Detective Alyssa Ortiz and the Inflatramelium

Date Written: 

In the dimly lit corner of a cluttered apartment, a man sat hunched over a table, surrounded by an array of beakers, flasks, and vials. His name was Dr. Piotr Kowalski, but the underworld knew him as Dr. Zła Nauka, the mad genius behind some of the most notorious and profitable illicit chemical creations. His eyes, a piercing blue, darted between his notes and the bubbling concoction in front of him. A thin sheen of sweat glistened on his brow, not from the heat of his makeshift lab but from the intense focus and excitement of his latest endeavor.

The chemical he had been working on, Inflatramelium, was a masterstroke of ingenuity and malice. He had discovered that once introduced into a living organism, it would remain dormant until triggered by a specific high-frequency sound wave. Upon activation, the molecules would begin to produce a gas that would rapidly expand in the presence of water, causing the organism to inflate like a balloon. Dr. Zła Nauka's plan was as twisted as it was brilliant: infiltrate the city's water supply and wait for the perfect moment to unleash a symphony of pain and chaos.

Detective Alyssa Ortiz, a sharp-witted and fiercely determined law enforcement officer, had been hot on his trail before his escape. Now, with the city in the grip of fear and confusion, she knew that she had to find him before his nefarious plan unfolded. Her instincts told her that the break-in at the water purification center was no coincidence. The pieces of the puzzle were slowly coming together in her mind, forming a picture more terrifying than she could have ever imagined.

As she approached her quaint suburban home, her heart raced with a mix of dread and anticipation. She knew that Dr. Zła Nauca had the capability to wreak havoc on a massive scale, and with the city's water supply at his mercy, the potential for disaster was immeasurable. The porch light flickered in the evening breeze, casting eerie shadows across the lawn. As she stepped inside, the comforting sounds of laughter and the faint hum of the TV greeted her. Susie, her loving wife, looked up from her spot on the couch, her eyes lighting up at the sight of Alyssa. Their daughter Elena, a spitting image of her mother with her dark hair and piercing grey eyes, sat snuggled up next to her, engrossed in their favorite show.

"How was your day, hon?" Susie called out, her voice filled with warmth and concern. Alyssa forced a smile, trying to push aside the horrors that weighed on her mind. "It was... interesting," she replied vaguely, walking over to give Susie a kiss and ruffle Elena's hair. She noticed their half-filled water glasses on the coffee table and felt a knot form in her stomach. "You guys been drinking plenty of water?" she asked, her voice carrying a hint of urgency. They both nodded, unaware of the gravity of her question. "Good," she said, trying to sound reassuring. "Keep it up. Stay hydrated."

In a stark contrast to the cozy domestic scene unfolding in Alyssa's home, Dr. Zła Nauca's cold, calculating gaze fell upon Alexi, his trusted hacker. The room was filled with the hum of computer servers and the glow of screens displaying complex algorithms and city maps. "Are you ready?" the doctor asked, his voice low and intense. Alexi, a lean man with a mop of greasy hair and thick-rimmed glasses, nodded confidently. His fingers danced over the keyboard as he prepared to unleash havoc on the unsuspecting populace. The doctor's smile grew wider as he watched the progress bar fill up on the screen, signaling the imminent execution of his plan.

Back in the warm embrace of her living room, Alyssa's heart skipped a beat as she heard the thud of Jake's footsteps on the stairs. She had always felt a special bond with her son, one that was both protective and filled with a silent understanding. As he approached, she noticed the lines of concern etched on his face, hinting at the tumultuous day he had had at school. Before she could ask him about it, he greeted her with a forced smile and headed for the kitchen. The sound of the faucet was drowned out by the TV, but Alyssa's eyes followed his every move. He filled a glass with water, the clear liquid reflecting the overhead light as it cascaded into the glass. Without a second thought, she picked up her own water bottle and took a deep gulp, trying to appear nonchalant.

