"You know, when you spend ten years with this, you really stop noticing." Charlie
looked off in the distance and saw a stray Oompa Loompa scamper off.

"Really?" she asked, incredulous.

"No. Actually, this job surprises me daily. It's one of the reasons I love it."

Veruca glanced back down at Charlie's hands. "Employing a hands-on approach to being
CEO, are we?"

"Yes. I'm still in charge but I like to let the Oompa Loompas know that they aren't the
only ones who are willing to put in some work around here. I think it's one of the reasons
they respect me a little more than Wonka," he said. "Not that they didn't love him, of
course," he added quickly. He was deeply in Wonka's debt for giving him this
opportunity and always spoke reverently of him out of principal even though he wasn't

"Of course," Verucca responded. "By the way, where is that man these days? I wouldn't
mind giving him a piece of my mind for what happened. My parents tried, but it's awful
hard for lawyers to find a man who up and disappears."

"He never told me. I only found out one morning through a note that he had left."
Wonka had left a deeply moving note for Charlie about how confident he was in his
abilities and how he had to go "make things right". Charlie had his suspicions that
Wonka had gone off to reconcile with his father, but the note was vague and Charlie
wasn't about to fill Veruca in. Despite her cheerful demeanor, it was clear that her
intentions were cold blooded. In a way, he couldn't blame her. After all, she had nearly
been incinerated.

"I see..." Veruca wasn't buying it. But she dropped the subject anyhow. "So, am I the
only one so far?"

"So far. But you are early."

"I hadn't noticed." Charlie doubted that. "Where's your family? I'd like to meet them."
Charlie doubted that even more. She was probably checking to see if the coast was clear
for whatever her agenda was.

"They took a day to go out and vacation on the grounds somewhere." Charlie waved

"Excellent.” Her smile reminded him of a shark’s teeth. “So where do I sit?"

Charlie pointed to the two buffet style tables that Veruca had somehow not seen. "Right
over there." It had the desired effect. Veruca, who had been expecting something very
odd, was now the one to be taken aback.

"Charlie, that looks great." She eyed the two tables and in particular the one with the
elegantly tapered wine glasses. "How did you get a caterer in here?"

"Oh, no. No caterers. The Oompa Loompas are surprisingly versatile." Charlie noticed
the cringe at the name of his miniature labor force. "Don't worry, I've sent them off for
the day."

Veruca relaxed visibly. Charlie has been grateful to see her lose her composure, even if
only for a few seconds. Then she snaked her arm around Charlie's. "Lead the way."

Charlie and Veruca sat down and reminisced. At first the conversation was all
meaningless small talk about the weather, how they'd both been keeping busy, etc.
Charlie deftly steered the conversation away from business whenever Veruca tried to
bring it up. A couple of glasses of wine and some excellent cheese later, they finally
breached the subject of the factory visit and the other contest winners.

"I'm sorry about not making it to the funeral, Charlie," she offered. "I simply could not
escape a previous engagement." Veruca had made a rather profitable business deal that
very day and her company’s stock had rocketed as a result. He very much doubted the
apology’s sincerity.

"No, I kind of figured you had been too busy. But that reminds me... Have you seen
Mike since things… went south?" Charlie ventured.

Veruca shrugged. "Last I heard he was hitting the bottle pretty hard." Charlie winced.
He had been afraid of that. Veruca noticed and added, "I don't think it had a whole lot to
do with the factory visit if that helps. He was a pretty sorry individual to begin with."

"Thanks for the reassurance. But I was still hoping he might have outgrown himself."

Veruca took another sip. "Not likely. It's ironic that someone so physically altered by
this experience could so completely disappear. Well, I guess there's Violet too."

"Speaking of Violet, how's she doing these days?" Charlie had been hoping the subject
would come up for the past couple hours and tried to sound restrained and simply
curious. He hoped he didn't seem too eager but Veruca raised a well groomed eyebrow.
"You had a thing for her didn't you?"

