Deflation stories

I've just had a go at drafting a deflation story. I have no idea if it has wide appeal, but from the viewpoint of writing it, i found it difficult because i was trying to go from normal size to deflated and come up with a realistic scenario. Due to the last bit, there needed to be a whole load of backstory and exposition which interfered with the flow of the story. I have a few thoughts about this which i'll put as questions:

* Does deflation have erotic appeal to many people?
* Is it better to depict deflation after inflation, to start in medias res with an inflatee who then deflates or with a person in a relatively normal state who deflates below normal size?
* Is there something inherently less realistic or less appealing about deflation other than a mere personal preference for inflation?
* How would you go about writing a deflation story?


Hmm. That's a hard one, nineteenthly.

I'll pass on answering regarding erotic appeal, because my interest in inflation is generally not sexually-oriented.

As far as starting, I would almost think that starting with the deflation or being in a deflated state, followed by the inflation, would make sense in a larger number of scenarios. Of course, your imagination may differ.

I would not say that deflation is inherently less realistic, but that it may appeal to a quite different group of readers. After all, flat, physically two-dimensional characters have appeared in mainstream stories many times, just as inflated characters have.



Well that's a story title right there! Plenty of stylistic possibilities.

I would say i can detach my fetish from a sort of intellectual interest in inflation to some extent too, though obviously to me it is substantially fetishistic in nature.

I'm sure the appeal would be very different. I think there's probably a bit of overlap but it's easier for me to be detached. The problem with writing such a story seems to be that whereas inflation leads naturally to a climax, deflation is the reverse. I can think of three televisual deflation scenes though. This probably belongs somewhere else.



I can think of a deflation scene in a stage play, several in books, one book series centered on a deflated/flattened protagonist, and quite a few examples from cartoons, all without wracking my brain or looking anything up.


Yes, there are many examples of flattened characters in particular and it's particularly common in animation but in live-action deflation i can only think of - ah, well four actually: The Wrong Door, The Innes Book Of Records, a bubblegum ad which i think is screencapped on here and the obscure unknown foreign European scene with the needle i've mentioned before.



I must say, I enjoy the deflation or even popping of living inflatable girls quite alot, just the tease of one inflatable trying to pop/deflate others, or even doing it to herself, after she's blown up nice and round.

But, answering all your questions, is half way to writing a full page story myself...


Well, maybe you could, Delacroix :-) ! That said, although popping is technically a subset of deflation i'd only think of the two in the same way if the former is both survived and gradual, for instance if it involves leakage or a puncture which goes down slowly.


Auriga's picture

 Well, I'm deflation writer. Come see me at my DA


 - Unfortunately deflation is a rare kink, at least ten times less widespread, then inflation.

 - You can try both

 - I think it is no problem with realism: inflating 'real' people with internal organs would be painful and lethal. So best inflatees are creatures that are just inflatable (stretchy skin filled with air) they wouldn't suffer, as it is normal for them. And, so they can leek that air they have.

 - I'm writing them and I know couple of good authors, for example lord balloony cat.


 My last work:

 Most popular story I ever wrote:

 Would be cool to chat, probably cooperate. I have a skype named 'deflatee', had YIM but deleted it.


I've written a deflation story now as well.  It may be due to lack of experience but i have to say it was a whole deal more difficult to write a convincing deflation story than an inflation one, and there had to be a lot of exposition in it which i couldn't include in the action.  It's easier if you ignore real anatomy or invent new anatomy, and pneumaticchick on Deviant Art does it really well though those are more about the inflation:

Realism, hmm, not sure.  Real life inflation happens every time someone breathes out, burps or farts, and similar processes are giving birth, defaecating and vomiting, so maybe that's true, but i see human bodies as more naturally inflatable than deflatable.  It might depend on what kind of tone you want the stories to have.


Auriga's picture

 Well, did you post your story anywhere? Hope we take a look :)

 As to natural inflation, I think it is very limited in both size and affected parts.


No, not so far - if i posted it on here it'd be inappropriate and it's supposed to be part of the ebook, and the deal with that is that i'm trying to keep the proportion of previously unavailable stories up, so i won't post that precise story although i may well write another one and put it on dA.  However, i can't see myself ever posting a deflation story here because this place is for inflation.


Auriga's picture

 > However, i can't see myself ever posting a deflation story here because this place is for inflation.


