Just wondering if there is anybody on the West Coast of the US who his an inflatable suit?
Just wondering if there is anybody on the West Coast of the US who his an inflatable suit?
I'm trying to connect with people.
Maybe get a project going that will be fun to do.
Not any more. I had one, sent it to a member of the community for discreet repair, never saw it again, never got a refund.
As you might imagine, I'm still pissed about that.
Did you post this on the wrong thread?
No. But I am on the west coast, and I wish I still had a suit so I could offer to participate in whatever it is you're planning!
The seamstress I have hired to remake my costumes wants to continue making inflatable spandex costumes professionally. She is very good at it--I just went for my third fitting and her work is really amazing! So we may have a new source for costumes that we otherwise really couldn't get. She is still learning, but she is really smart and learns fast. I told her about the advantages of "chambered" inflatable costumes (more or less the kind I have made, with separate inflatables stuffed inside a tight spandex shell) over double-walled latex, in terms of the pressure you feel and how the suit moves with you and supports you when you sit or lie down in it, and how they are generally more durable and can be more easily repaired. I have only ever made "hyper-voluptuous" suits, and neither one of us really knows how to make a "ball" suit yet, although I have made a couple of experimental ones that I might work on with her sometime soon.
I do have some projects in mine. A couple would be the famous Balloon Blowback gag...with a twist.
And some others would be a floating type.
Ummm...are there only TWO suit inflators on the West Coast????
Come on don't be shy....
I'm in Tucson, AZ. Not *too* long of a drive. See me at http://sofondasilicone.deviantart.com/
I think I watch you on deviantart already.
I'm on there as Skunkman001.
And now I'm watching you!
Just wondering...are you using stuffing or inflatable bladders for your suits?
I use big inflatable exercise balls. In my clown costume, I use 50-inch "Bigens" balls for the hips/rear, but they don't seem to make them anymore. I use smaller Physio-Gymnic balls for the boobs. I use a little padding (foam rubber) ti fill out the thighs, and smaller "Gertie" balls for the calves. For the feet, I use a small latex balloon in each toe, and fill out the main part of each foot with foam rubber padding.
I sewed the version in my profile pic myself, but I've hired a professional seamstress to make a new version with more outfits. And of course I have plans to go bigger in the near future :)
That's cool!
But is that heavy to wear? Or do you use a harness to keep your back from breaking?
The whole thing probably weights about 15-20 lbs I'm guessing. It balances out pretty well, and the weight is distributed pretty well, on my hips mostly, and some on my shoulders.
That's not bad at all.
I love that Gertie balls -- what most people would use for their rack if they were making a big-boobed burlesque costume -- you deem so small as to only work for your CALVES.
You're a national treasure, Sofonda. :)
Are you looking to buy an inflatable suit from someone on the west coast? I'm in Washington state, I do have an inflatable suit (from SqueakLatex) but I just got this one...and it is amazing! Or are you just looking to connect with people on this side of the country?