breast expansion

Tiffany's weekend at home

Tiffany had always been a little bit different than other girls. At least she assumed so based on her high school health class taken 10 or so years ago. It explained how women's bodies develop and how orgasms worked, but it never said anything about your body swelling when you were turned on. Yet that's exactly how her body responded.

Average: 4.3 (3 votes)

Eye of Helios III: Sunset of a Previous Life

For the second time in three days, Alisa found herself floating in the open air, just like a balloon let go by a small child. Extra embarrassing was the fact she was nude as a babe. Red in the face, Alisa squeezed her hands, trying to gain some semblance of control. Her fat fingers couldn’t even make an entire fist due to how inflated she was. She was a dirigible flying through the air, rising higher and higher. 

Average: 4 (3 votes)


Airtank Girl always drinks a big glass of Inflatercize Shake before beginning her inflatable workout.

Average: 4.4 (8 votes)

Amber the Water Balloon Girl

Amber the Water Balloon Girl

By Joe Monday


With the last of my moving boxes unpacked in the new apartment, it was time to take a break. The roof access was open to all of the tenants. While it didn't have any official patio setup provided by the building management, I'd been told that people often used it to set up planters to tend to houseplants or container gardens, or as a patio to relax on folding chairs with some drinks and a portable grill.

Average: 3.8 (13 votes)

Helium Day - 2023

August 18th - Happy Helium Day 2023!



Helium Day - 2023
Average: 4.8 (6 votes)


Eleana gets bonked with the fwoomphammer and inflates

Average: 3 (1 vote)

Full of Herself

One drip. Two drips. Three drips. Hayley watched her engorged breast swell like melons as they rapidly lactated. She was shocked to see how rapid and effective the results of the lactation creme she applied to her chest was. Her once modest B-Cups were now far past D-Cups and reaching to DDD in a hurry.

"Damn, I'm really busty now." She cheeredfully quipped at her new breast line.

Average: 4.4 (11 votes)

Not What I Wanted

Rachel was an already curvy women in her early 30s. Her hair dyed black and fashioned like Betty Page's, accented with a bow. She decorated her face in makeup that included dark eyeliner with wings and reddish lipstick.

Average: 4.4 (16 votes)


Average: 4.4 (8 votes)

Alchemy Experiment

Louis slipped quietly into the small pub as the afternoon sun drew long shadows across the beaten-dirt road. Even by the dim light of the smudged oil lamps, he could see the place was mostly empty. Set back in the shadows, at a table in the far corner, he spied the person he came to meet. He crossed the vacant hardwood floor, trying not to draw attention to himself.

Average: 3.3 (8 votes)
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