He has enthusiasm, I give him that. But like with everything it takes 90 % practise and 10 % talent. So even the person with the lesser talent can become the greatest if he practises enough, and most importanly; practises correct. I should know because I have drawn and played guitar most of my life and in drawing I had a talent from the start and could draw what no kids could do in my class. But when I got to the age of 14, guitar took over and when I started I sucked at guitar and struggeled with what others found easy. But I was dedicated, took private lessons, practised hours and played songs every day. Today I am better on my guitar than I am at drawing. My drawing skills are where I left them at the age of 14! I started to draw again a few weeks ago and saw that I was no better than I was at my age of 14! But I know I can be better faster with drawing and maybe in a few years become what would have taken others with less talent maybe 10 years.
So to you Sticky site lover: Do what you love, keep practising, maybe take lessons, private or public, read a lot of good stories and try to find out what get them good. Right now you should firstly improve on your english, then I would focuse on story writing.
I like that you do suit-inflation as I love the subject myself. What I found good in a suit-inflation story is the build up, and the inflation itself usually happends just at the end.
Ok...ok...I know you want to write stories and stuff...but...you REALLY need someone to proof read your stuff BEFORE rapidly posting...because...this stuff is really, REALLY bad. I see constant spelling errors, there is no real flow in the story...your stories need a lot of work.