

Inflation Types:
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He lay listlessly on the cot, the sun's morning rays shining in on his nude body.  As he stared up at the ceiling one hand drifted downward, taking his length in a loose grip and moving his fingertips across it until it grew firm in his grasp, not really motivated to go beyond that.  Slowly blinking, he took a long breath.


His chest and abdomen rose but barely fell, three new mounds which half-obscured his manhood.


He grew higher, the mounds inching upward as his hips were lifted up, ever so slightly, by an expanding backside.

Average: 2.7 (7 votes)


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It figured, she thought.  The best ground-penetrating radar the Company can make, her first vacation in three years, and somehow the tunnel borer passes over a subterranean cavern nobody knew was there and -she- gets called in to investigate when the terrain collapses.  The borer had been pulled out along with the construction crew, leaving her alone with a gaping hole in the floor illuminated by a pair of flood lamps.

Average: 4.3 (8 votes)


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An odd pair they were, Dustin and Ember.  Not in looks - he, with a perpetual tan and sun-bleached hair, and she with an olive complexion and a head of fluffy russet - but most everything else.  Neither were much on shirts, with him in an open front hoodie and her a fur-collared bomber jacket that, despite being left unzipped, managed to move in such a way that indecent exposure was almost never an issue.  Nor on pants, with him in tight diving shorts and her her in denim cut-offs.  Not at all dangerous by nature - very friendly, in fact - but odd just the same.

Average: 3.5 (6 votes)


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To say that Carmen was built like a brick shithouse would be great praise to brick shithouses, or a great insult to Carmen.  Her height and musculature outstripped every man she met, with a sculpted, powerfully built figure.  At the same time there was no small degree of femininity to her, with thick thighs, firm breasts larger than her head - let alone anyone else's - and an enormous mane of flowing auburn hair held up in a high ponytail.  She attracted attention in the open-air gym, especially in a form-fitting sports top and shorts, though doing curls with barbells bearing

Average: 4 (4 votes)

Just Walk

Inflation Types:

"Oh no." Sandy fretted, going between looking nervously over the edge of the boat at the water, and looking just as nervously at the water slowly filling the selfsame boat. "Ohhhhh no."

"Sandy!" Devin shouted.  He and Amelia were the first to bail out, and both were looking up at Sandy as she paced the deck. "You need to jump!"

"I can't swim!" Sandy wailed.

"It isn't that deep, you'll be fine!"

"I'll drown!"

"It really isn't that deep," Amelia added. "Devin is standing on the bottom, and it's only up to his shoulders."

Average: 2.8 (4 votes)


Inflation Types:
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Tina didn't know how anyone could miss what was going on.  All the information was there.

Average: 3.7 (3 votes)


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He was tall, lean, and had sharp hazel eyes, his long, fluffy hair a shade of copper just orange enough to catch the eye, yet still dark enough to pass for natural.  He wore a loose kimono, his chest bare in a demonstration of either casual confidence in his own looks or a casual lack of concern for the thoughts of anyone who didn't appreciate how -drop dead handsome- he was.

Which Lotte did.

Very much so.

Average: 2.8 (8 votes)


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The past two weeks had been rocky for Brenda at first - printer paper and other sundries coming in two days late, the network not having the decency to go out completely and instead flicker off at inconvenient intervals - but she was pleased to see that the office's problems were resolved by the weekend.  Coming back on Monday, she had a surprisingly good few days, which made it sting all the more when the giantesses showed up.

Average: 4.9 (7 votes)

Self-Indulgent Competitive Inflation Story, A

Inflation Types:

Sydney gave a disparaging laugh as she looked me over, setting her hand weights onto the gym rack.  "I hope you don't think you can -really- out-grow me." The tanned blonde heaved in a deep breath, her orange sports top stretching as her breasts and belly billowed out to beach ball proportions.  Another breath and her ass and limbs bulked up, their sudden width and conical shape forcing them out to the sides before a third breath simply pushed her body out in all directions, leaving her as a six-foot balloon with two domes on her front and the vaguest implication of human anatomy.

Average: 4 (9 votes)



The police described it as "the incident," Homeland Security described it as "an airship hijacking by unknown assailants," and Sayman Pharmaceuticals didn't describe it as anything at all due to the gag orders and non-disclosure agreements handed out to its employees.  Bella and Zach didn't describe it either, nor did they make any mention of anti-wrinkle creams, former co-worker Nancy MacCallister, or her unusual ambitions which lead to her becoming rather round and single-handedly blotting out the sun over an entire city.  Neither did they mention the secondary effects her ambit

Average: 3.7 (3 votes)
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