Charlie blushed. "N-not really. I just wondered." In truth, he couldn't stop thinking
about her and what had happened. He really hadn't understood his feelings. After all he
had only been a child at the time-

"I see," Veruca interrupted his reverie. Clearly she did. "Well, she fell into a slump
shortly after she left the factory. She was actually in excellent position to be a world
class gymnast due to her newfound... um, flexibility. And there aren't any rules about
blueberry women not being allowed to compete. She actually did quite well for a year or
two until her mother finally had a breakdown." She nonchalantly rubbed her finger
around the rim of her glass and stared at her reflection in the dark liquid. "She never did
quite accept her daughter after what happened. She tried, but the stares and whispers
were just too much for her. Violet continued to compete without her support for a couple
years but you could tell the fire was gone. She finally gave it all up about five years ago
and nobody's heard much from her since. Everybody knows where she is but apparently
she doesn't come out very much. I hear she's gotten kind of chubby these days." She
looked up at Charlie and laughed a little. "Sorry, Charlie."

Charlie shifted a bit uncomfortably in his seat. Was he really this transparent? First his
grandfather and now Veruca. Not having people around that were his age had definitely
taken its toll on Charlie's social subtlety. The alcohol probably didn't help things. Where
was Violet, anyhow? He was starting to think she wasn't going to show.

Veruca straightened up in her seat. "Charlie, it's been great to catch up. We should do
this again sometime for sure." Charlie realized that Veruca had sensed she wasn't going
to get what she wanted out of this encounter. And her time was extremely valuable and
in very short supply these days. "I've got factories to run as well and they are always in
need of my attention. I'll let you know if Mr. Teavee ever shows up on the radar."

Charlie stood. "I appreciate it. I'll walk you to the exit. You'd have a hard time of
finding it yourself."

"If you'd be so kind." Veruca sat down her glass and stood as well, offering Charlie her
arm. "I'm sorry that Violet didn't show. I can tell you were hoping she'd be here."

Charlie took her arm. "Don't worry about it. It was wonderful to see you." They walked
arm in arm until the door where a limousine and rather bored driver were waiting.
Veruca politely pecked Charlie on the cheek before she and her heels tap-tap-tapped their
way to her car. It was dark by now and Charlie could see the red glow of a cigarette in
the chauffeur’s hand. He hastily squashed his smoke and opened the door. Apparently
he had not been expecting her back this soon. So, Charlie sighed to himself. It was
probably as he had suspected. Veruca had intended to stay the night and cement an
arrangement of sorts. Charlie was glad he had been spared the details by the perceptive
Veruca. He watched her black car disappear down the road and walked back inside more
than a little dejected. When he reached the cottage, an Oompa Loompa was waiting for
him. Apparently his parents and grandparents had decided to spend the night out in the
factory for a change. They didn't know that Veruca was gone and Violet hadn't shown of
course. He sighed again but sent them some tents and mattresses. The factory was quite
safe as long as you followed the rules. He was sure they'd be fine and to be honest he
could use the time alone to sort things out. He was starting to feel sorry for himself when
another Oompa Loompa tugged his sleeve. Funny how you could tell them apart when
you'd been around them for long enough. The miniature man pointed off in the distance
where a figure approached. The factory simulated night and he couldn't quite make out
the approaching shadow at first but he certainly had his hopes. Charlie's heart jumped
into his throat as the woman named Violet Beauregarde gradually came into view.

"I hope I'm not too late," she said earnestly. If Charlie's jaw had hit the floor when
Veruca had first appeared, then it bored a ten foot hole when he spied Violet.

Charlie recovered just in time to stammer. "I, it's... I'm so glad you could make it," he
finally managed. Violet was a sight for sore eyes. She was still blue of course but that
wasn't what surprised him. It was as Veruca had predicted: she had definitely lost her
athletic shape and in its place was a completely different animal. Her hair was longer and
deep blue, her face a little rounder, and then... Charlie briefly took in her exaggerated
proportions. Violet was certainly a woman these days. Her bust was impressive, her hips
wide. A small belly formed between them but the basic shape of her hourglass form was
uninterrupted by it. She was wearing blue sweat pants much like the one she had worn
all those years ago but had decided to go with a stylishly casual deeply cut t-shirt that
gave Charlie a nice view of her spectacular endowments. Her arms and legs were thick
but completely smooth.

