To Be Bigger

Date Written: 

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow. Try not to burn the place down," Don joked as he exited the building.

"Ha-ha, very funny," Ashley replied, rolling her eyes.

The two were co-workers at a start-up scuba-diving business on the oceanfront. The owners had recently started offering late-night dives to people, but no one wanted to go diving so late because you could hardly see anything. Typically, this meant that two lucky employees were left in a small building full of diving gear with nothing to do for at least four hours. However, after a couple weeks of almost no after-hours customers, the small workforce decided to work together by having one person stay for the late shift and having the other clock in and leave immediately after. Two people would end up getting paid for one person's work. A win-win for everyone.

Ashley, however, wasn't too enthused now that she was the one stuck alone for the next few hours. While others had their phones to occupy them, her phone had just broken the day before, leaving her with absolutely nothing to do. She almost wished Don had stayed just to have some company. She thought he was a decent guy.

"What am I gonna do for the next four hours...?" she sighed.

Ashley was a young adult, not much direction at the moment, just looking for ways to survive. She was fairly attractive, light-skinned, with wavy brown hair she wore down to her shoulders, and the owner of very deep blue eyes. She was more physically petite compared to other women, but she never complained. Not out loud at least. Tonight, she wore a simple blue t-shirt, some black leggings, and a white mini-skirt. Ashley always tried to dress nice in order to draw some attention to herself, but thanks to her stature, no one ever seemed to care. Not even Don.

With not much else to do, she started wandering the building. There weren't many rooms, only about four. A reception area, a locker room for patrons to store their belongings and change, a break room, and a storage room. She absent-mindedly meandered from room to room before eventually finding herself in the storage room.

The storage room was the biggest room in the building. After all, diving equipment isn't just something you can put in a closet. There was everything you could ever need for a diving expedition in the room. Scuba suits, goggles, flippers, and masks of varying sizes filled the room, along with a few extra things like a ladder. But the things that took up the most space were the air tanks. These tanks would be hooked up to a diver's mask, supplying them with all the air they could ever need (at least as much as they paid for, that is). Each one stood at a little over half the height of most people and was about an inch wider than a dinner bowl. They were by far the most eye-catching thing in the storage room. No wonder Ashley quickly honed in on them.

At first, she was just inspecting them. She had moved and operated with them plenty of times before then, but had never given them any more thought. She shook them, picked them up, laid them down, and rolled them—anything she could to keep herself preoccupied. Eventually, she kneeled down and started messing with the handle that controlled the air flow. Pulling the handle down a bit, a small stream of air started pouring from the nozzle, hitting her in the face. Ashley giggled as the air slowly pushed her hair back. Then, she put the flow to max and let a blast of air hit her. She only left it on for a second before shutting it off. She laughed as she readjusted her hair. Finally, Ashley playfully put her lips up to the nozzle and turned on the air flow once more. Her cheeks quickly filled up, reaching maximum capacity in almost no time. The air began escaping out from between her lips, and she leaned back soon after, laughing to herself as she did.

As she stood back up, a memory crossed Ashley's mind. At one point in time, when she felt more insecure about her body proportions, she had looked up ways to remedy her shape. During her search, she stumbled across forums of people who supposedly used various means to inflate parts of their bodies. At the time, she brushed it off, thinking these were just people who used photo editors to alter their appearances. But as she idled there in front of the air tanks, Ashley had an idea. She looked around the room and found one of the hoses that attached from the tanks to the scuba masks. She grabbed it, brought it over to the air tank, and slipped the hose on the end.

Am I really about to try this?, she thought for a second.

Ashley delibrated with herself for a few moments before deciding to proceed. She pulled up her skirt a little bit, using her elbows to hold it in place, hooked her fingers around her leggings and panties, and brought the hose to her butt. One more second of convincing, and Ashley began to insert the hose into herself.

There was a pinch at first. The pain was short-lived, however, as she began to push the hose further up her rear. A soft moan escaped from her as she finished. She blushed hard, embarrassed that she found any pleasure in that, but eventually calmed down as she realized no one was there to judge her. Before she could talk herself out of it, Ashley grabbed the tank handle and twisted it a bit. The air was colder than she expected, causing her to shiver as it entered. Soon, she began to feel bloated, like there was a balloon in her gut. She pressed on, however, eager to see if the rumors were true. She twisted the handle a little more to speed up the process. As the air continued to stream forth, Ashley began to feel some resistance on her stomach. She looked down and realized that her belly had expanded a good four inches bigger than normal, beginning to push against her shirt. She panicked and quickly turned off the tank. Disappointment washed over her.

