
Gabby's Gadget

Sexual Content:


Gabby’s Gadget
By Inflate123

“Discrete packaging my ass.”

Staring at the contents of her mailbox, Gabby frowned. She expected a brown box, plain, non-descript -- boring. Instead, she got a brown box with the words PERSONNEL INFLATOR on the outside. Very descriptive, albeit misspelled; this package was adorned with Chinese characters and clearly not printed by a company that was all that fluent in the English language. Still -- good lord, what must the mail carrier think?   

Average: 4.1 (9 votes)

Dinmi Tribute

Slacks laid neatly on the footstool, Ashleigh lounged on the couch. She’d lived in a hotel for several weeks now, visiting houses and properties damaged by storms. As an insurance adjustor, she found herself on the move all day every day. From 8pm and after, that time was hers. Still in her white, button-down blouse, she ditched her pants as soon as possible, revealing her silky pink panties. After several small sips from her glass of wine, her stomach gave a soft grumble and Ashleigh clutched it instinctively, paying the sound little mind. 

Average: 4 (5 votes)


Sometimes, Luke thought to himself, a lazy day is just what you need. He sprawled across the sofa without a care in the world, idly scrolling through post after momentarily amusing post on his phone, content in the knowledge that he had no plans for the day. He thus felt no need to put any real effort into his appearance, donning a pair of beaten up blue jeans and a random graphic tee, as well as leaving his near shoulder length black hair messy and uncombed.

Average: 4.3 (4 votes)


Inflation Types:

Hello there, old friend. It's me; don't be alarmed. No one else is here, they can't hear me anyway.

Now, I'd apologize for disturbing your slumber, but it already appears to be disturbed enough. You weren't sleeping. Maybe tossing and turning, tangling yourself in the sheets, perhaps, trying to exhaust yourself, but certainly not sleeping.

You seem unfulfilled, my dear. That's why I'm here. That's why I always arrive. You know that.

Now, I know you need your rest, but you also need your needs met, so let's get started, shall we?

Average: 4.5 (4 votes)

Rough Breakup, A

Hiya honey~! You doing alright up there? Well, as alright as things can get under the circumstances at least. I imagine that finding out the hard way that your girlfriend is breaking up with you *and* that people can get inflated like balloons *and* getting left out tied to a railing on the balcony, floating in the breeze for hours while I hang out with all my hot girlfriends, all in the space of like one day would put a dampener on anyone's spirits. Ah well, whatever, I'm getting sidetracked. 

Average: 3.7 (6 votes)

Burst Tease

Inflation Types:

Sonia was always a strange one, but we didn't know how strange until the five of us were together one day and the topic of secret talents came up. Cherry stems were tied with a tongue, fortunes were told with Tarot decks, and then she piped up, asking us if we wanted to see "something cool." We said yes, not knowing what were getting into, and she grinned and left the room, coming back with a bike pump connected to a long, trailing hose.

Average: 4.4 (16 votes)

Thin String

As the afternoon breeze passes by, you muffle another moan of pleasure. Tethered to the ground only by the string around your ankle, you lay atop your helium-filled cock and balls, aroused beyond belief. Below you, sitting in the shade provided by your ballooned bulk, I lounge nude on a towel, my curves on full display to the world. I don’t care if a passerby might see us, if one would even be out here so far into the countryside. Besides, you have much more pressing concerns than potential spectators.

Average: 4.7 (22 votes)

New Limits

She’d been inflating herself for years. Since November of her sophomore year in high school, to be exact. Emma could remember the first time she came across the fetish online. Seeing all those girls with their beautiful, swollen bellies had gotten her curious, and she’d decided to try it out. And once she was filled up with air, nice and big, she knew this was all that she wanted.

Average: 4 (12 votes)

Blue Karma

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

Amy peeled the wrapper open. Staring at the bright blue stick of gum, she went over what the shop owner had told her.

“It’s just like the film, you’ll get the full experience. Tomato soup, roast beef, and then some blueberry pie to finish it off. That’s when the swelling will start.”

He had to be joking, right? She must have just taken him too seriously, he was obviously just making a reference… But what if the gum really worked?

Average: 4.2 (16 votes)

Minimum Wage, part 6: Wedding Caterer

Patricia was used to people looking down at her -- literally. Puberty and growth spurts had passed her by with barely a glance, leaving her 4'10" and just shy of 90 lbs. "Trixie the Pixie", they called her in high school. Boys treated her like a disposable sex toy. Girls saw her as an object of pity and scorn, when they weren't just stuffing her into lockers. Her intellect, talents, and assertive personality went unnoticed, wrapped up in such a tiny package. But Patricia was determined not to let her body's failings define her destiny.

Average: 4.2 (15 votes)
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