Rubbermaid: Back Yard Brat

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Ronda had the weekend off and she awoke to what promised to be a sunny Saturday afternoon. She planned to start the day with some much-needed work in the back yard and then an afternoon relaxing by the pool. Ronda had been a pretty good swimmer in her college days and had installed a larger than average pool in her back yard. Time by the pool is something Ronda always enjoyed but this time she looked forward to even the yard work. This time it was different. The yard work was the same yucky stuff but she planned on getting some help from Rubber Maid, her super-elastic alter ego. The way she figured it, Rubber Maid might help her get the work done much faster and get a good elastic workout in the process.

First things first. Ronda reached toward the bathroom and extended her hand to the shower faucet and got the water running. After a quick shower she took a long look in her closet to see what she might wear after she had finished with the day's events. As she did this she said out loud, "why am I being so picky? I can fit into anything." She couldn't help but giggle. Her new pliable body allowed her to fit into all of her clothes, and when she wanted, fill them out really well. That in itself was worth all of the twisting, stretching, and inflating that the boss had put her through in the past week. Without a further thought, she slipped into the special outfit that her friend Alice Pinky from the Badyear rubber plant had graciously made for her. It was a form fitting two piece made from the remaining rubber compound she had ingested earlier and was primarily purple and white with thin multi-colored midriffs that had some special purpose Alice mentioned but didn't have time to explain. "I'll have to ask Alice about that the next time I see her," Ronda said to herself as she pulled the top over her breasts. With a quick glance in the mirror that met with her satisfaction she bounded outside. It was time to play.

Once outside Ronda looked up at the large tree overhanging the pool and fence. She had always wanted those branches trimmed back so that they didn't block the sun. She reached into the shed for the clippers and stretched her body up and around the highest branch and then proceeded to stretch herself through the branches to get at each part that needed to be trimmed. Within a short amount of time the job was done. She thought, "Wow that would normally have taken forever." Ronda looked over her handiwork and was satisfied. "Too bad the purple trim isn't permanent" she mused as she looked at the Rubber Maid Decoration adorning the tree. It was time to get on with it so she twisted herself through several branches to get down but found that she wasn't quite down because most of her was still in the tree. Hmmm. She looped one arm back through and found that it didn't help. Then she tried squeezing her body back through several loops and found she was more entangled than before. She extended her neck back away from the tree so she could have a good look and what she saw reminded her of a purple and white yarn ball with branches and leaves sticking out. "Oh what a mess," Ronda thought as she pondered what to do next. "I just have to be smarter than the tree," she said to herself. Just then Ronda heard a voice and turned to look. It was the next door neighbor's boy, Tommy, leaning over the top of the fence. "Hey you're that rubber lady my friends were talking about, what are you doing up in that tree?" The last thing Ronda wanted was an audience so she replied; "I'm trimming the tree now be a good and boy go play with your computer.” "No I'm tired of that, besides this looks like more fun anyway." Ronda rolled her eyes and groaned as Tommy leapt on top of the fence and climbed onto one of the branches she was entangled in. "Now Tommy please, I can't trim the tree with you playing in it and I'm sure that your parents will be calling you for breakfast any minute now". Tommy replied, "They're all sleeping and I'm not hungry anyway, besides, it looks like I can help". Tommy reached over and grabbed one of Ronda's arms and asked, "are you really made of rubber?" He pulled and was amazed at what happened. "Wow you stretch just like one of those bungee things! Wait till I tell my friends about this!" Just then Tommy grabbed hold of Ronda firmly and leapt from the branch. Ronda's entangled body tightened into a firm knot as Tommy landed gracefully by her feet. "Wow, that was great". But Ronda was not amused and firmly told the boy, "Tommy this isn't funny. And look what you have done!" as she tried to point. He replied, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I'll help pull you loose" As he said this he grabbed Ronda's feet and started pulling. As Ronda watched her lower body being stretched away from the tree she thought, "someone pinch me, this isn’t really happening." She concentrated on pulling back and the tug of war caused tension that made Tommy lose his grip. The built up tension sprung Ronda's stretched legs back in the other direction and after a couple of loops around a nearby branch she found her feet dangling just over her head. Ronda Glared. She was now totally entangled in the tree, tied tightly in knots, and was providing entertainment for the boy next door. She had had enough. This was going to end. Ronda concentrated and pulled on every extremity, but this just tightened the knot that her body had become. She breathed out and said, "oh this is hopeless" and thought, "maybe the colorful tree trim isn't so temporary." Just then as she began to relax, Ronda felt the tension begin to loosen. She calmly retracted her arms and legs and was surprised to find that she was slowly pulling herself back into shape. "It's kinda like a Chinese finger puzzle," she thought. Within seconds she was her old self again straddling one of the large branches in the upper part of the tree. She looked down and saw Tommy staring at her with his mouth open. "Now to take care of you, you little troublemaker". Ronda stretched an arm down and around Tommy so that he was wrapped in her elastic embrace. She then pulled him up and curtly swung him over the fence and back into his own yard, "Now be a good boy and stay there." Tommy stared back defiantly and then ran into the house.

