Elevator Blues

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:
Date Written: 

Marcela briskly walked for the elevator as she smacked on the gum in her mouth, a gift from her usually cold coworker Regina. She had assumed the older woman didn’t like her, and the small gift made Marcela feel she was wrong. It was a rather sweet, tarty blueberry flavor gum that was bursting with juice with every chew and she couldn’t be happier with its flavor. With the elevator doors closing, Marcela smiled and made adjustments to her hair as she tightened the bun on her dark, flowing hair, keeping it resting a little under her shoulders. Using the elevator's glass walls, she fixed the way her blouse rested on her large breasts and straightened her skirt before getting one last look at herself. Her clothes were now presentable, her hair at its best and her hazel eyes would relax anyone.

“This sweet flavor is just so good! I’ll have to return the favor to Regina at some point,” Marcela thought to herself before turning her focus to the elevator controls as she moved to press the lobby button and finally head home. Continuing to chew, she turned away from the door and observed everyone else in their offices and floors as she waited for the elevator to start until she noticed a faint discoloration on her nose. It was a rather small light blue blotch that seemed to have popped into existence. Marcela moved to feel the spot with her finger, but there wasn’t anything to discern from touch. After moving her finger away, the spot had only grown in size, and the color became a deeper blue. As Marcela stood dumbfounded, staring at it, she could see it rapidly spreading by the second. What had started as a light blue dot was now a dark blue mark spreading from her nose to the rest of her face, with the epicenter now a rich violet color. Marcela raised her hands to grasp her face as she tried to rub the blue off her and by then it was clear the color change had now reached her hands as they changed into a shade of blue. Now in front of her face, she turned her hands back and forth to see what her palms looked like as they got darker and then she felt a fullness in her stomach.

“Oh no, what the hell is happening to me?! I’m going blue and now my stomach is going to be killing me too!” Marcela could only groan as the sensation began registering in her mind and filled her thoughts.

The feeling in her stomach felt as if she had just finished an enormous meal and stuffed herself with as much dessert as she had within reach. With each chew, Marcela felt the fullness intensify, her stomach filling further as a sweet blueberry aftertaste flooding her taste buds. Doing the only sensible thing, Marcela spat the gum out to keep the juices from flowing, but the damage was already done. Even without chewing, Marcela was still getting fuller and now it was showing as her blouse became tighter around her belly and bulged slightly forward. Marcela instinctively reached for her belly to press on it and felt the firmness as if she were now four months pregnant, but with the sloshing of a drunk after finishing a keg chug. Just as the juices settled, and a brief sense of relief eased her, the elevator clunked and began its slow descent from the 25th floor. This motion marked the start of Marcela’s continued growth with an ominous groan from her stomach. What had become fullness now increased to irritation as she continued to swell with juice and not only did she feel full, she looked the part. Marcela’s pregnant-shaped belly grew faster as she progressed between the stages of a juicy pregnancy with her blouse riding higher on her belly as it grew closer to a nine-month term size. Her blouse only stopped shifting up by her breasts that had become engorged melons. Her skirt clung to her lower stomach as it tried to cover her pelvis and keep her dignity as she grew in a glass container in view of the floors she was passing and some immediately above her. This decency would be short with her thighs becoming plumper by the moment, absorbing the juice her body now produced and tearing through her skirt. As the skirt tore, it revealed her panties that clung onto her fupa as it plumped outward alongside her belly. Marcela would feel her ass jiggle with the motion of the elevator as it fattened up, with her thighs wobbling in sync.

“This can’t be happening! If this continues on, I’ll be naked! Please body, stop this growing. I can’t handle this,” Marcela was pleading to herself and wishing for a miracle to make it to the lobby before her predicament got worse.

Marcela’s initial hope was making it down to her car without issue and making it home to deal with what she thought was some illness. Now, with how blue and bloated she was, she hoped she could leave the elevator altogether. It was barely the eighteenth floor and she couldn’t see her swelling slowing down; it was only getting worse. Her maternal figure became a swollen caricature of pregnancy and now her sides would swell immediately from muffin top to a blue donut for a midriff. The growing moved to her back with a rounding shape to complement her inflated belly that hung at arm's length away from her now. It would only be a couple more floors before her uneven growth steadied and her belly had enlarged enough to become one with her back and push her massive boobs right under her chin. Marcela now more accurately resembled a blue balloon with plump arms, legs, and boobs the size of her head, with her whole body still growing. Her clothes shrank away from where they had been when entering the elevator, now little more than tattered strips around her ever-growing body with limited coverage. Her panties clung tightly to her and slowly tore as her hips had grown so large they were nothing more than juiced-filled cones that were becoming one with her torso. Marcela’s lower legs had become so plump she wouldn’t be able to bend down even if she wanted to, while moving at all became nearly impossible and she barely managed a waddle. Every attempt to move would see her bang on one side of the elevator walls that were nearly within a grasping distance as her arms had risen from her sides to be inflated cones that reached upwards like a star. Marcela had reached the tenth floor and was looking more like an oversized blueberry with a pair of panties that barely covered up her vagina and hugged her hips and ass. She wished her panties had more stretch because their tightness was increasing, and they dug into her. The discomfort from the panties wouldn’t last too long as they audibly tore apart. Marcela felt the cloth fall away from her and suddenly felt more exposed, even with how little she had on just a few moments ago. 