Violet politely put up with the inspection for about thirty seconds. "Charlie? Anybody
home? Aren't you going to offer a lady a drink?" she asked and smiled pleasantly.
Charlie hadn't been expecting this at all and was happy to be so delightfully surprised.
He hadn't been out of the factory much in the last ten years and hadn't seen a full figured
lady his age ever. All he had to go on was magazines and the boneheads that wrote them
apparently didn't know what a real woman looked like…

because the most beautiful one had had ever seen was standing right in front of him.

"I'm so sorry. Of course. Pl... please come this way." Charlie turned and started
thanking whatever gods happened to be watching over him at the moment. Violet walked
beside him, her form jiggling slightly with each step. The properties of her elastic skin
must have prevented her from sagging because Charlie couldn't even find a hint of it out
of the corner of his eye.

Violet was still smiling, taking a look around the factory as they walked towards Charlie's
cabin. "This all looks so familiar. Not much has changed," she noted.

Charlie waved at his home. "This is where we live. I've tried to leave this area as
unchanged as possible. Luckily, the chocolate produced by the river isn't something
that's going to go out of demand or need altered any time soon. Some other parts of the
factory are still the same but candy is a changing business. You have to constantly have
new ideas to keep people interested."

"I can imagine," said Violet, clearly fascinated. They had reached the tables and each
took a seat facing each other. Violet noticed a half empty glass. "Who did I miss?"

"Veruca," Charlie said and didn't offer any more. He really wasn't interested in
discussing her right now.

Violet laughed easily. It sounded like music to Charlie. "She offered to buy the
company from you, didn't she? And turn the Oompa Loompas into her slaves?"

"Without even saying a word," Charlie responded and laughed himself.

"Didn't get what she wanted, did she?"

"Ha. Definitely not." But he quickly turned serious. "No word on Mike though." He
turned to the table and poured her a glass which Violet readily accepted.

"That's unfortunate but not entirely unexpected I'm sure." Charlie nodded his assent.
Violet closed her blue eyelids and took a sip. "Mmmm... This is great. Thank you so
much for inviting me."

Oh God, thank you for letting her come, Charlie thought. "It was no problem, really. I
just wanted to see what the old gang was up to. Thanks for showing up."

"I was glad to get out of the house to be honest. I guess I really haven't had any reason to
in years. Mother is irreconcilable..." She looked down for a second, "and I have a friend
go to the store for me so my contact with the outside is minimal. That's also partly why
I'm so late. I didn't see anyone waiting outside but the media's always wanted a few pics
of the 'blueberry girl' for their tabloids and human interest stories."

"I'm sure that was fun," Charlie winced a little thinking about it. At least he was
sheltered by the factory gates. His brief stint to the funeral had been bad enough.

"No, not really. Not at all in fact. But that's why I waited until it was dark to sneak out.
This is beautiful, by the way. The factory is so different when you know what to expect
and what to avoid. I think this whole experience changed my perspectives on a few

"Oh really?" Charlie inquired. She had seemed much, much more mature and well
grounded since the last time they had met.

"Yeah. It really took me down a few pegs. Especially after mother lost it… I realized
that winning wasn't everything."

"I'm so happy for you," Charlie said and took a drink himself. She had certainly come a
long way from the bratty girl that had first come to this factory ten years ago. Charlie
had sensed that she was capable of more the last time they had met. Maybe it was the
loss of her mother's influence that had led Violet to her current state. No matter what the
cause, Charlie was grateful. He was having a great time just talking with her.

"I was really hoping we might see each other again," said Violet suddenly. She'd
polished off her tall glass and was apparently ready to fess something up. She locked her
deep blue eyes on Charlie. In his mind, Charlie stepped up to home plate and raised his
bat. "Ever since what happened... I don't know. I just feel like I need someone who
understands me and what I've been through." ...full count, bases loaded... "With
Augustus gone and Mike missing, you're the only guy left. And frankly, the only one I
was interested in anyhow." And it. Is. Out of here, Charlie thought. The crowd went
wild. Charlie’s heart hammered in his chest.

Violet was pleasant, well adjusted, beautiful, and completely receptive. Now was his
chance. "Violet, you have no idea how much I've wanted to say the same thing to you. I
was so afraid you'd say no..."