The laugh track from their favorite sitcom suddenly cut out, and the screen flickered to black. Susie, Elena, and Jake exchanged confused glances, but Alyssa's instincts screamed at her to brace for the worst. The room grew tense, the silence only broken by the distant wail of a siren outside. Then, without warning, the TV emitted a sound so piercing it was like a knife through the stillness of the night. They all jumped back, hands flying to their ears to shield themselves from the pain. The sound was over almost as quickly as it had begun, leaving them all panting and disoriented. And they stood there in complete silence as they were confused and terrified at what just happened, but deep down Alyssa thought she knew.

Susie was the first to notice the change, her hand still clutching her stomach in reflex. "Alyssa, what's happening?" she whispered, her eyes wide with terror as she stared down at her midsection. Alyssa followed her gaze and watched in horror as Susie's toned abs began to distend, pushing outwards as if something was trapped beneath her skin, fighting to escape. The sport bra strained against the growing pressure, the fabric stretching to its limits.

Elena gasped, her hand flying to her own abdomen as she felt the unmistakable sensation of her vest ballooning outwards. "Mamá, me too!" she shrieked, her voice pitching higher with every passing second as her belly grew to grotesque proportions, looking like a ball was shoved down her pink squishy sweatshirt. Jake, standing frozen in the doorway, stared in disbelief as his own stomach started to bulge outwards in his jacket, his eyes wide with shock. The room was filled with their panicked breaths and the muffled sound of fabric stretching beyond its limits.

Alyssa felt the same sensation, her blouse buttons feeling like they could start popping one by one as her stomach and chest expanded. The material of her jeans strained against her swelling thighs and hips, the seams threatening to split. Her mind raced, trying to piece together the chaos that was unfolding before her eyes. It was then that she realized the full extent of Dr. Zła Nauca's diabolical scheme. He had been one step ahead the entire time, and she had walked right into his trap.

All she heard next was just pained groaning and the sounds of fabric stretching beyond limits. All she saw were stomach becoming so big it made their jackets rise up their body’s like they were useless. She saw the thighs and buts of her wife and daughter as they became swollen and large as they continued to be sucked into their inflating torso’s. She even saw Jake’s shoulders and hips becoming rounder and him cringing in shock as he clutched his round body, as it was getting so big it looked as though he tried to swallow and wreaking ball.

Susie and Elena's screams grew louder as their bodies continued to inflate. Susie's yoga pants were now a taut band around her ballooning legs, the fabric stretched to the point of transparency. Her sport bra barely holding onto her breast as they were swollen like beach balls. Elena's sweatshirt was riding up, exposing her beyond pudgy and smooth belly and her sweatshirt now acting in place of her bra as it had snapped earlier. The material of her shorts straining against her bulging hips and swelling butt. The couch groaned under the weight of their inflating forms, the fabric protesting with each gasp and cry. Alyssa's eyes darted around the room, looking for anything that could help them.

But it was Jake's pained expression that drew her attention back to him. He was fumbling with the zipper of his jacket, his eyes squeezed shut in agony. His chest had grown so large that it looked like he was wearing a parody of a puffer jacket that was meant for 600+ people. With trembling hands, he managed to pull the zipper down, his belly flopping out with a sickening sound, the tension on the fabric releasing with a pop as his black shirt underneath started to rise up as well. His jeans had become so tight that they looked painted on, the denim straining against the force of his swelling thighs. He let out a sigh of relief, but it was short-lived as he felt his whole body start to rise off the floor.

The realization of their predicament hit Alyssa like a ton of bricks. They were all floating, their bodies ballooning out of control. She watched in horror as Susie's short thin legs, barely moving as her thighs stopped her from that quickly. Suspended in the air, her bloated sneakers just grazing the floorboards as she desperately tried to find purchase. Elena's face was a mask of terror, her cheeks red and wet with tears that rolled down her inflated cheeks as she was attempting to shove her breasts out of her face, and then trying to shove her belly back in. Their faces, as Alyssa noticed, were growing much bigger. Their necks wet rounder than a melon, and their checks looked like they were all holding grapefruits in their mouths.

