anyone wanna play with me? <3

hi hi~ i'm new here, and was wondering if anyone would like to rp with me?
my name's maria and i am in fact a girl. :P as for what i look like, that's me in my dp! though, i am wearing a wig. my actual hair is dark brown and short, and resembles a sidecut at the moment (it was shorter before, but now it's growing out, wah :c). i also wear glasses. xDi'm into the alt fashion scene, so that's how i'll explain why i own wigs... xD;; i also wear lolita fashion (but that's not sexual okay!! it's not a costume. it's not related to pedophilia either! different from the book! though, i would be interested in rping inflation while someone was wearing lolita... i love my frills too much <3).
nowww, as to rping... i'm looking for preferably a woman to rp with, but a man would be welcome too (i'm just not experienced there). i love bdsm, and 90% of the time i prefer non-con/forced inflation. inflation and stuffing (especially combined) are my biggest kinks. i adore tummies! i usually prefer belly inflation ONLY. sometimes breast inflation is okay too, but not if it takes the focus away from the tummy.

so here are my lists~
- bondage
- non-con/forced/rape
- ocs/original characters
- stuffing
- cum inflation
- liquid inflation
- enemas
- master/slave
- story rps
- straight, gay and lesbian pairings are all fine by me, but i especially like gay pairings, with a girly submissive boy being inflated <3
- drugs
- decadence
- fantasy settings
- tentacles 
- DETAIL! make me melt! <3 
- traps and crossdressing!
- girly boys <3 to the point where it's ridiculous. xD 

- blueberry
- furry
- burp/fart
- full body inflation (except in wg)
- anything where the inflatee is inflated via their navel/bellybutton (c'mon guys) 
- air (sometimes okay, usually not interested, i like 'heavy' inflation!)
- deflation
- 'gross' terms used when describing body parts... xD;; i don't find them very sexy.
- breast inflation (okay sometimes, i have some info about that above...)
- butt inflation (unless wg) 
- text talk/chat speak

okay so sorry this is such a long post! ;A; hope someone wants to rp with me and isn't intimidated by this! i'm very shy, really. i'm nice too! ;7; s-so, please talk to me? i need a master or mistress to come fill me up. <3

my msn is
please add me so we can talk! <3 


fxckstar's picture

please reply soon, i'm desperate. my ex-gf used to rp inflation with me often but since we broke up she doesn't speak to me anymore. i'm so looonely. x__x

inflation-racer's picture

well, ^^;; hehe, i woudnt mind rping with ya :3 i always want to keep a girl happy

Shooting down the monitin roads, and inflating guys & gals sins 2010


That's an interesting list of likes...I'd like a chance to rp with you, if you would be so kind. I've already added you on MSN messenger (and I think my yahoo messenger allowed me to add you as well...odd...), so be on the the lookout for, or Look forward to playing with you!


Are you on YIM to would love to talk about bout this more 


I would love to RP with you. I am fairly unexperienced with this however I am a quick learner and am always up for new things!


I would love to RP with you. I am fairly unexperienced with this however I am a quick learner and am always up for new things!