"Me too," she admitted and looked down again. "I Know I wasn't very nice to you back

"But we were both children and had a lot of growing to do." In more ways than one,
Charlie thought.

"So here we are. What do we do now?" Charlie had some ideas but suddenly
remembered the small box in his pocket and started to dig it out. "What's that?" Violet
asked, intrigued.

"Truth be told, I have no idea. My grandfather handed it to me this morning and said I'd
know when to use it." He fussed with the tape holding it shut and pulled off the lid. "It's
a note."

"What does it say?" Violet got up from her seat and leaned over Charlie's shoulder. He
was having a hard time containing his excitement at having her so close. Her breath
made the hairs on his neck tingle. Her pudgy hand on his shoulder soft but firm at the
same time. She even smelled like fresh blueberries.

"This has got to be a joke,” Charlie said, the disbelief evident in his voice.

"Go to the inventing room," Violet read. "Hmm." Charlie thought she might be a little
offended or scared about returning to the scene of the incident that had transformed her
body and life. Instead, she giggled and grabbed his arm. She leaned her mouth close to
his ear. "Let's go," she whispered.

A short, pleasant boat ride later they arrived at the inventing room. Interestingly enough,
the boat left of its own accord and the door shut behind them. That was a little strange,
Charlie thought to himself. Oh well. He looked around the room. This place had
changed a lot since the last time Violet had been here. All of the candies in development
at the time had either started production or been discarded. Yet somehow, looking
abandoned in the corner was the one machine Charlie thought he would never see again.
How had he missed it down here all this time?

"Is that..." Violet started.

"Yeah, I think so."

"Did you..." she drifted off as she eyed the familiar mechanism.

"No. I'm as surprised as you are. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to subject you to this-"

"Shh. It's ok,” she put a finger to his lips to sooth him. "Actually, I was kind of hoping
the old thing might still be around. There was something else I wanted to tell you."

"Something else?" Charlie gulped. If she said what he was thinking she'd say, he was
going to develop a comical nose bleed on the spot.

"Back when I first visited this place..."


"When I tried that crazy gum..."

"Yes??" The suspense was killing him.

"And this happened," she pointed down at herself and started up again. "I didn't really
realize what was going on at the time. I mean, we were only kids...” she looked shyly up
at Charlie but a determined expression crossed her cute face. "It was one of the most
amazing experiences of my life. I mean, a-maz-ing. I was scared at the time, but I've
always wondered, you know..." Charlie was pretty sure he knew what was coming. "...
what it would be like to do it now. This time we know what's coming and it won't be so
crazy. I mean, I'm sure this seems really strange to you."

"Oh God thank you,” this time Charlie verbalized his thoughts. Violet cocked her head to
one side, her long blue hair shifting, somewhat surprised. "You have no idea how long
I've waited for you to say those words. This is the single greatest moment of my life. I'm
not kidding. When I saw what happened to you, I was just as confused about my
feelings. I thought there was something wrong with me for years. To hear you justify
it... I don't even know what to say. And of course I'd have never in a million years asked
you to... I assumed it was a very uncomfortable experience for you."

Violet looked past Charlie dreamily. "Oh, I wouldn't say that." She snapped back to the
present. "Well, are we going to do this or what?"

"Yes, ma'am," Charlie obliged. He walked over to the ridiculously ornate machine and
hoped he remembered how to power it. But damned if the Oompa Loompas hadn't
prepared it for him. There was already a piece of gum sitting in the machine.
"Thoughtful little buggers," Charlie said to himself. He handed it to Violet. She pushed
it back at him.

"No, that's for you," she said, her face and voice very serious.

"Whaat?" Charlie exclaimed.

Violet’s lips slowly curled up into a smile and she nearly doubled up laughing, her chest
bouncing enticingly. "You should have seen the look on your face."

"It's not funny," Charlie responded starkly. But his expression warmed and he reached
over and pulled Violet close. "Did I thank you for coming yet?"

"Only about a zillion times," she said as she looked up into his eyes. "Hand it over,
Chuck." No one called him Chuck. Charlie thought he liked the sound of that. He gave
Violet the stick of gum which she placed in her mouth without a moment's hesitation.
She took a deep breath and began to chew.

