female inflation

Berry Gamer

Inflation Types:
Berry Gamer
Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

A hot summer day

Probably not what Eleana had in mind when she said she was thirsty

A hot summer day
Average: 4.3 (6 votes)

Then Prove It

"Come visit the Holy City of Globolia, like the Vatican but instead of a Pope we have papayas!"

Average: 4.4 (14 votes)


Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

You can always tell when someone's addicted to something. The inability to turn away from it, the willingness to deny necessities for it, even the way people go about acquiring their vice of choice.

Average: 4.2 (9 votes)

Dance Till You Pop

Inflation Types:

Lights illuminate the dance floor as Sammy stepped into the club, men and women dancing around as a faint hissing fills the air.  She proudly steps in, her stretchy dress already expanding a bit as people gaze at her.  In a club where being the center of attention gives you a literal overinflated ego, clubs could be dangerous… or the greatest night of your life, if you knew how to play your cards right.  Sammy looked around, watching girls of varying sizes dancing and having fun with other people around them, each one dancing with them blowing the girls bigger by attention al

Average: 3.9 (15 votes)

Blue Karma

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

Amy peeled the wrapper open. Staring at the bright blue stick of gum, she went over what the shop owner had told her.

“It’s just like the film, you’ll get the full experience. Tomato soup, roast beef, and then some blueberry pie to finish it off. That’s when the swelling will start.”

He had to be joking, right? She must have just taken him too seriously, he was obviously just making a reference… But what if the gum really worked?

Average: 4.2 (16 votes)

Widowmaker's Weird Predicament (GrowthWatch Pt. 2)

"This...can't be real."

Amelie felt that her Cloaked Captain was thinking the exact same, and she felt the need to bring it up. Reaper was making an odd growling noise, as he did whenever Sombra was waisting his time, who was chuckling lightly as they watched the holographic video.

"I checked it and checked it again, this is real footage," Said the hacker, peering closer at the footage. "He kind of looks good with that...asset."

Average: 3.5 (4 votes)

Angelic Embarrassment

Angelic Embarrassment
Average: 2.8 (6 votes)

How Much Bigger? :3

Wasn't pleased with the original version of this I posted to DeviantArt so I did a few tweaks and changed the name to something more appropriate. 

How Much Bigger? :3
Average: 3.2 (9 votes)

Sudden Inflation!

Sudden Inflation!
Average: 3.8 (12 votes)
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