Why is female inflation so popular?

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Why is female inflation so popular?

Yes, I was wondering by looking on the internet some inflation pics cuz I was bored, I thought of that: Why is female inflation more famous than male inflation? Or maybe it's me...

Yes, this is just because female inflation artworks and videos (even in movies!) are more common than male one. Even in the site itself they're very very common.

And you? What are your thoughts about it?

Someone who lives somewhere.



hmm that is a good question, i myself have wondered about this... it could be just a coincidence or maybe there is a reason behind it. 


Oh, come on! This isn't that difficult. Ask any woman, she'll tell you that all men are preverts and there's only one reason they go on-line.

Also, men already like the way women bulge, especially when they're dressed in something tight that looks like it's about to pop buttons or burst seams. Now dial it up to eleven.

Inflate123's picture

"men already like the way women bulge, especially when they're dressed in something tight that looks like it's about to pop buttons or burst seams. Now dial it up to eleven."

This has always been my outlook. The "more of a good thing" thing.

pjoker's picture

Some ideas:

  • Exaggeration of the female form. Our neural hard-wiring is attracted to certain curves—and those circuits get even more excited when those curves are even more pronounced.
  • Helplessness of the girl. Domination/submission plays a big role in sexual arousal, and most men prefer the dominant role most of the time. Inflation usually renders the woman vulnerable, unable to even move.
  • Visual metaphor for sexual arousal—the build-up and burst/release. This works equally for men or women, but men are quite turned on by watching a woman become aroused.
  • Injection/filling of the woman's body with a foreign fluid or substance. Often by means of a phallic device like a hose. Pretty self-explanatory.
  • Gender psychological model thing. This is further out on a limb, but a female inflation fan once explained that women's psychology is geared toward taking something from outside withinn (whereas male psychology is about projecting outward). It makes sense to me in a way that I can't quite articulate.
  • Going Freudian: a lot of us probably remember our mothers being pregnant when we were young. This doesn't mean you were attracted to your mom, but I think we get subconscious cues from the females we encounter in early life that determine what we find attractive in women our own age when we grow up. Thus, seeing our mothers grow bigger with something foreign inside them may have played a role.
  • Fruit can also be sexually metaphorical, which I think has a lot to do with blueberry, etc. Fruits are sexual/reproductive plant organs. Even words associated with fruit (flesh, juice, etc.) have sexual connotations.

I've discussed this with a few non-inflation fan women and they agreed that blowing women up made more sense somehow. Many female inflation fans agree; they're not into blowing men up at all.

All of the above can be turned around on the male for guys who enjoy masochistic fantasies, which I guess would be a minority of us (or most of us a minority of the time).

Yes, I've thought about this before.


Since all of those has somewhat sexual themes, that could mean that the inflation community would count more men than women...

Off-topic: [But with the case of domination it's sometimes the reverse.

For example because our volume is increasing with inflation, it can bring a feeling of domination, or something like that...]

...after it's just me. =P

Someone who lives somewhere.


CorpulentArtifice's picture

I think it's just because there are more dominant straight men and submissive straight women in the community than there are people of other demographics.

Formerly known as SignoreMirtillo


Can ask the same with porn then: Why are there so many females in porn and not so many men? Short answer: Men watch more porn than women.

Ergo, same with fetishism = more men watch fetish porn.

Hi my name is Tom. I run the inflatable chicks yahoo group


I'm not sure it's accurate to say that there is little interest in male inflation.  Lovetoinflate's superman inflation video is up to 1.7 million hits.  Granted most of those people probably aren't inflation fetishists, but there are a ton of other male inflation videos on Youtube.  I even wonder if there might be more male inflation videos than female inflation videos, especially if you count the guys who do real belly inflation.  If we go further out on that limb and include scrotal saline infusion fetishists as male inflation fans, and if we also include inflatable male furries, that increases the number even more.  