"Of course the air would go to my stomach first," she mumbled to herself.

Despite her sadness over her expected results being out of reach, another realization hit Ashley. As she reached down and rubbed her bloated belly, a strange wave of pleasure came over her. She... liked this? Again, Ashley laughed to herself, trying to shrug off the sensations she was feeling, but inside, she wanted to continue.

Silently, she again reached for the handle on the air tank and gave it a twist. Air once again began to force its way into Ashley's butt. She moaned as she felt her midsection begin to swell again, caressing it all the while. From four to five to six inches, her belly continued to grow bigger and rounder. Her shirt began to ride up on her, eventually doing little else but concealing her bra and breasts. Ashley was hardly even trying to hide her pleasure at point, moaning to herself as she continued to take in air. After another few inches found their way into her stomach, she decided it was probably a good idea to stop. She reached back for the tank to turn it off without looking, far too enamoured with her own size to pay attention to anything else. In the process, however, she accidentally knocked the tank over. As Ashley suddenly felt the air flow increase, she finally looked backwards to put an end to the fun, only to find a horrific truth.

The tank's handle had been smashed off by its collision with the floor, leaving no way to turn it off. In a panic, Ashley reached back to try and remove the hose from the tank, but ended up falling forward in the process. Thankfully, her air mattress of a belly was there to break her fall. As Ashley landed on her stomach, she felt the air inside of her fan outward. She looked down to her belly to see what happened, only for two large orbs to block her sight. The fall had caused some of the air in her stomach to move into other parts of her body, like her now expanded breasts. Though amazed by what she was seeing, Ashley knew she had to stop the air from getting into her fast. She attempted to lift herself to her feet but couldn't get enough leverage against the ground thanks to her beach ball-sized belly. She reached for the air tank but found it was just barely out of reach. Finally, she reached back to try and pull the hose out of her rear, only to find that her butt had also begun to inflate. Just like that, Ashley was out of options.

Air continued to pour into her, now not only expanding her belly but also her boobs and butt. A torrent of thoughts rushed through Ashley's mind, but the feeling of ecstasy that the air stream was bringing with each added inch was beginning to overtake her. Her breasts became the size of kickballs, her rear looked like two watermelons, and her stomach dwarfed them all. She could hardly contain herself as the flow ceaselessly filled her body, bigger and bigger. Her once quietly moans became louder as her body continued to swell. Soon, her hips joined the fray, only adding to the sensation. Ashley was almost the size of a car by now, only far less mobile. Her clothes had held on well up until now, but could finally take no more and snapped to shreds, completely exposing her blimped body. This, however, only fueled her passion.

"B-bigger... BIGGER!" she cried, knowing that she was the one doing this to herself.

Through the cries of pleasure, Ashley could have sworn she had heard a door open in the locker room. She tried to ignore it, but then heard the door to the break room open. She quickly quieted herself, hoping whoever was there wouldn't come into the storage area. There wasn't any more sound beyond the hissing of the air tank for a moment before a voice called.

"Ash, are you back there?" A male voice called out. It was Don.

CRAP! Ashley panicked, What's he doing back here!?

"Uh, y-yeah, I'm h-here," Ashley meekly replied, trying to stifle any outbursts.

Just don't think about your body inflating and how good it-, Ashley stopped herself, realizing she wasn't helping.

"Hey, why are you in the storage room?" Don asked.

"O-oh, nothing..."

"Well, I left something back there earlier. Mind if I come in and grab it real quick?"

"W-WAIT! I'm n-not dressed!"

" the storage room?"


The more Ashley panicked, the less pleasurable she found her situation. And as the ecstasy wore off, a new feeling began to overtake her. A tight, pressurized feeling began to grow. Suddenly, the realization dawned on her.

Am I gonna p-pop? She asked herself.

"Well, could you at least hand me it through the door?" Don requested, "It's the bag next to the air tanks."

