Pee inflated swimsuit

Tasha a blond slim 17 year old girl just bought a new hot pink bikini. Her boyfriend wants to have a little fun with her and her new bikini bottoms. While she went to the mall with her friends mike went to her house and looked for her bikini. He found the bottoms and put some type of glue on it.  When Tasha came home she put on her bikini. The glue reacted when the bottoms touched he butt making it air and water tight. "huh" said Tasha. As she realized her suit bulged out a little. "oh well". Tasha went to the beach with her friends where mike was waiting for her. "hey Tasha want a drink" asked mike. " sure I will have done water" mike went to get her some water where he put a pill that helps the elderly with urine and gas in her drink. Tasha felt something like she had to use the bathroom do she did and her hot pink slim bikinis began to bulge out more and more until they became taunt. Ew my bikin inflated with pee yelled Tasha as she touched her sagging suit. Just then her suit began to sag some more until it looked like it was Hana burst.

Inflate123's picture

Pretty sure you mean "taut" instead of "taunt." 

Sticky site lover

Sorry yes I meant taut thanks I will fix that