Alyssa's own body was now a monstrous caricature of its former self. Her blouse had finally gave in and launched 6 out of 8 buttons across the floor, the silk now looking like it was rubber and the neatly tied band at her neck was starting to come undone. Her black sport coat had unfastened itself from her bloated chest and looked more like a cape as it moved away from her stomach and onto her back, her arms were the only thing holding it onto her body. The waistband of her jeans had snapped and caused the belt to roll out of position on their loops, and she could feel the fabric of her underwear straining against the pressure. Her boots were long gone, lost to the floor below as her feet began to swell and somehow unclipped them and made them fall off. She almost started crying in fear as she started to rise to the ceiling and her cheeks filled with air and her neck begin to bulge out. She was a round, floating nightmare. A giant beach ball with limbs and a head like the rest of her family.

Panic set in as she looked at her family, all stuck to the ceiling like over-inflated party decorations. Susie's eyes were wide with fear, her breaths shallow and quick as she tried to console Elena, whose cries grew more frantic by the second. Jake's face was a mix of shock and anger, his voice muffled as he shouted expletives at the unfairness of their situation. His body spun slowly in the air, his arms and legs useless in the face of the relentless expansion.

Within just under 2 minutes of the strange piercing noise they were all looking like balloons. With round torso’s forming perfectly cylindrical balls, with their somewhat normal legs and arms just thrashing around in fear, but their shoulders and thighs prevented that.

Alyssa's phone jolted in her pocket, a stark sound in the tense silence that had followed the cacophony of the triggering soundwave. She reached down, her fingers barely brushing the fabric of her jeans. With a grunt of effort, she managed to fish it out, the screen lighting up with an unknown caller ID. Her heart pounded in her chest, the pulse echoing in her ears as she answered with trembling hands.

"Alyssa," the voice on the other end said, "it's Alexi." She recognized the voice immediately, her mind racing to connect the dots. "Dr. Zław Nauka... he made me do it," he spoke rapidly, his words tinged with fear and guilt. "He's been working on a chemical, Inflatramelium. It's in the water supply. When it comes into contact with a high-frequency sound, it activates, causing anyone who's ingested it to inflate."

He then went on to explain all of his guilt and how the doctor made him do it, and that he didn’t want to cause all this chaos. Her heart sank as she realized the magnitude of the situation. Her family, floating helplessly above her, were living testaments to the doctor's twisted genius. "How do we stop it?" she demanded, her voice a mix of anger and desperation.

Alexi's voice grew solemn. "The only way to counteract the gas is with high heat. It needs to evaporate the water in your bodies to dissipate the molecules. You have to get to a sauna, a hot tub, anything that can sustain temperatures above 100 degrees Fahrenheit." He paused for a moment before adding, "And you'll need to do it quickly, before the gas builds up too much pressure."

Alyssa's eyes darted around the room, searching for a solution. Then she saw it: the thermostat remote, sitting innocently on the windowsill. With a surge of hope, she began to awkwardly propel herself through the air towards it, her bloated limbs moving in slow, jerky motions. Her stomach and breasts bobbing with the motion and making her unbalanced. Susie and Elena watched, their eyes wide with terror, but then they started to clap their oversized hands together, trying to encourage her. "You can do it, Mamá!" Elena called out, her voice muffled by her inflated cheeks.

Jake then attempted to turn over in the air to see what was happening, and knew what he had to do. He was closest to the wall, so paddled over to it and rested his wobbling feet against it. He then put all his strength into his legs, and propelled off the wall. He then wailed in fear as he started bounding off the wall, his stretched out broken zip up and denim pants making him look like a balloon with painted on clothes. He then started to straighten out and was still flying slowly towards his mother as she almost smiled at how good his plan was and how goofy he looked. He then bounced right into her, causing her to feel static ripples through her belly and his crotch as she started to fly backwards too. Right to where the remote was sitting.