"What does it taste like?" Charlie offered in the way of conversation. He was pretty sure
he and Violet already knew the answer but she played along.

"Tomato soup. Better than last time, actually." She kept chewing. Charlie noticed her
expression change slightly. He looked at her expectantly and raised his eyebrows.

She noticed and cooed, "Roast beef and a baked potato. You know, this all seems very
familiar somehow," she said playfully. "I sure hope nothing unseemly happens, Chuck..."

"Certainly not," Charlie bantered back. “We run a very safe factory here.” Life was

Violet bounced a little excitedly. "Mmm... blueberry pie. My favorite. Wait..." she
screwed up her face a little. "I feel funny." It was exactly the same as last time. Violet
didn't change color of course, but her skin became slightly shiny, as if she were leaking
juice. Her clothing darkened as it got wet. Apparently she wasn't wearing a bra to
support her magnificent endowments because her dark nipples were visible through the
fabric. She walked over to him as her middle started to swell. "I think you'd better get
me to the juicing room, mister."

Charlie was in heaven and Violet was a beautiful angel. She was pressing herself against
him and he could feel her belly pushing into him, gradually becoming a basketball that
supported her already impressive bosom. It politely untucked itself and pushed out from
under her shirt. Her hips spread inch by inch in each direction, her rear rounding out to
outlandish proportions.

"Let's take a walk," Charlie said simply.

"While I still can," Violet added, smiling up at him. She definitely wouldn't be able to for
much longer. Her legs were spreading further apart by the second, rounding out into
large tapered tubes that met her ridiculously proportioned rear. She waddled with him
down a hallway marked "Juicing Room." Funny, Charlie thought. She'd had to take the
boat last time. This must be new. Those Oompa Loompas were so getting a frigging
vacation out of this.

Violet's soft hand in his, she sloshed her way down the hallway with him for a few steps
and stopped, her body making churning noises as it swelled. Charlie looked over as her
perfect face started to round out. But her cheeks swelling out to the sides couldn't hide
the smile on her blue lips. The swelling continued in her lower half as she looked more
and more like a pear. Her relatively untouched chest suddenly leapt to action, not
wanting to be left out. She waddled ninety degrees to face him and pulled him in close
with her rounding arms. Charlie had to lean quite a bit to reach her face and receive the
kiss she was trying to lay on him.

"Mm... I think we'll have to wait it out until you can roll me," she said as her body
pushed him away. Her now volleyball-sized chest was starting to push up into her face;
her arms started to disappear into her swelling torso. Her shoulders rounded out and
pushed upwards as Violet started to get taller. Her legs finally gave up and became one
with her burgeoning rear which still, interestingly enough, retained its shape despite its
size. "You have no idea how amazing this feels...” she offered. The large band of her
middle stuck out on all sides between her amazingly stretched t-shirt and sweatpants.

"I think I might," Charlie replied. He was at a loss for further expression as Violet's arms
started to disappear. Her hands and feet pulled just slightly into her body. Her breasts
had spread but retained massive volume. Her rear was still rounded into individual
cheeks, albeit enormous ones that took up a quarter each of her billboard sized back. The
swirling inside her finally ceased. She was at least as massive as last time, but shaped
very differently. Rather than a large ball, she had retained her womanly features. Charlie
was overawed. He walked around her and was quite impressed by her girth. "So, this
doesn't hurt at all."

Violet giggled again, her body quivering. "Not in the least. But now you've got to roll

Charlie didn't have one problem with that idea. He turned Violet so that she would spin
on the axis of her head and... well, he assumed it was down there between her wriggling
feet. Mainly he didn't want her banging her head as he spun her. Though it was slightly
recessed, it did stick up enough to bump something and probably cause her some

As Charlie spun Violet through the hall, she started to notice some discrepancies in the
pattern of the floor in the distance each time her head faced front. Charlie couldn't see
ahead of him and thought the hallway was clear. Violet waited a couple of revolutions to
make sure she wasn't seeing things and spoke up. "Um, Chuck?"

"Yes, my round, beautiful lady?" Charlie responded, smiling.

"I hate to burst your bubble, but it looks like there's something in the way up ahead."