With a sigh of relief Ronda curled herself up into a purple and white ball and rolled herself off the limb. She was a bit embarrassed about the whole affair but once again she had learned something. She tumbled out of the tree and bounced a few times toward the porch where she eventually came to a stop. Ronda unwrapped herself and reformed into her normal shape. "You know, if it wasn't for nuisance kids and gangsters this shape shifting thing could be fun". Ronda twisted her upper body 360 degrees and thought "like who else can do this?" "Or this" as she breathed in deeply and watched her breasts expand into an impressive 52GGG. "Eat your heart out Helia", she said out loud. Ronda then looked to her waist as it trimmed to 20 inches around,
"What an hourglass, you know, the possibilities are almost endless." Ronda lay down on the lounger, put her hands behind her head, and let her mind wander.

Ronda's thoughts passed and she decided to finish what she had set out to do. She looked over at the parched flowerbeds and then over at the hose rolled up on the anvil. "Hmmm, why do I need that?" She looked around to see if anyone was looking, put her legs together, thought for a moment, and then watched as her body began to extend and contract. Encouraged by what she saw Ronda placed her arms alongside her elongating body and closed her eyes to concentrate. After a few moments she opened her eyes to see a looping purple and white garden hose splayed across and over the edges of the lounge chair where her shapely figure had been just moments ago. Ronda was clearly impressed with herself. She raised up the far end of her hose-self, waggled it back and forth a few times, and with a wicked grin said out loud, "Hercules, the new She-Demon has arrived." Of course the only thing Hercules had to fear was a good soaking from Ronda the Human Garden Hose. Only her head and smiling face gave her away and that was about to change. Ronda's thoughts returned to the back yard and she looked over to the faucet. If she was going to become a garden hose then she was going to become a garden hose. She concentrated again and her pretty face transformed into the shape of a water nozzle complete with dimples and eyelashes.

Ronda uncoiled her body and attached the far end of herself to the faucet. She looked at the faucet and thought, "you know, the down side of being a garden hose is that there aren't any hands." It mattered little as Ronda coiled her hose-self around the knob and twisted it until the water flowed freely. Immediately she felt the cool water surge through the length of her extended body and the recoil caught her completely off guard. Ronda's hose-body swayed dizzily back and forth and water sprayed in every direction as she desperately tried to regain control.

Ronda fixated on her out of control body and it slowly began to respond. "The objective here is to water the flowers, not the whole lawn!" was her thought as her body stopped its wild gyrations. With her body finally under control she swayed herself in the direction of the roses and sprayed them with a fine mist that made them look healthy and happy. As she did this a thought came to her; "Hmmm... Georgio Gambini has a flower garden in the atrium inside his office and I have been desperate to listen in on some of the black market dealings going on in there. I wonder if anyone would notice a bouquet of Rubber Maid flowers minding their own business amid the rest of the colorful decor?" Ronda thought on it for several moments until the sight of a growing water puddle snapped her out of it. There were other flowerbeds to tend to and she extended her hose-form along the length of them and made sure that every flowerbed was well saturated. As she finished up she noticed out of the corner of her eye that something was not right about one of the knotholes in the fence. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that it was that brat Tommy again, spying on her. Ronda discretely looped her hose-body around so that she was just opposite the little nuisance. It was time to put an end to the young boys spying habits, or at the very least, teach him a lesson he wouldn't soon forget.

