
Above the Chimney Tops

Why did it have to be me?

Average: 4.3 (4 votes)

Captured: A Spy Story

Jane glanced up at the compressed helium pill nestled between the fingers of her left hand. The little grey capsule was incredibly innocuous-looking, considering just how much compressed gas it contained.

When Jane was captured, the helium pill was the only thing she managed to hold on to undetected; all of her other gear had been unceremoniously stripped away the moment she was subdued. The minuscule capsule, however, was small enough that it was easily overlooked as she kept it secreted in the palm of her hand.

Average: 4.1 (8 votes)


Inflation Types:

The past two weeks had been rocky for Brenda at first - printer paper and other sundries coming in two days late, the network not having the decency to go out completely and instead flicker off at inconvenient intervals - but she was pleased to see that the office's problems were resolved by the weekend.  Coming back on Monday, she had a surprisingly good few days, which made it sting all the more when the giantesses showed up.

Average: 4.9 (7 votes)


Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

Sally was perky 20-something blonde who worked as the interrogator for the Clarkdale police department. Rather than intimidating her suspects like her more senior and brutish coworkers, Sally prefers a gentler, more pneumatic approach to get her suspects to talk. Today she is interrogating Boris, a high ranking member of the Fire Demons, a powerful gang in the city of Clarkdale. Sally is planning to get Boris to reveal the secret location of their HQ, and she is prepared to go however long it takes for him to talk.

Average: 3.8 (10 votes)


Inflation Types:

“Percy, put that camera away,” Holly snapped. “We’re still setting up.”

“I know. This is the producer’s idea. He wants some behind-the-scenes footage of BITV for a ‘making of’ episode.”

“Fine, but can you at least wait until I have my face on?”

Average: 4.7 (18 votes)

How Do You Know?

Well, would you look at that, it actually happened. 

You actually got into bed with a girl who shares your inflation kink.

The realistic part of your brain told you it could never happen, the odds were so small that a girl would actually be into this sort of thing.

And yet here we both are~

Oh, you had such fun, finally having an outlet to flirt with all your most private inflationary fantasies, telling me how much you wanted one or both of us to blow the other up like a big, round, helpless balloon~

Average: 4.4 (9 votes)

Popping and Elves

Inflation Types:

Enna was blessed to a degree most other wind elves would be envious of: Platinum hair and smooth bronze skin, a soft figure with full, wide hips and thick thighs, all of which was utterly dwarfed by her breasts.  Enormous by any standards, let alone elven, they were easily more than double the size of her head, hanging down to her navel.  They spilled out between her fingers when she cradled them in her hands, with just enough sag to emphasize their softness and weight while still keeping a pleasing roundness.  She was the envy of many, but she had problems appreciating that

Average: 4.2 (9 votes)

Room Service

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

The hotel room door swung open and Elise strode silently in, her neatly-tied hair swishing behind her as she pushed a small cart over the threshold. A soft click sounded at the closing of the door and she glanced quickly around the room before sighing, dropping her perfect posture into an easy slouch. The cart concealed her equipment and the stolen maid outfit made her practically invisible as she moved, but she was glad not to put either of them to the test. All of the guests were out and about at this hour, it seemed. All except one.

Average: 4.7 (39 votes)

Explosive Event, An

I sit on the floor, casually lounging as I fill yet another balloon. There's still several hours before the party, so I haven't gotten dressed yet; I'm wearing a simple pair of panties and a form-fitting white tanktop. I sigh. "Man, who knew blowing balloons would take so long?" I lament, turning to you.

You're sitting on a chair in jeans and a white t-shirt, using a pump to fill the balloons. "Well, it's a good thing we have this pump. It could be a lot slower," you note, with a smirk.

I pout. "Well, I suppose. Still, next time we should just buy them, I guess."

Average: 4.3 (19 votes)

Silence in the Library

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

The sound of a page occasionally being turned was more or less the only thing audible throughout most of the building, save for maybe the odd creaking of a chair or a cough or two. Of course, though, libraries tend to be like that at the best of times. It was particularly quiet, however, on the evening at which he found himself taking up residence in a secluded wing of the library for some quality reading time.

Average: 4.4 (23 votes)
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