With trembling fingers, Alyssa managed to press the buttons on the remote, setting the temperature to a scorching 150 degrees Fahrenheit. She could feel the heat begin to rise, wrapping around them like a warm embrace that grew more intense with each passing moment. Alexi's voice crackled over the line, "Good job, Alyssa. The doctor's location is..." He rattled off an address, the words tumbling out in a rush. She barely had time to repeat it back to him before he hung up, leaving her with nothing but the sound of her family's muffled cries as Elena and Susie were attempting to grasp each others hands and from Jake who was now flying backwards and closer to their stairway which led him to higher ceiling.

Her body felt like it was deflating, the pressure in her stomach and chest lessening as she descended to the floor. The relief was short-lived, though, as she knew she had to act fast. "Hold on," she gasped, her voice muffled by the inflated balloon that her face had become. "I'll be back." With a wrenching effort, she extracted herself from  a tangled mess on her floor and waddled towards the door, her feet barely touching the ground. “Good luck!” Elena shouted as she had given up trying to grasp Susie and was now dangling her arms and legs as her chest rested on the ceiling. Susie smiled a warm optimistic smile as she rested her hands on her belly as her back was touching the ceiling and and she was basically almost upside down. Jake then called out in shock as he started bobbing up the stairs to the second floor, but still called out a forced call of reassurance.

The cool night air greeted her as she stepped outside, the stark contrast to the stifling heat of their home a stark reminder of the chaos unfolding around them. She eyed her car, parked in the driveway, and took a deep breath. Alyssa had never felt so heavy in her life, but she knew she had to get to that warehouse. With a grunt, she heaved herself into the driver's seat, her inflated body barely fitting. The seatbelt was a lost cause; she didn't even bother trying.

Her tires screeched as she peeled out of the driveway, the car wobbling slightly as she sped down the deserted streets. Her heart broke as she saw the nightmarish scene unfolding outside her windows. Children floated by, crying for their parents, their tiny bodies grotesquely distorted by the pressure of the trapped gas. Adults clung to lampposts and trees, their faces a mix of shock and pain as they watched the world pass them by. A young woman, her belly swollen to an impossible size, wailed as she clutched a round bundle to her chest. A baby, Alyssa realized with a start. Even the innocent were not spared from the doctor's wrath.

The warehouse loomed in the distance, a hulking shadow against the night sky. Alyssa's stomach churned as she approached, her thoughts racing. How was she going to save her family, her city, from this madness? Her eyes scanned the area, looking for any sign of the doctor or his henchmen.

As she pulled up to the warehouse, the headlights of her car illuminated a gruesome sight. The doctor stood in the open bay door, a smug smile on his face, with Alexi on his knees in front of him, a gun to his head. She slammed on the brakes, the car skidding to a halt. Her heart hammered in her chest as she watched the doctor's grin widen.

"You're too late, Detective," he called out, his voice echoing through the night. "Your city is already done for.”

Her eyes narrowed as she saw the doctor's twisted smile, his confidence unshaken despite her arrival. Alyssa knew she had to act fast. With a roar of determination, she slammed her foot on the gas pedal, the car's engine screaming in response. The doctor's eyes widened as he realized her intent. He dove to the side, rolling away from the oncoming vehicle just in time. The car smashed through the warehouse doors, the metal buckling under the impact, sending sparks flying.

The explosion of heat and light was blinding, the sound deafening. The warehouse shuddered and groaned as the flaming car barreled into it, the fire spreading rapidly, lighting up the night sky. The doctor and Alexi were thrown to the ground, the gun skittering away from their grasp. Through the smoke and flames, Alyssa could see Alexi's terrified face, his eyes focusing on the gun as he lunged for it.

