I'm looking for a roleplay~

Guten tag ladies and gentlemen, I'm looking for a few roleplaying partners to bloat up and if i'm in the mood, bloat me up too, if any of you boys and girls want to have a little, sorry...big fun, hop over to my private IRC Rooms, ladies first.


and for someone who wants to get naughty after they're done bloating me up or me bloating them up for a good old fashioned fucking, we'll roll over to this room here:


Feel free to drop me an email on when you want to RP, Auf Wiedersehen, meine Kinder, mommy's waiting for you




Where exactly do you play? Can you send a link?

There is absolutely no such thing as too big ;)


Alexis Amsel

http://webchat.freenode.net/ Right here honey

Just type in the first channel into the bar and provide your name and gender, i'll be waiting for you there

Auf Wiedersehen

bellyinflationfan's picture

may i play with you <3 i like to bloat you up ^^

biff977's picture

I'b be curious to check it out...what IRC server are you playing on?

Pskunkman001's picture

Is there a particular time that you are on?