
POV I Give You The Gum You Deserve

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Sexual Content:

Are you absolutely sure you want to do that? That gum isn’t quite ready. In fact, I’d say it’s probably the opposite of ready. 

Not afraid of anything? You sure about that? You sure you’re not afraid of your skin getting permanently stained blue? Or of the gum causing bloating so intense your figure will never look the same again, stretching your skin so far that you will feel like you will pop at any second?

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

Sucking It In

Inflation Types:

On a cool morning just a few days after her twenty-fourth birthday, Rachel Hershley stood before the tall mirror in her bedroom, about to try on a new pair of black jeans. They had been gifted by Jessie Wright, a friend who lived the floor below in that same apartment complex. She appreciated the gesture, she honestly did, but when she looked on them on that day, she wasn’t quite sure if they were actually her size. They had been sitting in her closet ever since, but Rachel had grown a bit weary of her usual get-up.

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

Elevator Blues

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

Marcela briskly walked for the elevator as she smacked on the gum in her mouth, a gift from her usually cold coworker Regina. She had assumed the older woman didn’t like her, and the small gift made Marcela feel she was wrong. It was a rather sweet, tarty blueberry flavor gum that was bursting with juice with every chew and she couldn’t be happier with its flavor. With the elevator doors closing, Marcela smiled and made adjustments to her hair as she tightened the bun on her dark, flowing hair, keeping it resting a little under her shoulders.

Average: 3.3 (3 votes)


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There was a new fruit stand at the local farmer's market, and Kelly and her friends from work were all eager to try its new wares. All except for Alex, who was a bit hesitant considering that he was not a fan of GMOs.

"Oh please," Kelly chided, hurrying them along. "Almost all fruits have GMOs if you think about it."

"Yeah," Jason agreed, slapping Alex on the back.

"I mean, I'm not the only one who is hesitant. Look! No one else has even gone near their stand."

It was true. The new fruit stand was vacant, save for the vendor.

Average: 3.5 (4 votes)

Detective Alyssa Ortiz and the Inflatramelium

In the dimly lit corner of a cluttered apartment, a man sat hunched over a table, surrounded by an array of beakers, flasks, and vials. His name was Dr. Piotr Kowalski, but the underworld knew him as Dr. Zła Nauka, the mad genius behind some of the most notorious and profitable illicit chemical creations. His eyes, a piercing blue, darted between his notes and the bubbling concoction in front of him. A thin sheen of sweat glistened on his brow, not from the heat of his makeshift lab but from the intense focus and excitement of his latest endeavor.

Average: 3.5 (4 votes)

Desperate Measures

Another long day of bar work was complete. A six-hour-long shift of serving rude and off-putting people for what was probably the equivalent of pocket change to whoever ran the place, done and over with. Alicia stumbled out of the backdoor, tired, exhausted, and ready to return to her apartment. 'Down on her luck' could hardly describe how unfortunate her life had been for the past month. First, her old office closed down seemingly out of nowhere, leaving her out of a job. Then, her first apartment complex burned down after two kids let off some fireworks as a prank.

Average: 3.8 (4 votes)

To Be Bigger

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow. Try not to burn the place down," Don joked as he exited the building.

"Ha-ha, very funny," Ashley replied, rolling her eyes.

Average: 4.2 (6 votes)

Tiffany's weekend at home

Tiffany had always been a little bit different than other girls. At least she assumed so based on her high school health class taken 10 or so years ago. It explained how women's bodies develop and how orgasms worked, but it never said anything about your body swelling when you were turned on. Yet that's exactly how her body responded.

Average: 4.3 (4 votes)

Blueberry Tattoo

Jesse looks around the bar, scanning for any potential marks. Off in the corner he sees a cute brunette wearing a sweater and a full length skirt. Boobs a little on the small side, but thighs that couldn’t hide themselves in the loose skirt. Maybe. He keeps looking. At the bar are two blonds, one wearing a pink crop top and skinny jeans. The other, a red t-shirt dress and tights. Jesse could try to take them both on. They were still both flat as a board, though.

Average: 3.7 (3 votes)

Swell Labs

“Subject 710, welcome to the testing facility at Swell Labs, where our products make you feel swell. As per your contract with us, you have opted to take part in the testing of our new product. This is our bioengineered blueberry that is supposed to be a meal unto itself. It is also supposed to give you all of your daily vitamins and minerals in a small package. Please, take this product and ingest it. We will then have a waiting period of thirty minutes to see about any side effects. Good luck and thank you for helping our cause.”

Average: 5 (6 votes)
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