
Tiffany's weekend at home

Tiffany had always been a little bit different than other girls. At least she assumed so based on her high school health class taken 10 or so years ago. It explained how women's bodies develop and how orgasms worked, but it never said anything about your body swelling when you were turned on. Yet that's exactly how her body responded.

Average: 4.3 (3 votes)

Full of Herself

One drip. Two drips. Three drips. Hayley watched her engorged breast swell like melons as they rapidly lactated. She was shocked to see how rapid and effective the results of the lactation creme she applied to her chest was. Her once modest B-Cups were now far past D-Cups and reaching to DDD in a hurry.

"Damn, I'm really busty now." She cheeredfully quipped at her new breast line.

Average: 4.4 (11 votes)


I wake up next to my beautiful wife. She is sleeping with her back to me, snoring softly. Her curvy hips are easily seen through the light sheet draped across her. I look over her and out the open door to the balcony. Through the screen I see nothing but darkness of the morning. Soon a beautiful tropical sunrise would illuminate the Hawaiian paradise outside. I carefully climb out of bed so not to disturb her.

Average: 4.1 (14 votes)

Ballerina Blowkiss II: Debbie is ready to explode

Another special request for HeavyMetalRox. By this point, the blowkiss has gotten a bit out of control. Debbie is in distress and her belly has gotten so big, it has knocked over the helium tank. How much bigger can she get before she explodes? Only HeavyMetalRox knows!

Ballerina Blowkiss II: Debbie is ready to explode
Average: 4.2 (14 votes)

Ballerina Blowkiss: Debbie's first airgasm

Here's a special request from Heavymetalrox for a blowkiss scene. Text to accompany the image as follows:

Ballerina Blowkiss: Debbie's first airgasm
Average: 4 (19 votes)

hazardous experiments on inflation and arousal

hazardous experiments on inflation and arousal
Average: 3.8 (12 votes)

Signal, The

FOREWORD: This is not a story for children. This is a story for consenting,
well-informed adults. If you are under the age of majority where you live,
read no further. Close the file, you scamps. If you are of age, believe you
keep an open mind, have some time to spare for reading, and you already have
some idea of what you're going to find between this sentence and the end of
the document, then come right in.

Average: 3.5 (13 votes)
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