Girl who wants to have huge package!!

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stufferXXXXL's picture
Girl who wants to have huge package!!

Man, it must be the wine, but I shur would love to have my own "package" HA! lol then I'd would never go looking!!! You guys are soo lucky!! But I really enjoy having big titties too, but would love to be able to reach down and find a surprise like you guys!!!!!  Damn, how much have I had to drink? I think I'll go blow up some balloons!!!! Maybe I'll fill some with water to make them nice and heavy!!


The wine will do that to you.

Blue_Eyes's picture

For someone who is drunk, your grammar/spelling is astounding....minus the over use of !!!!!.

Those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA, I've got some good news and some bad news. Bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we've got a much better test for you: fighting an army of mantis men.

stufferXXXXL's picture

Blue_Eyes...LOL I have been told that before. both parts! LOL  My friends are amazed that i can hold up my end of a debate after quite a bit of the grape!! Or any discussion for that matter


Having a 'package' definitely has advantages.

darth_clone19's picture

You know if you keep this up someone's going to report you for spamming the forums.

 -   Read my stories: 


Was thinking the same thing. Even on this forum too much can be....well, too much -_-

Hi my name is Tom. I run the inflatable chicks yahoo group

stufferXXXXL's picture

I'm not sure I know what you mean? We can't talk about experiences in this forum? I guess I didnt see any rules? What are the guidelines?


I don't think it has anything to do with the subject matter. It's more a an issue of making lots of new posts for each experience. Maybe make a thread for your experiences, then just keep posting updates to it?

stufferXXXXL's picture

Hmm, that sounds more like people's personal preferences as to how they like to read posts. I would assume that if posts were viewed as spamming, that the powers that be would address it?  Just sayin

darth_clone19's picture

The "powers that be" is just one guy who lives a normal life and runs this site. When he comes in and sees the gazillion posts you have made in such a short span of time (short posts that not even many people have commented on), he will tell you.

 -   Read my stories: 


Exactly, at other boards and chans that I frequent, the mods will lay down the banhammer for making thread after thread of related subject matter. It clogs up the feed with stuff that could be condensed to a couple posts. It's just a heads up, don't take it personaly, other places that are moderated more frequently typically won't even give a warning, you just get temp banned without knowing you screwed up.

stufferXXXXL's picture

So, if I'm reading this correctly, you are saying that I can only post so many posts about a certain topic, and only within a larger time span?? So I dont offend again, exactly how many posts would that be, and within what time frame? I would hate to ruffle feathers!

stufferXXXXL's picture

Well, thank you for your well intended guidance. I tell ya what, when I hear from the Powers that be, I'll let ya know.  I highly doubt that my posts are 'clogging up the feed", and if that's such a major issue, then I beleive the powers that be, and his readers have too much on their hands. lol Seriously guys? Just sayin! Lighten up, have some fun! Its just a board!  :) 


It's not a forum. It's our home :)

Hi my name is Tom. I run the inflatable chicks yahoo group

stufferXXXXL's picture

Also, I've been a moderator on many boards, and have never heard such a thing as a poster making too many posts.

stufferXXXXL's picture

to some its your home (eyebrows raised), to some its a forum, its all things to all people. Lets learn to accept them all to be able to keep this fun


It was a joke. Tried to be funny, but I failed -_-

Hi my name is Tom. I run the inflatable chicks yahoo group

stufferXXXXL's picture

Slayer - Ahhhhh, my bad then

inflation-racer's picture

hehe, ^///^ well, i might as well join in on this chat/disscustion, that, >////> i wont mind if i found/saw a inflationfan female With there own packege, :3 best of both worlds hehe

Shooting down the monitin roads, and inflating guys & gals sins 2010