

Inflation Types:
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Mallory awoke with a start, and then sighed in relief as she saw the demon silhouetted against the faint light of the rising sun.

Oh, she thought to herself, taking in the sight of the succubus perched on one bedpost like a gargoyle clad in stiletto heels and little else, it's just her.

JUST her?

She blinked away the new wave of surprise washing over her rapidly-fading tiredness as the demon cocked her shapely, horn-crowned head at her.

Average: 4.8 (15 votes)

Cheerleader Scorned A, Part 3: Intermission

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Jordyn sat cross-legged on the glossy wooden floor, back against a tall metal cylinder, a red rubber hose cascading over her shoulder to lay dormant in her lap. She busied herself tying off a brightly-colored balloon, fingers tripping over each other in an effort to resolve the tangle of ribbon and latex. Finally, with some difficulty, she knotted it and moored it to a rack of folding chairs wheeled out into the center of the gymnasium, where it bobbed up to join a depressingly small multi-colored bundle. She leaned back and sighed loudly.

"Twenty down, two hundred billion to go."

Average: 4.4 (7 votes)

Contract, The

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Sexual Content:

"What do you want?"

The succubus hovered before her summoner inside a circle of shimmering air that rose up to the ceiling of the room. The chamber beyond wasn't the most ornate she'd been in by far, but it did speak to the material success that typically engendered such transgressive desires. A young professional's master bedroom, grand as its owners ambitions, yet strewn with keepsakes and tomes on case law and prosecutorial strategy that marked it as lived-in luxury not yet progressed into calcified opulence.

Average: 4.8 (14 votes)



The door to Shannon's room flew open, rebounding against the wall with a loud report. She started, phone slipping through her fingers, and looked up from where she lounged on her bed. She was tall and slender, hair long and blonde, wearing a snug blue crop top with fashionably ripped jeans clinging to her hips and tight white socks on her feet.

"Don't you ever knock?" she said, staring at the girl standing in the doorway, shorter and dark-haired and grinning like an idiot.

Average: 4.6 (30 votes)

Room Service

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The hotel room door swung open and Elise strode silently in, her neatly-tied hair swishing behind her as she pushed a small cart over the threshold. A soft click sounded at the closing of the door and she glanced quickly around the room before sighing, dropping her perfect posture into an easy slouch. The cart concealed her equipment and the stolen maid outfit made her practically invisible as she moved, but she was glad not to put either of them to the test. All of the guests were out and about at this hour, it seemed. All except one.

Average: 4.7 (39 votes)


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"Hmmm..." Shina pondered.

The burglar knelt at the end of a dimly-lit stone hallway, ear pressed against a stout wooden door, absorbed in process of probing its lock. Once she was through, there was nothing standing between her and the job of a lifetime. There was of course one detail that had made the venture the job of a lot of other people's lifetimes, and not long ones at that, but she had an ace up her sleeve for that eventuality. Probably.

Average: 4.1 (14 votes)

Witching Hour

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Mallory lay half-curled in slumber, clutching the last corner of a sheet that spilled onto the floor. She sprawled with messy grace in the warmth of the night, loose shorts bunched around her thighs and a snug t-shirt pulling tight curves over her chest with every breath she took. Long blonde hair spread about her like a halo, her arms drawn tight against her body and her toes pointed like a dancer's.

Average: 4.9 (32 votes)

Witness Protection

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Megan stirred at the sound of footsteps, but she was too exhausted to bother opening her eyes. It had been a long night already, and she didn’t have to check the clock to know it was far from over. The police had insisted on a patrol past her door every thirty minutes and a physical checkup every hour on the hour. It was an insane amount of bother, but at least it was all ending soon. Tomorrow – today, she thought blearily – she’d take the stand, and then there would be nothing left for anyone to fear. But for the moment, everyone was paranoid bordering on fanatical.

Average: 4 (23 votes)

Crocodile Tears

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:
“Wait up!”
I jerk my head reflexively towards the owner of the voice, but I don’t have to look up to know I want nothing to do with her. Someday I’ll figure out what went wrong between us, what her problem with me is. She’s so consistent, so tenacious, you’d think she was jealous of something. But I’m not the one riding an athletic scholarship and making all the guys—and a certain girl or two—drool every time I flip my hair. A weight drops into my stomach at the thought. A little tightness in my chest.
Average: 4.5 (37 votes)

After Hours

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

It was closing time at the Urbanville Aquatic Center. The swimmers were gone, the locker rooms empty, the last stragglers finally herded out. Claire milled about the entrance with the other lifeguards, chatting idly about how nice if felt to rise the chlorine from her hair and slip back into dry clothes, laughing and commiserating with each other over the day’s work, talking eagerly about their plans for the evening.

Average: 4.6 (44 votes)
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