Inflation Types:
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There was a new fruit stand at the local farmer's market, and Kelly and her friends from work were all eager to try its new wares. All except for Alex, who was a bit hesitant considering that he was not a fan of GMOs.

"Oh please," Kelly chided, hurrying them along. "Almost all fruits have GMOs if you think about it."

"Yeah," Jason agreed, slapping Alex on the back.

"I mean, I'm not the only one who is hesitant. Look! No one else has even gone near their stand."

It was true. The new fruit stand was vacant, save for the vendor.

"How about we ask them what kind of GMOs they use, and THEN we'll try them, yeah?" Kelly suggested.

"Oh, alright."

When they got to the booth, the vendor greeted them kindly, her smile sweet and soothing. "What can I get for you lovely folks?"

"Can I ask what sort of GMOs you use for your fruit?" Jason asked on Alex's behalf.

"Of course! We use the typical ones that help the plants survive and ward off infestations, as well as a new GMO meant to help the fruits grow larger and riper, more quickly!"

"I can see that!" Kelly said excitedly.

All of the fruit on the stand was massive. They had everything from grapes the size of golf balls to watermelons the size of beach balls! There was even an orange as round as a basketball!

"Would you like to try anything?"

Feeling more confident with the vendor's honest answer, they all picked a fruit to buy, thanked the vendor, then carried on their walk around the park.

"This is really good!" Kelly said, taking a bite of a juicy, yellow pear.

"Yeah!" Alex agreed, timidly nibbling on his watermellon slice.

"Bet you're glad of those GMOs now, huh!" Jason teased, crunching into his apple.

They left the main path and started wandering through the wooded lane, licking their fingers as they strolled through the woods.

Soon, however, Alex began to feel slightly upset to his stomach. At first, he tried to brush it off, but after a few more twists and bends, he started to feel incredibly full. "I'm not feeling too good, guys," he finally admitted.

"Pfft! You're just thinking about the GMOs again. It's messing with your head," Kelly said.

"No really," Alex insisted. He slowed his pace, holding his stomach. "My stomach really hurts."

Jason and Kelly shared a look like they didn't believe him, but when Alex started groaning in pain, they stopped. He doubled over, folding his arms over his stomach, looking like he might puke.

"Okay, are you alright?" Jason asked, helping to support him.

Alex shook his head. "I feel so full."

"But you just had one slice of watermelon," Kelly said.

"I know, but . . . mmmm." Alex panted for a moment, then cringed at the feeling of his stomach filling further. He unfurled from where he was curled up, and his friends gasped.

His stomach was sticking out quite a bit, and it was visibly growing at a steady pace.

"What the hell?" Kelly screeched.

"What's happening to-- Oh.  . ."

"What?" Kelly asked.

"I'm starting to feel it too," Jason admitted. He looked down, and indeed his belly had begun to bulge slightly.

Alarmed, Kelly looked down at her own stomach, but found nothing so far.

"Ah! AH!" Alex cried. The others looked and screamed when they saw how large Alex had become. His stomach was as large as an overly pregnant woman's, and it seemed to be straining to hold its package. The tightness was intense to the point where Alex would have sworn his skin had started tearing. But just when he was sure he couldn’t hold anymore, the space around his belly relinquished themselves to rhe growth.

Much like a ballon when it finally let's you fill it.

Alex stumbled back and leaned up against a tree as his sides began to expand as well. His belly pooled over his lap as his thighs and ass began to accommodate for his growth.

"What the fuck!?" Kelly shouted.

"Is that going to happen to us?" Jason screamed.

"No!" Kelly insisted. "Not me! Nothing's happened to me yet!"

Jason checked himself over and, to his horror, his belly was nearly as large as Alex's had been moments before. It felt firm and dense. He poked it experimentally and found that it had little give. Then, he stepped forward and poked Alex.

"Hey!" Alex gasped, swatting his hand away.

"It's different!" Jason said. "Your's has give and mine hasn't!"

"So!" Alex cried, huffing out panicked breaths as his butt grew wide and round, molding into his back as it too filled in.

"I think we are filling with different things, or in different ways!"


They both turned to find that Kelly had finally begun to have changes of her own. Her hips had widened slightly, her thighs looking slightly swollen.

"I think it has to do with which fruit we ate!" Jason exclaimed.

"What are we supposed to do!?" Kelly asked.

"I don't know!"

"I don't think I can--" Alex stumbled forward before falling off balance and landing back in the leaves. His body jiggled as it landed, ripples traveling through his skin. He moaned as he felt the growth continue through him, his thighs and calves tearing his shorts as they thickened into waterlogged cones.

"We need to get back to that fruit stand and get that lady to-to- I don't know! Fix this!"

"How?" Jason asked, even as he moved to help her try and get Alex up off the ground.

They both grabbed one of Alex's arms and tugged, but he was so heavy with suggary water that they could barely shift him.

"Again, on three!"

They counted down, all while Alex shook his head and pleaded with them to stop. The jostling was making him feel nauseous, and his torso was rounding out into a taught water balloon.

He wouldn't have to protest much longer, foe Jason's stomach had grown too large for him to reach over. But instead of it spilling over his front like Alex's had, his sides and his fupa merely began to expand with it. He was so firm and large, he began to have trouble moving the joints in his legs.

Kelly wasn't doing much better. Her hips had grown so wide that her thighs were as wide as her torso, each. They rubbed together uncomfortably, and her ass has begun to balloon out as well.

"We're gonna be stuck here!" Kellt cried, trying to waddled further down the path.

Alex was simply crying, his body growing taller and rounder as his arms joined in on the absorption. They sat loosely atop his floppy body, hands dangling down as his legs were lost beneath the girth of his body as it lay flattened against the earth. Even his neck and cheeks had begun to plump. his shirt was clumped up around his neck and arms, but would soon tear away completely.

Jason groaned as his torso reached a decent level of roundness, his shirt pulled tight around him like someone had dressed up a beach ball. The zipper of his pants has come undone, and his biceps and thighs began to cone out and absorb into his form.

Kelly whined as her thighs and sides grew so big that her feet were pushed so far apart that she fell into the world's most uncomfortable split, landing on her filled out middle. She wiggled her feet and shook back and forth in protest as she found herself stuck. The growth crept up her body and into her stomach and chest. She knew a pear shaped body could be hot but this was ridiculous!

"It helps to ripen the fruit extra quickly," Alex mumbled through his bloated cheeks.

"What?" The other two asked in unison, all three of them moaning from the strain of their skin stretching and their bodies feeling so bloated.

"The GMOs," Alex explained. "They're affecting us too."

The others groaned. Of course Alex was right.

"So what now?" Jason asked, his body a near perfect sphere, all round and firm.

"I don't know," Alex moaned, his head nestled in a sunken divot of his deflated soccer ball looking body. "I feel so ill."

Kelly poked at her belly, her arms only a little pudgy compared to the other two, but her legs completely useless. "It's so weird and soft."

"Not for me," Jason complained.

"I think we all filled up with what fruit we ate."

"No kidding."

They all groaned.


Night fell and they all slept on the forest floor. When they woke, some of the affects had worn off.

Kelly had impossibly wide hips, looking much like a Pixar mom.

Jason had a puffed out chest and stiff limbs. He felt pudgy, like the stay fluff marshmallow man.

Alex was covered in loose skin, and felt sicker than ever.

Kelly sighed as they all slowly woke up. "Man, I want a refund."

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