With surprising speed, Alexi rolled away from the doctor's lifeless body and brought the gun up, pointing it at Alyssa. "Please," he begged, his voice shaking, "don't let me go down for this. He made me do it."

Alyssa, her vision filled with rage, took a deep breath and held the doctor's gaze. "Then make it right," she said, her voice steady despite her trembling form. Her eyes motioning to the Doctor.

Alexi's hand trembled as he took the gun, the weight of his actions apparent in his eyes. He knew he had to end this, to make amends for his part in the chaos. With a firm grip, he turned the weapon towards the doctor's prone body, the smoke from the burning warehouse swirling around them. Dr. Zława Nauka's eyes snapped open, a feral look of fear crossing his face as he realized what was happening.

"No!" he screamed, but it was too late. The shot rang out, a deafening crack that echoed through the warehouse. The doctor's body jerked once before going still, a dark stain spreading across the concrete floor. Alexi's eyes remained locked on the lifeless form for a moment, a silent apology etched into his features.

The fire grew more intense, the heat now unbearable. Alyssa's inflated body felt like it was hardening, the pressure too much and the heat still too little. Her body didn’t know what to do, so it decided to keep in the gas and barely release any. She stumbled towards Alexi, her eyes never leaving the doctor's corpse. "Thank you," she choked out, her voice strained.

Alexi nodded, a single tear rolling down his cheek. He knew the gravity of his decision. "We have to get out of here," he yelled over the roar of the flames. He took Alyssa's chubby squishy hand, and he started to run as Alyssa was barely running and closer to just bouncing on the ground as he pulled her. She could feel the heat singing her hair and clothes, and the carbon monoxide trying to fill her lungs. She was screaming in agony as her body rounded and hardened even more. As she thought the pressure was too far and might cause her to explode.

As they emerged into the cool night air, the heat of the fire at their backs, Alyssa felt the hardness in her body deplete, the pressure returned to its original corrupted states and the cold air calmed her body temperature down. She took a deep breath, the pressure in her chest easing. Alexi led her away from the burning warehouse, his grip tight on her hand. She could see the fear in his eyes, but there was also a spark of something else: hope.

The sound of sirens grew louder, the distant wail of help approaching. Alyssa knew they had to get far from the scene before she could explain what had happened. Her thoughts were a jumble of relief and horror, the gravity of the situation sinking in as she looked down at her still-swollen form. Her ashy blouse and jeans were still stretched across her ballooned form, her sport coat singed at the ends and looked like a short cloak, and her hair all stringy and charred as it flipped around her bloated face.

Alexi, panting and coughing from the smoke, stopped abruptly. He turned to her, his expression unreadable in the flickering firelight. Then, with a heavy sigh, he put his hands behind his head. "It's over," he said, his voice barely audible over the crackling of the flames. "You have to arrest me."

Alyssa nodded solemnly, her heart aching for the young man who had been manipulated into such a heinous act. "You did the right thing," she assured him, her own voice raw from the gas. She then forced him to his knees and she stood over him, not having her cuffs so having to keep guard on him. She stood over him on her bare inflated feet, her round frame bobbing in the wind as she interlaced her hands to try and stand in a proper police form.

The sound of sirens grew closer, the flashing lights of emergency vehicles piercing through the smoke. Out of the darkness, a swarm of out-of-state officials emerged, their hazmat suits a stark contrast to the burning warehouse. They moved swiftly, their eyes taking in the scene before them with a mix of disbelief and horror. One of them approached Alyssa, his voice muffled by his mask. "Ma'am, are you okay?"

Alyssa nodded, her chest still heaving from the exertion. "Arrest him," she said, her voice firm as she nodded towards Alexi. "And just take me home."

The officials did as she instructed, cuffing Alexi and leading him away. As she watched him go, Alyssa couldn't help but feel a pang of pity for the young man who had been caught up in the doctor's twisted web. But now, her priority was her family.