“I can’t believe it. I’m an enormous ball of juice and I have to be naked now!” Marcela was just ready to sob at the thought. Her face grew warm with embarrassment as she could almost feel eyes being drawn to her blue body, now on display in its full nude glory. It caused her to waddle around, trying to find a solution to her predicament. She only stopped her embarrassed waddling when she saw her reflection in the glass for just a moment, completely stunned at what she saw.

The sight before her was absolutely absurd in her mind. A massive, lumpy, blue ball wedged within an elevator from side to side with her head sticking out from the top. Marcela could make out where her arms and legs filled out so much they were causing her hands and feet to sink into the mounds ringed around them. Her head, too, would begin sinking into the divot where her neck had been before becoming one with her spherical body. A deep purple blush appeared faintly on Marcela’s blue face as she flapped her hands, pressing them to her body that was in reach. Feeling barely what her body had become and only able to reach the mound around them or the top of the elevator. She would shift on her tippy toes as her feet slightly raised above the floor and she would lean on one and feel the side of the elevator as her body pressed into it. With each bound side to side, Marcela would occasionally feel her belly bounce on the elevator glass, which caused her body to jiggle. The embarrassment of feeling her body jiggle and wobble with every motion deepen the purple blush to her face and would be enough to further force her body to quiver. It was more pronounced with the elevator’s sudden stop that caused Marcela to wobble about like jello and touch each wall. With a ding, the elevator doors opened, sending a shockwave of dread down Marcela’s spine as she knew she’d be seen.

“Whoever this is, please help me, and don’t freak out!” Marcela said to herself as a sliver of relief overcame the dread, as someone might help her before reaching the bottom. Somehow, she thought.

The tapping of heels onto the elevator without another sound or any gasps of shock, for a moment, confused Marcela. The footsteps stopped in the elevator before Marcela heard the click of a button and the elevator doors shut with a ding. It wasn’t until she felt fingernails running down her enlarged back from near the top of the curve down to just underneath that the presence became familiar. Before Marcela could utter any words or gurgles, a voice spoke out, “My, my looks like someone has been enjoying my gum!” The chuckle from an older woman filled the elevator before she continued, “I’m so glad you’ve been able to have a taste, but I expected you to wait until you were home.” The voice said with a tone almost of disappointment, if not for the elation in the voice. “Well, I am happy to see what you’ve become and how far you’ll grow in this elevator.” Marcela could suddenly feel two palms pressed on her back as they wadded across, feeling her up and down with a small grasp on her taut skin. The sensations were strong with each motion, sending a cold, pleasurable sensation to Marcela’s mind. 

“Damn you Regina! I should have known you would pull some bullshit like this!” Marcela’s voice boomed in her mind as she cursed the older woman for her act. It was no surprise that the woman still despised her, but she didn't expect her to do something like this.

As the elevator began moving upward, Marcela could feel her mass dragged down like a beanbag pressed down on. In the pit of her stomach, she could feel that she rose unevenly as the juice in her shifted around like free weight. The sheer pressure pressed down on her clit like as her climax was being held from her. The sensual concoction threw Marcela into a trance as she lost the feeling of embarrassment that was dragging her down to the lobby. What wasn’t more than a few minutes felt like an hour of pleasure as she edged to climax while feeling like she was ready to start free falling. In the back of her mind, she could faintly feel her coworker’s prodding into her backside, and any words spoken were lost to Marcela in her current state. The sensations faded as the elevator slowed to a stop at its destination and Marcela’s senses returned. As she readjusted to her situation, she couldn’t feel the space she had prior to the elevator going upward. Now her body touched the elevator glass to her right and left with her belly pressed forward into the glass as well. The only space left was her back, with Regina standing between her and the elevator doors snuggly. Marcela’s view darkened and Regina’s sounds were muffled as Marcela’s growth pushed her upward and limited her sense. Her head was nearly swallowed into her body as it could hardly press into the ceiling more and her hands pressed to the edge of the ceiling and the glass walls.