It might be more accurate to say that male inflation isn't really rare, it's just less of a cohesive group.  There are plenty of content providers but few dedicated hosts.  What I mean, for example, if you go to Youtube you will find female inflation and male inflation, but that is a big diverse site that accepts anybody and doesn't really bring people together.  A forum like this one brings people together, but let's look at the host--L.V. Kane is a veteran writer of excellent female inflation stories who already had a large following before this site became a major hub for inflation discussion and the site has been up and running mostly uninterrupted for what?  Like over a decade or something?  Is there anyone who we could call the "L.V. Kane of male inflation?"  


The 1.7 million hits is because of the douche Ray William Johnson + he has got attention in other medias aswell. People also watch it because of curiosity I think. Then there is the very small % who actually get off on it. I love suit inflation, but knowing there is a man in there it doesn't do it for me. I have to know it is a female.

Hi my name is Tom. I run the inflatable chicks yahoo group

darth_clone19's picture

I think this hits the nail in the head.


 -   Read my stories: darth-clone19.deviantart.com 

bosk's picture

I think it's just that males are more active in seeking out or acting out their sexual needs online. Males are watching for female inflation material. Males are creating the inflation material- most of the time without a female. What I'm saying is that the presence of numerous male inflation videos is not because of their popularity, but because of the output of the usually-solo producers. Put two inflation vids of equal quality up, one male one female, and I'm pretty positive that the female one will generate ten times the hits. I'm totally not into male inflation, but I have to say that the quality of male inflation vids is much higher than the female inflation vids(Wren's especially). I think a lot has to do with the fact that the female vids are usually the product of someone trying to satisfy a fetish group, while the male vids are produced by someone already in that fetish group, and they know damn well what that group wants to see. They're not saying, "What do you guys(or girls) want to see?" "Like this?" "No? Like this?" They're just saying, "Here's what I like to do, now watch." I don't know. Is what I'm saying making any sense?

On a tangent, as much as I really, really appreciate the efforts from the likes of Bambi and Taylor(both of whom I have subscribed to or bought from),  no one has yet really made "that video." 

darth_clone19's picture

Great analysis, I completely agree.

 -   Read my stories: darth-clone19.deviantart.com 

oh2bpreg's picture

Same reason why you can find more nude pics of women than of men.  Guys are really horny and get off just by looking at things.  Women, not so much.


Thank you all, this really helped me much.

Now I understand much better, still I'm quite bored of seeing female inflation pics, though I don't dislike them xD

Someone who lives somewhere.


darth_clone19's picture

It can be because of most open inflationists on the internet are men, coupled with heteronormativity.

But also, most women, at least here, seem to prefer female inflation (involving themselves), so its maybe more complex. Women just have more things that bulge when blown up.


 -   Read my stories: darth-clone19.deviantart.com 

CorpulentArtifice's picture

You are my new best friend for pointing out heteronormativity.

Formerly known as SignoreMirtillo

darth_clone19's picture


 -   Read my stories: darth-clone19.deviantart.com 

Blue_Eyes's picture

More people who enjoy this fetish are heterosexual therefor female inflation is more popular? Seems pretty straight forward to me?


Those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA, I've got some good news and some bad news. Bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we've got a much better test for you: fighting an army of mantis men.

darth_clone19's picture

Well, that doesnt make much sense because heterosexual women here seem to prefer female inflation as well.

 -   Read my stories: darth-clone19.deviantart.com 

Blue_Eyes's picture

Assuming that these "heterosexual woman" are actually women.

Those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA, I've got some good news and some bad news. Bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we've got a much better test for you: fighting an army of mantis men.

doubleintegral's picture

Why do people of both sexes generally prefer men's basketball to women's basketball?  Because men play basketball better.

Why do people of both sexes generally prefer inflating women?  Because women simply inflate better, dammit.

LisaHoneychan's picture

Guess that makes me the exception, then! I'm female and enjoy male inflation, more. I'm straight, if it matters at all.