Charlie frowned a little. Everything so far had been perfectly accounted for despite his
lack of involvement or direction. It seemed strange that the Oompa Loompas would have
been so careless. The hallway was several times wider than Violet; so he stopped
pushing her, walked around to her front and stopped her gentle, sloshing roll. Along the
way, he caressed her cheek. She had smiled back at him which had simply made him feel
warm all over. Back to the problem at hand, he thought. "Be right back." Charlie took a
quick walk down the hall to check out the obstructions. In seemingly random places on
the floor were recessed, short cones with a rounded nozzle at the top. Around each was a
grate that collected liquid. Every few seconds, the first would spurt a purple liquid, then
the second, then the third, forth, etc. The floor was tilted in different directions as well.
It was like a skate park or a marble roller, each titled segment designed to use gravity to
push the object passing through in a certain direction. Charlie studied the timing of the
jets and the pattern of tilted panels and thought he saw a way through.

"What's going on down there?" Violet shouted from twenty yards back.

"I don't know. It looks like I'm going to have to be careful or we're going to get wet.”

"We're already wet," Violet laughed. Indeed, Violet was completely shiny and Charlie
had picked up blue on his hands and sleeves.

"Yeah, but I think we should avoid these things if at all possible. I'd just take you back to
the boat, but it's not here. I'd consider calling the Oompa Loompas, but this doesn't
appear to be an emergency. And we're having such a great time... It'd be a shame to
bring them in."

"I agree. And I trust you'll be careful with your fragile cargo," she said, mocking a stern
expression. "Go ahead." Charlie pushed the woman ball up to the perceived obstacle and
counted the timing of the purple plumes. When the second one in line shot up he started
pushing. He was doing very well, keeping her just behind the last cone to shoot the
liquid high in the air. They were getting a little wet all the same and Violet was rolling
every which way, sometimes upside down and right side up. Oh well. Things could be
worse, Charlie thought. As they neared the final cone, Violet felt a bump, almost like she
had rolled over something that was sticking slightly out of the floor. In truth, she had
rolled over a weight activated panel. The final recessed cone raised itself out of the floor
and a soft bumper dropped from the ceiling just before she passed over it. She came to a
stop, seated completely upright, and Charlie had the momentary glorious feeling of
running face first into her engorged breasts before rebounding to the floor and getting hit
by the spray of the jets he had so carefully avoided as they cycled back around.

"What the-" Charlie started. But Violet cut him off.

"Umph, Charlie..." Charlie looked up but something was different. Violet's enormous
breasts which had partially obscured her pudgy face before were now completely
obscuring it. The cycle of jets repeated, drenching Charlie again but as the last one under
Violet went off he heard a muffled "MMphhh!" as she bulged out. Charlie realized
suddenly which end of Violet was down and surmised what was happening. She was
inflating a bit differently this time though. Her breasts, rear, and stomach were becoming
more defined as individual shapes on the sphere of her torso as they grew further and
further. Also, her hands and feet were showing the effects of the inflation now. Her feet
had burst from her shoes in the last pulse. As the next one hit, they started to resemble
inflated gloves, a circle with thick toes sticking out. Her hands followed suit. He walked
around to her side to see that her face had become even more bulgy. He was going to
have to get her off of whatever this machine was supposed to do. He saw her eyes squint
shut on the next pulse and her body groaned outward a little further. That time her torso
had also creaked out a few inches in every direction. Charlie pulled and pushed to no
avail. She was stuck over the cone and he could only watch and listen to her moan... was
that contentedness he sensed in her muffled vocalizations? Just as he pondered this, the
ceiling bumper retracted and the cone removed itself from its convenient parking spot.
Charlie quickly rolled her down the hall away from the nozzles and took stock of the
situation. If Violet was an impossible shape before, she was somehow beyond that now.
Her chest, bum, and belly had each about doubled from their previous enormous size.
Her overall torso size had increased a bit as well. The hallway that had been extra wide
before would have started to get cramped if she hadn't been let off the nozzle when she
was. Charlie knew it wasn't an accident and the Oompa Loompas were going to get a
talking to when all was said and done. But first things first. He rolled Violet on her back
so he could see her face at eye level. After all, she was a good four or five feet taller than
him now. Her pronounced rear end meant that her feet stuck up in the air on one end
while her head was tilted down so Charlie could see it on the other. Her generous breasts
each rocked slightly back towards her head but retained their impossible roundness and
supported themselves, seemingly defying gravity. Violet's face was so swelled up around
her mouth that he wasn't sure she'd be able to speak intelligibly. Her long dark hair
swept out of the dimple that contained her head and down the pronounced swell of her
back. Her cheeks looked like cantaloupes and her chin had outgrown itself by about six
inches. Her brilliant eyes were almost swollen shut but he could still make out the
longing they contained. It seemed that the experience had not been entirely
unpleasurable for his rotund companion. "Mph...ooh Chuck...mph," she mumbled.
"Mpphhhh...I'm ok mphh." Her lips had a difficult time squeezing the words out as they
were several times their original size.