"I-I..." Ashley stammered, unable to think of an excuse, in part because her internal pressure was prevading her every thought. "I c-can't..."

"Why not? I promise I won't look or anything."

As air continued to bellow into Ashley, her thoughts kept going in circles.

If I keep Don outside, I might pop soon, but at least he doesn't have to see me like this. If I let him come in, he can stop this, but...

Suddenly, Ashley realized just how big she had gotten. Last she remembered, she was as big as a small car, but now she had grown to the point that her butt was nearly touching the ceiling. Her belly could probably fit a small car in it by this point, and her boobs by themselves wouldn't even fit in the reception area. Most of all though, Ashley became very aware of the creaking sounds her body was beginning to make. Finally, she made up her mind.

"D-Don, you can come in here," Ashley responded, "b-but you have to do exactly what I s-say... and you c-can't judge me!"

"Ash, if you're not dressed, I really shouldn't-" Don started.

"No, Don, I-I need you to come in here. I need your help," Ashley interrupted.

"Then why were you trying to keep me out?"

"Because I-"

Ashley stopped, mustered up the last bit of bravery she had, and continued.

"B-Because I was embarrassed..."

"About what?"

"Just c-come in and see..."

The knob began to turn, and the door slowly opened as Don sheepishly entered, only to be greeted with an extremely overinflated Ashley.

"WHAT THE?" Don blurted out in shock.

"I said no judging!" Ashley cried.

"S-Sorry," Don apologized. "What happened?"

"I was... experimenting?" Ashley vaguely responded, "But that doesn't matter. I need you to disconnect the air tank I'm hooked up to before I-"

Ashley's body let out a loud squeaking sound, causing her to cry out.

"O-Ok, just one sec!"

Don quickly circled around the blimp known as Ashley, trying his best to avert his gaze from her. He eventually reached her backside and found the tank, dangling from the hose still planted in Ashley's rear. He grabbed the hose and, with one firm tug, dislodged the hose from Ashley. A wave of relief washed over her as the swelling finally stopped.

"There! I got it," Don called out.

"T-thank you, Don," Ashley quietly replied.

Don circled back to Ashley's front, ready for answers.

"Soooooooo..." Don began, "What's all of this about?"

"I-I just got bored, and I had heard about people who do this sort of thing, and..." Ashley trailed off.

"Really? Cus this doesn't seem like the kind of thing you just do on a whim."

"W-Well..." Ashley paused, "I-I never liked how small I was compared to everyone else... I learned about this back when I was really self-conscious about that... I thought I'd give it a shot, ya know?"

"Hmm,"  Don groaned. "Well, now I feel like a jerk for making you share all of that."

"N-No!" Ashley interjected, "It's fine. Honestly, it feels kinda good to get that off my chest."

"Uh, glad I could help?" Don snickered.

Ashley laughed with him before a silence rose between them. A silence Ashley would boldly break.

"So... what do you think?" Ashley questioned.

"O-of what?" Don countered, taken aback by the question.

"Of me, silly! I mean, c'mon, let's not ignore it. What do you think of me like this?"

Don took a moment to respond, looking over Ashley's body in its current state.

"Well..." Don finally answered, "Now that you mention it, I think you wear it well."

"Oh, don't be so innocent about this. Be real with me!"

"...I think this is hot as hell."



"What time is it?"

"Uh, you were only about an hour into your shift."

"Then that's at least three whole hours you have with me! Better make it count."


"You heard me."

Ashley seductively smiled at Don, who was completely red at this point. After taking a second to process everything, Don finally ran to the back of the room and grabbed the ladder in the corner. He propped it up on Ashley before stripping down and climbing on top of her. He then crawled to her backside and positioned himself at her rear.

"Are you sure about this?" Don checked.

"Just do me already," Ashley moaned.


Ashley had a lot in her butt that night, but Don was by far her favorite.

Author's Note: 

Something I threw together off of a simple idea. Kinda went on for awhile, but I like the end result.

Average: 4.2 (5 votes)
Nicely done!

You should be happy with it! And hey, the longer a story goes, the better the results!

Fun story, would've liked

Fun story, would've liked some more descriptors of how her body was after Don showed up, what she looked like as he saw her, size of her as he got the ladder etc.