
To Be Bigger

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow. Try not to burn the place down," Don joked as he exited the building.

"Ha-ha, very funny," Ashley replied, rolling her eyes.

Average: 4.2 (6 votes)

Blueberry Tattoo

Jesse looks around the bar, scanning for any potential marks. Off in the corner he sees a cute brunette wearing a sweater and a full length skirt. Boobs a little on the small side, but thighs that couldn’t hide themselves in the loose skirt. Maybe. He keeps looking. At the bar are two blonds, one wearing a pink crop top and skinny jeans. The other, a red t-shirt dress and tights. Jesse could try to take them both on. They were still both flat as a board, though.

Average: 3.7 (3 votes)

Making Art

Queen Ophelia was rather disappointed in her latest project, sighing as she had another body carted away by her servants. Leaving the stained room, the walls changed back to normal as she went deeper into the depths of her castle, returning to her throne room.

Average: 4.8 (4 votes)


Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

Daniel was a man with a lot of things going for him…money, power, and a brand-new girlfriend who was less than half his age. Just to name a few.

Average: 4.6 (5 votes)

Lila Inflates the Truth

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

Lila shuffled through a large box that she and her close friend Jenny were peering into, containing dusty old relics, toys, and bizarre dolls that gave both women pause.

"This is some seriously weird stuff," Lila said, standing back up. "What the hell was your family into?"

"I uh, don't really know myself," Jenny nervously said. "But yeah, real weird right?"

Average: 4.3 (8 votes)

Amber the Water Balloon Girl

Amber the Water Balloon Girl

By Joe Monday


With the last of my moving boxes unpacked in the new apartment, it was time to take a break. The roof access was open to all of the tenants. While it didn't have any official patio setup provided by the building management, I'd been told that people often used it to set up planters to tend to houseplants or container gardens, or as a patio to relax on folding chairs with some drinks and a portable grill.

Average: 3.8 (13 votes)


Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

An odd pair they were, Dustin and Ember.  Not in looks - he, with a perpetual tan and sun-bleached hair, and she with an olive complexion and a head of fluffy russet - but most everything else.  Neither were much on shirts, with him in an open front hoodie and her a fur-collared bomber jacket that, despite being left unzipped, managed to move in such a way that indecent exposure was almost never an issue.  Nor on pants, with him in tight diving shorts and her her in denim cut-offs.  Not at all dangerous by nature - very friendly, in fact - but odd just the same.

Average: 3.5 (6 votes)


Sometimes, Luke thought to himself, a lazy day is just what you need. He sprawled across the sofa without a care in the world, idly scrolling through post after momentarily amusing post on his phone, content in the knowledge that he had no plans for the day. He thus felt no need to put any real effort into his appearance, donning a pair of beaten up blue jeans and a random graphic tee, as well as leaving his near shoulder length black hair messy and uncombed.

Average: 4.3 (4 votes)


Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

He was tall, lean, and had sharp hazel eyes, his long, fluffy hair a shade of copper just orange enough to catch the eye, yet still dark enough to pass for natural.  He wore a loose kimono, his chest bare in a demonstration of either casual confidence in his own looks or a casual lack of concern for the thoughts of anyone who didn't appreciate how -drop dead handsome- he was.

Which Lotte did.

Very much so.

Average: 2.8 (8 votes)

Double Zeroes: Defying Gravity's Orders

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

The crew of the Recovery Routers gathered outside the locked door of the seventh and last available spaceship bay aboard their orbiting station.

Elam, a thirty-year-old maintenance man and makeshift member of the salvaging team, stared at the seam of the two heavy trapezoid doors set in their hexagon frame. Elevator-like cherry-red lights dimmed above one by one while the AI intercom methodically described what was causing all the whirring and clanging on the other side.

“Floor doors secure,” its crisp, synthetic butler voice relayed.

Average: 4.7 (3 votes)
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