Charlie smiled, relieved. Thank God. "How can you be so calm?" he finally asked.

Violet giggled again, her massive breasts (somehow still clothed by her now paper thin
shirt), jiggled appropriately. "Mmmph." She started and stopped. A look of
concentration crossed her face. It seemed like she was getting the hang of her puffy lips
and cheeks. She started again, this time more intelligible. "Don't you get it, Chuck?"

"What're you talking about?" Charlie asked, genuinely puzzled as to what she was getting

"Don't you wonder how I stretched so much last time without exploding? Hell, my
clothes even stayed on. They weren't designed by NASA. And how Veruca wasn't
vaporized, Augusta didn't drown, and Mike wasn't accidentally stepped on?" Charlie
hadn't considered it before, but it was a remarkable set of coincidences. "And aren't all
your grandparents still around and in great shape despite being extremely old?"

"Well, yeah, but-"

"Nothing dies here Charlie. Nothing gets sick; nothing breaks unless it's to protect
someone." It was hard to tell but Charlie thought he saw her smile even more as she saw
realization dawning across his face. "I was never in danger," she continued, "I had a lot
of time to think about it living as a shut-in. You've been to busy to consider it. Now I'm

Charlie was dumbfounded. This large berry of a woman had just told him that he would
never die if he stayed in the factory. Not only that, but neither would his family.
Realizing this, he suddenly understood the sacrifice Wonka had made to reconcile with
his father. He shook his head. "So what do we do now?"

"You help me to the end of this hallway. I think there won't be any more surprises."
Charlie resumed rolling this amazing woman. It was a little more difficult since her body
wasn't even as spherical as it had been. But he was careful and they eventually came to a
split in the road. One large doorway said "juicing room" above it. Handwritten under it
hastily in red paint were the words "for real." It seemed the Oompa Loompas were done
messing with him. The other said simply "Exit." Violet was facing the signs and could
read them easily.

"Well, which way, princess?" Charlie asked her.

Violet tried to shrug but remembered that the slight bobble of her shoulders wasn't
particularly useful as an expression at the moment. She spoke instead "I don't
particularly feel like shrinking down just yet. Maybe we should go hang out for a bit

"Sounds great to me." Charlie grinned and rolled her past the door for the ‘for real’
juicing room. What a hell of a first date.


A strange but somehow expected sight greeted the Oompa Loompa waiting at the end of
the tunnel. Charlie, almost completely blue himself, was pushing a bulgy blue ball at
least ten feet across with stretched out clothing covering it. The Oompa Loompa was
unsurprised to see a two foot wide ball with fat toes wriggling in one of the divots closest
to him.

"Design a rotating schedule to give every department a week off," Charlie ordered the
Oompa Loompa with no explanation. None was necessary. The Oompa Loompas liked
Charlie and had done all they could to help him out in return for the respect he had shown
them. He started pushing his fleshy blue ball again, whistling as he disappeared over a
hill. The Oompa Loompa smiled to himself and gave the thumbs up signal to the others
hiding out of sight.

Charlie thought he heard cheering behind him as he pushed Violet back towards the
cabin. There was a new large building with barn doors next to it. He was surprised how
quickly it had been erected but had long since stopped trying to make sense of this place
and life in general. Who was he to complain? He patted his cooperative, appreciative
blueberry girl who cooed in response. They had a long time to get to know each other.

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