“Have I grown that much since we started moving again?! This is still too fast for my comfort,” Marcela kept thinking, as she understood just how big she was. Escaping from the elevator on her own and maybe at all seemed far-fetched now. Could she even squeeze through the elevator doors now?

Marcela’s focus on herself broke as she registered Regina’s voice, reaching her ears, “It seems I’ve reached my destination, and I’ve overstayed my welcome.” She chuckled once more before exiting. “I’m looking forward to how big you’ll grow. Don’t let my stay get in your way any further,” Regina said before stepping out of the elevator, her footsteps rapidly making their way farther from the elevator. Marcela didn’t have time to think before the elevator hummed to life again and shut its doors before descending to the lobby. While the elevator no longer struggled to lower itself, there was an increasing pressure upon its big blue occupant. Marcela didn’t know how long she’d need to wait before reaching the bottom, but she knew she didn’t have the space to find out. With each floor she passed, her growth continued at a steady pace while the space for growing shrank. Her enlarged body began resembling the rectangular shape of the elevator, but fought to return to a rounder state unconstrained by this form. She could feel it wherever her body pressed against the walls, an increasing tightness as she grew outward, but forced to just grow tighter. Above, below, and any which way she could go, was a solid mold that kept her blue skin from growing out of. Her previously spherical body struggled firmly against this hold and did all it could to continue its growth unrestrained. While the elevator resisted Marcela, it couldn’t hold such a large berry for long and the strain showed on the glass. It curved outward, now molding to what Marcela’s blueberry body desired. The glass creaked the more Marcela’s body pressed against it before, with a sudden pop, the glass walls dislodged simultaneously and fell to ground level. With a reverberating thud, the glass brought all eyes to the elevator and onto Marcela. She was now a bulbous, blue blob spilling out of the elevator around anything left of the frame. Marcela felt everyone's gaze on her. The AC's breeze added to the sensation of humiliation, sending shivers through her body. It was a luxury to feel unrestrained and free from confinement, only to become a prisoner of everyone’s gaze.

With every remaining shutter of the elevator and gust of cool air, Marcela felt a building pleasure return from before. On each thud, a vibration sent more arousal to her brain, clouding it by the second. Nearly reaching the bottom, each shot of pleasure slowly spaced apart. Her mind craved the sensation and hung on each moment of no sensation. It was enough for her to realize that she neared the bottom where she had hoped to be free, and smaller at least. Unfortunately for this berry, she would be neither, as Marcela would feel her body pinched against a rectangular frame beneath her. It took her a moment to realize that it was the outer frame to hold the elevator as it reached the bottom, and it was now pressing against her as the elevator attempted to complete its journey. However, with the elevator now stuck, it would slowly raise itself and lower again slowly to reach ground level and pinching its berry load. Marcela would feel a sting before the relief would wash over her again and again until she just couldn’t take it. Each squeeze would send a mixture of emotions to her brain and stimulate her enough to raise her arousal, and eventually, it gave way. With a muffled moan Marcela began squirting juice uncontrollably, overwhelmed now by pleasure and a sense of relieving pressure as the juice leaked from her body and pooled beneath her. The overflow, where it could, would spill out of the elevator between her body and down into the elevator shaft and onto the floor. Onlookers who had gathered near the elevator stepped away as they saw the blue juice dripping down from the berry.

“Oh god this is so damn humiliating but so good! Don’t stare at me anymore please, I can’t help myself anymore!” Marcela said as another moan escaped her mouth. There was nothing more she could do but be stuck in the loop of orgasmic climaxing.

Onlookers began filming Marcela and recording her public orgasm amidst concerns she would be stuck for good, or worse. Some folks had tried getting a better angle with little success. A few adventurous types had found the elevator roof panel from the second floor and opened the door, barely snatching a limited view of Marcela. All she could do was look up at the gawkers as they saw her sunken head and puffed up cheeks full of juice. She registered the crowds and felt all eyes on her, before the humiliation fueled her orgasm again, and another wave hit her. Rolling her eyes back and letting out more moans, she couldn’t even register the clicking phones and voices now picking up. Regina stood amongst the second floor viewers, a smile creeping on her face as she took pride in the results.

It was a successful test on a rather annoying junior who could be expendable to this testing. Regina stepped away as Marcela's muffled moans grew in intensity and volume. She needed some quiet to call her darling and let him know that his experiment had been successful. Just not in the way he had envisioned it.

Author's Note: 

I wanted to start dabbling in inflation stories that are in a modern earth like universe as opposed to the fantasy stories I've written already. Let me know your thoughts on this one.

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