The ride home was a blur of flashing lights and frantic chatter over the radio. Alyssa's mind raced, trying to piece together what to do next. She knew the city was in chaos, and her heart went out to all those affected by the doctor's insidious plan.

As the cruiser weaved through the streets, she saw a heart-wrenching sight: a mother, floating in the sky, cradling her baby to her swollen chest. The woman's sobs carried on the wind, a haunting soundtrack to the surreal scene unfolding around them. Emergency officials in specialized gear were moving swiftly, deploying nets and harnesses to catch the inflated citizens and gently lower them to the ground. Fire trucks and ambulances were scattered across the city, their lights painting the night in a kaleidoscope of colors as they rushed to aid those in need.

Alyssa felt a swell of pride for her fellow officers and first responders, working tirelessly amidst the chaos. Yet, her thoughts remained with her family. How were they holding up? Would they be okay? The car jerked to a stop, and she was helped out by one of the officers, her inflated form making movement difficult. She looked around, taking in the sight of her neighborhood, eerily quiet except for the distant wails of sirens.

Wobbling down the sidewalk, she approached her house. The door was open, and the sight of her family inside was both a relief and a horror. Susie, Elena, and Jake were all floating near the ceiling, their clothes stretched to the limits. They saw her and immediately started giggling, slapping their bloated bellies with their plump hands. The absurdity of it all hit Alyssa like a ton of bricks, and she couldn't help but chuckle.

"Look who the cat dragged in," Susie joked, her voice muffled by the inflated mass around her mouth. Her sport bra and yoga pants were a distant memory, replaced by a round, balloon-like silhouette.

Elena giggled, her eyes sparkling with mirth despite the gravity of the situation. "Mamí, you're like the Michelin Woman!"

Susie rolled her eyes, her voice a mix of amusement and exasperation. "Thanks, Elena. Just what I needed to hear."

Alyssa couldn't help but laugh, the tension in her body slowly dissipating. "Alright, enough," she said, though the smile remained on her face. "We've got to get you guys down from there."

With a nod to the officers who had brought her home, she turned back to the thermostat and cranked the heat up even higher. The room grew hotter, the air thick with the scent of burning plastic and the sweet, sickly smell of the gas. Her family's laughter turned to groans as the heat began to take effect. Susie's balloon-like form slowly descended, her once tight clothing now hanging off her like deflated party decorations. Elena and Jake followed suit, their bodies jiggling as they dropped to the floor.

They lay there, panting and sweaty, the reality of their ordeal setting in. Alyssa managed to waddle over to them, her own body still swollen but significantly smaller. "We'll get through this," she assured them, her hand resting gently on Susie's shoulder. "Just a few more hours."

The house was an unusual sight: furniture had been knocked over, items scattered everywhere from their earlier panic. Alyssa couldn't help but feel a sense of surreality as she surveyed the damage. It was like they had been invaded by a horde of giant balloon people. The officials had given them strict instructions: stay of any liquids, avoid any sudden movements, and keep the heat up. They were still very large, and the officials told them they should be fully deflated by tomorrow night.

Her mind racing, Alyssa searched the room for something they could all do together to pass the time. "Why don't we have a family game night?" she suggested, her voice filled with forced cheer. The others looked at her skeptically, but she knew that keeping their spirits up was crucial. “I know a very fun game to play.”

With a mischievous grin, Alyssa announced, "Belly fights!" The room erupted into laughter as she took a dramatic stance, her hands on her hips. "On three, we'll all bump bellies and see who can stay on the floor the longest!" Her family stared at her for a moment before the absurdity of the situation hit them. They couldn't resist joining in.

"One, two, three!" Alyssa counted, and the inflated quartet collided in the middle of the room, their large bellies bouncing off each other. The impact sent them rolling across the floor, the sound of their laughter bouncing off the walls. They tumbled into the overturned furniture, knocking over lamps and picture frames, their inflated bodies leaving a path of destruction in their wake. Despite the chaos, it was a welcome distraction from the fear and uncertainty that had gripped them.