Tommy pushed his face up against the knothole. He was desperate to have another look at the rubber lady who had tossed him out of her yard. He looked around but didn't see anyone and let out a sigh of disappointment. But as he continued looking his attention was drawn to the purple and white hose splayed out across the patio. He pulled back for a moment and thought, hey... and then put his eye back up against the knothole. At that moment a jet of water hit Tommy square in the eye. Tommy yelped and fell back away from the fence. As the streaming deluge continued to pour through and shower him with a cold blanket of water, Tommy picked himself up and ran toward the house. As he opened the door and ducked inside he shouted, “next time I’ll pull even harder and see how much you like stretch marks.”

Ronda heard Tommy yelp and knew that she had scored a direct hit. The force of the water surging forward was impressive but was starting to fall off the mark so Ronda looped her body around to get a better angle. She heard the young boy’s statement and her natural instincts caused her to pause for a moment. Ronda quickly dismissed the threat but thought, “that little boy is a monster.” In any event Tommy was gone for the moment and Ronda relaxed. With the garden finished, she washed all of the dead leaves and twigs off of the patio, turned the water off, and reformed herself into her normal self. "Well that was easy and kinda fun.”

Ronda looked to the pool and said, "I deserve a swim!” She dove in, swam the length of the pool, and did a quick turn. As she started back, and almost without thinking, Ronda placed her legs together and started forming them into a more appropriate shape. Within moments Ronda the Rubber Maid had transformed herself into Ronda the Mermaid. With a powerful thrust she propelled herself to the other side of the pool. Ronda moved through the water faster than she ever had before. As she reached the far end of the pool she propped herself up onto the edge and let her tail curl down and around the steps. Ronda looked herself over, flipped her tail splashing water up onto the patio, and giggled, "Copenhagen isn’t the only place that has a Mermaid!” Ronda thought about how fast she had swam and mused, “I wonder if it's too late to enter the Olympic swimming trials.” In fact she thought why stop there? Like, who would be able to beat me in the high jump? And then she thought about the things she could do in Gymnastics and laughed out loud.

Ronda decided to relax, gave a dismissive glance at the pool lounger and air mattresses that lined the pool-side, took several deep breathes, and watched as her body began to expand. As she did this she thought of the air cylinders stored in her shed. Alice Pinky, who had been very grateful for Ronda's help in capturing the thugs, had given Ronda over a dozen Air and Helium cylinders as a token of her appreciation. Ronda was certain they could come in handy and had over half of them brought to her home just in case. Ronda dismissed any thoughts of using the compressed air. She was doing just fine on her own and continued inflating herself as she turned and leaned back into the water. In a short time Ronda was indistinguishable from the other air mattresses save for the attractive color pattern and the smiling face stretched across the top. "What a hoot" she exclaimed as she stared up into the blue sky and floated around in her pool. "This certainly makes packing for the beach a lot easier."

Ronda closed her eyes, relaxed, and floated around in her pool for over an hour as the sun rose higher into the sky. She was a little concerned about that little brat next door so she periodically kept an eye out for any shenanigans. The last thing she wanted was to have that little brat unexpectedly pounce on her and expect a ride on the float lady, or worse yet, use her as target practice as an inflatable dart board. Ronda didn’t put anything past the mischievous boy.

At one point as Ronda peered up into the clear blue sky she noticed a parade of beautifully colored hot air balloons floating up across the crest of the trees and coming her way. She watched them as they majestically floated closer and closer, thought on it for a few minutes, and then exclaimed, "What am I waiting for?!"

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