 I did so, heavens didn't fall


It might depend on whether you personally find it sexually arousing. There is presumably nowhere whatsoever on the internet which specialises in deflation fetishism, so you might say it belongs here by default. It doesn't turn me on but i do find it an interesting intellectual exercise and comparison with inflation as a scenario is also engaging. Deviantart seems fine for it. However, it's not happening today or tomorrow at least because tomorrow, as usual, is allegedly the day i finally finish the ebook.


Auriga's picture

 So you have commercial motive in teasing people with your stories? I usually can't wait posting new ones to DA :)


To an extent, though this is never going to make me a living and the commercial motive is to the "higher" end of not allowing outsiders to define our identity. If the mass media are going to show interest in us, they shouldn't be allowed just to project their own preconceptions onto us and that can be dangerous. For instance, they may think of us as child abusers because of Violet Beauregarde or as people who plan to go out and murder women, or just as emotionally inadequate loners, and none of those descriptions apply to me or anyone else here. So yes, i am trying to sell stuff but the aim is to get a message out there. As it happens, i have quite a few other ideas for stories which i have no intention of selling and these will see the light of day once i get this project out of the way, and i also have no plans to do anything with the hypnosis project other than offering it for free at high quality.



BTW, have you seen my recent journal entry on dA addressed to pneumaticchick about inflatable people who function like the way they're described in the Balloon Girls stories? I'm playing with that a bit.


Auriga's picture

 Interesting. Theoretically evolution could lead to something like inflatable creatures. I commented your journal on DA, and additionally: Evolution responds to environment. I think, there should be some special environment conditions that would give inflatables better chances over 'solid' life.

 One of such possibilities - life in a gas giant, planet with thick dense atmosphere, where living creatures are floating, rather than walking on the surface. But inflatable humanoids are an unlikely outcome.


If i put my SF fan hat on for a second, i have to agree - humanoids are definitely improbable in my opinion and there are other organisms found on this planet which probably have many representatives elsewhere in the Universe, but they're more likely to be tree-like, sea urchin-like, worm-like and so on, although there are probably organisms with much more complex shapes which are unimaginably different from anything on Earth.

However, and this goes very much against the grain of my general thoughts about this kind of thing, on a planet with a substantially accessible solid surface, it's not entirely impossible that convergent evolution would lead to humanoids because there are known precedents of similar-looking organisms here suited to particular niches. Well-known examples include Tasmanian wolves and placental wolves, loads of flower-like animals, brachiopods and bivalves (and goose barnacles come to think of it) and so on. In this case, we are at least talking about an animal with totally different internal anatomy than a human. One of the most improbable things about humans, i think, is that we're vertebrates. Vertebrates are so far as i know the only living things on this planet with hard internal skeletons which aid movement - everything else with a hard endoskeleton has it to anchor it in place and prevent movement.

Just to pursue this digression for slightly longer, and i will get back to the point, one of my "worlds" has a Galaxy rich in intelligent life, and simply because there are so many hundreds of millions of such planets (in the scenario i imagined), by sheer chance there exists one single other humanoid species which is used by a sort of "Galactic Federation" to form delegations to visit Earth so that we can deal psychologically with the existence of ETs.

Now (sorry about this - i know it was a bit off-topic), if i then transfer that idea to a Galaxy rich in intelligent life whereof there is one other humanoid species which happens to be inflatable, there seem to be possible stories there, e.g. the Federation sends them for first contact or uses them to infiltrate human society and spy on us. So yes, it's really implausible but it can be made to work, and in particular the idea of alien inflated spies could easily be made to work, i think - there's a secret service which tracks them down and tries to puncture them or something, or they test everyone by pricking them with a pin and seeing if they pop.


Auriga's picture

 All this about natural evolution leading to living inflatables. The question is, why inflatable body is a benefit for them on their planet? Even if inflatable creatures lived on some planet, on the long evolution path to sentient life they could grow sceleton and start using inner space for some organs. If this never happened, then having gas balloon was always an important benefit and natural selection punished discarding it.

 I wonder in which conditions this can happen. For example, world that requires a lot of flying and floating, but still has a lot of solid surfaces.