After a few rounds of belly fighting, they decided to try something different. Susie suggested they play dress-up, seeing who could fit into the tightest outfits. They rummaged through their closets, pulling out clothes that hadn't seen the light of day in years. The sight of Alyssa attempting to squeeze into her wedding dress brought on peals of laughter from the others. Despite the tightness, she managed to get it over her head, the fabric stretching to the point of transparency.

The hours ticked by, filled with laughter and love, as they found joy in their shared absurdity. Eventually, the heat took its toll, and one by one, they drifted off to sleep. Alyssa, ever the protector, stayed awake, watching over her family as they snored and fidgeted in their slumber. She felt the warmth of their bodies against hers and knew they were safe.

But as the night grew late, her thoughts grew serious. Her hand rested on her own inflated belly, feeling the soft roundness beneath the stretched fabric of her shirt. Her heart swelled with a mix of terror and love. This wasn’t just about them anymore; there was a new life to consider, a little one who had been unknowingly brought into this bizarre situation. How was she going to ask Susie if it survived after she expanded?How were they going to tell the kids? Would the even fully deflate or be stuck like this forever?

Her mind drifted to the doctor’s words, the way he had spoken so casually about the potential for a cure. Could it be true? Or was it just another twisted game he enjoyed playing? If there was even a shred of hope, she had to find it. For her family, and now, for the new life growing within her.

The next morning, the sun peeked through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room. Alyssa awoke to the sound of her family’s gentle snoring, their bodies slightly deflated from the night before. She felt a gentle nudge against her side, and she looked down to see Jake’s hand poking her inflated belly. He stirred, his eyes blinking open sleepily. “Mamí, what’s happening to us?”

Alyssa took a deep breath, feeling the tightness in her chest as she sat up. The fabric of her shirt strained against her still-swollen breasts, the buttons threatening to pop. She looked around the room, noticing how their inflated forms had shifted and stretched the furniture. The sight was both bizarre and heartwarming, a testament to their resilience in the face of the unthinkable.

Her gaze settled on Susie, who was slowly coming to, her eyes fluttering open. The sight of her wife’s once toned body now looking like a caricature was jarring, but the love Alyssa felt for her was unwavering. Susie’s stomach looked like it had been replaced with a beach ball, her skin stretched taut and shiny. "Looks like we're deflating," Alyssa said, trying to keep the mood light.

Elena sat up with a groan, her pink sweatshirt now hanging off her like a parachute. "What the...?" she murmured, her voice still groggy with sleep. She looked down at her once-flat belly and laughed nervously. "Guess I don't have to worry about the freshman fifteen anymore."

Susie rolled onto her side, her face red from the heat. "This is ridiculous," she said, though the corners of her mouth twitched with amusement. "We're going to have some explaining to do at the gym."

They all then burst into laughter as they thought of the looks they would get from other people who weren’t infected. And in that moment they all knew everything would work out, no matter what happened.

But miles away in the burnt ruble of the destroyed warehouse, the fire crews stumbled across something. There, lying in the rubble, was a tall glass and cork filled to the lid with a clear white substance. And on the bottle, lay some tape which marked it as Inflatramelium.

Author's Note: 

Sorry if this was posted a second time. I though it might be safer to post again in case it didn't send through proparly, as the website was acting up before, so I was left to sit and wait filled with anxiety. So here it is, either the first or second time!

Average: 4.3 (3 votes)
A_College_Girl_who's_body_is_inflating's picture

Hi everyone. In my last post I said I would post my background for any who are interested. Here it is

I-Am-Betrayal's picture
So, no one gonna

So, no one gonna point out that this story has a bunch of small children and a baby inflate?


That's not weird to anyone?

A_College_Girl_who's_body_is_inflating's picture
Sorry about that


I meant to write it as a dramatic element where no one is safe. If anyone has any problems I'm very sorry, I can change anything. I did not intend to offend anyone.