
Amber the Water Balloon Girl

Amber the Water Balloon Girl

By Joe Monday


With the last of my moving boxes unpacked in the new apartment, it was time to take a break. The roof access was open to all of the tenants. While it didn't have any official patio setup provided by the building management, I'd been told that people often used it to set up planters to tend to houseplants or container gardens, or as a patio to relax on folding chairs with some drinks and a portable grill.

Average: 3.7 (12 votes)

Return to Her Natural State, The

Stress Inflating

Jhanavi plops down on her bed, making her bounce briefly on the padding as she rests her back on the wall. A low groan escapes between her hands which covered her face, hoping that the distressed noises would help relieve some of the stress she was feeling from work.

The sun gently shined on her as Jhan sat on her bed, mumbling under her breath. The colours of her blue jeans and dark shirt glowed under the light of the outdoors. 

Average: 4.6 (11 votes)

30 Feet Around at 30,000 Feet High

Palm trees and lamp posts were the alternating columns that lined the wide sidewalks along the spacious flat lanes. The jet-black luxury car was the confined space that hummed all around her while gradually outspeeding the other traffic under a hazy grey sky.

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)


"Nice and full?"

Mandy swallowed again, having chugged the last of the 3 soda bottles. Leave it to her friends to let truth or dare get out of hand. 

"You have to eat as much as we give you, or you lose, yeah?" Gwen said, smiling deviously as she held the giant shopping bag of mentos. 

Mandy nodded. There really were no secrets between them. What was the worse that could have happened if she had chosen truth? But no, going for truth was as good as losing with this lot. 

Average: 4.3 (6 votes)


Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

He lay listlessly on the cot, the sun's morning rays shining in on his nude body.  As he stared up at the ceiling one hand drifted downward, taking his length in a loose grip and moving his fingertips across it until it grew firm in his grasp, not really motivated to go beyond that.  Slowly blinking, he took a long breath.


His chest and abdomen rose but barely fell, three new mounds which half-obscured his manhood.


He grew higher, the mounds inching upward as his hips were lifted up, ever so slightly, by an expanding backside.

Average: 2.7 (7 votes)


Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

An odd pair they were, Dustin and Ember.  Not in looks - he, with a perpetual tan and sun-bleached hair, and she with an olive complexion and a head of fluffy russet - but most everything else.  Neither were much on shirts, with him in an open front hoodie and her a fur-collared bomber jacket that, despite being left unzipped, managed to move in such a way that indecent exposure was almost never an issue.  Nor on pants, with him in tight diving shorts and her her in denim cut-offs.  Not at all dangerous by nature - very friendly, in fact - but odd just the same.

Average: 3.2 (5 votes)

Candy Pills

Inflation Types:

Jay knew he shouldn't have listened to Clara, but he didn't have any other friends to hang out with, so here he was, trudging after her in to the woods.

"Can you please tell me what we're doing out here, Clara?"

"Yeah yeah, fine. This should be far enough."

"What is it?"

Clara took a small bag of spheres out of her pocket. "These!"

"What are they?"

"Not sure! I got them on Mercari, said they were transfromative candies!"


"Yeah I don't know how! Maybe we will turn into dragons or wolves or something!"

"Are they all the same?"

Average: 2.8 (4 votes)

Escape Room, The

Inflation Types:

“Let’s hope this Escape Room is more of a challenge than the last one,” Lindsey remarked to the group. “If we’re done in under ten minutes again, I’m asking for our money back.”

“Relax,” Jake reassured the curvy blonde. “I signed us up for the extreme package. From what I’m told, it’s supposed to have a few pretty wild curveballs we’ll have to contend with.”

Average: 4.5 (6 votes)

Purple Pufferfish, The

Inflation Types:

As a grad student of Marine Biology at the University, Azura was for the most part a normal 23-year-old young woman with good grades and a positive work attitude. But for as long as she could remember, Azura also had a secret dream of becoming a superhero, one she had ever since she was a little girl, with an innate desire to fight crime and look out for the public good.

Average: 4 (3 votes)

Test Subject Cynthia

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

Cynthia stepped outside of the Sandy Resort hotel on Io. What have I gotten myself into?

Average: 4.3 (7 votes)
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