Some characteristics are arbitrary and problems are solved in various ways.  Whereas there's a reason why something living in the atmosphere of a gas giant might be inflatable, there may not be a reason why we are largely solid inside rather than hollow and thin-skinned.  There has already been a period when life here was dominated by thin-skinned organisms supported hydraulically.  It didn't work out, but if you look a little later there are all sorts of body plans which have disappeared, succeeded or have only left a few species, partly due to luck.  For instance, there are now eight known species of priapulid but that seems to have been the dominant phylum in the early Cambrian, and there is only one possible example of a chordate along with other unique examples.  There's often no particular reason more than chance why one body plan succeeds, although there sometimes is.  I'm guessing what happened was that something evolved teeth and went round puncturing everything and eating it, and in fact i think that's an accepted hypothesis among palaeontologists about why they disappeared.


Auriga's picture

 Well. Wasting resources without specific reason is odd. Natural selection will punish that. So 'empty' space inside creature is used for something. Otherwise, its extra nutrition for extra useless tissues.

 It can be floating in dense atmosphere or water. Stock of oxygen or any other gas needed for methabolism (if this is rare). Propellant, as in case of jellyish.

 Once feature doesn't bring any benefit, it is reduced quickly by random mutations.


Ah, i see where you're coming from and in fact in what i was imagining over on dA, it does have a function. Just as adipose tissue in real animals is an energy store, i imagined the gas inside inflated people was there for a couple of reasons: as raw material for food as with photosynthesis (i.e. carbon dioxide and water vapour to be made into carbohydrate), as oxygen for respiration or as water separated through an electrolysis-like process into hydrogen for lift and oxygen for respiration. Propulsion and defence (flaming jets of hydrogen for instance!) would be other possible functions. However, biology is not completely deterministic and you can't get anywhere at all from a starting position just because it would be an advantage to do so. For instance, snakes have hard transparent covers over their eyes which protect them from dust and desiccation but mammals and birds have to blink constantly and have very vulnerable eyes because we have no apparent way to reach that situation without a problem emerging (e.g. permanently closed opaque eyelids and therefore blindness), and there are practically no green mammals even though that would seem to be good camouflage. So it doesn't always happen.

Also, and this kind of brings us full circle, one situation where apparently expensive but functionless features do develop is for mating displays. Antlers and peacock tails, for example, are sort of "conspicuous consumption": they're saying "I am so incredibly healthy and energetic that i can afford to waste resources on this ostentatious and pointless display", which is then far from pointless because it leads the animal to pass on its genes. So maybe inflation could serve the same purpose: "I am so incredibly fit that i can spend all my time inflated and still function". It would also make the animal bigger, which would get them noticed and be a good defence, as with the self-inflating toads which really exist, and of course pufferfish (although that's to make them difficult to swallow).

So maybe there are aliens out there for whom inflation fetishism is perfectly normal!


Auriga's picture

 Well, I agree there can be useful applications for a gas storage. I named a few myself.

 Another question is: how much our shape and looks are determined by having skeleton instead of pneumatic support. If there is parallel evolution and creatures relying on pneumatic supoport, rather then on solid bones (used as lever) what is the chance they will even remotely look like humans? Having limbs is the first question. Well, inflatable arm can bend, if skin is contracted on inner side of elbow and extended on outer. But wouldn't it be more efficient to contract entire inner part, not only at the elbow? This way limb will act like a tentacle, but this makes sense if it lacks any bones.

 So inflatable aliens can exist, they may like inflation, yet they are very unlikely to be attractive for the human.


This is true.  However, suppose they come to Earth and want to give us pleasure by inflating us?  There's a cheesy sci-fi B movie script right there!

Limbs make sense, and they might even need to bend in the same places so they can handle things.  There's always the get-out clause of deciding they're not aliens after all but made in a factory.  Maybe it's cheaper to use them instead of human labour because they're easier to transport, can be stowed away after deflation and wouldn't need to eat much.


Auriga's picture

 Totally support this (hypothesis of artificial inflatable aliens)


I have been fascinated for years with the SF concept of bubble plants which break up water molecules via sunlight and make their own hydrogen (trapped for buoyancy) and oxygen (used to power their metabolisms). Then you can imagine flying bubble animals which forage upon the bubble plants to harvest the hydrogen in them and remain aloft. You could come up with a complete food chain this way, with the top of it being populated with inflatable hunters who eat the plants for buoyancy and fly after & hunt down the foragers. 

To make the SF scenario reasonable you would need very low gravity so the size of the beings would not be excessive. This might occur at one of the lagrangian points in the orbital system of a number of big planets that are close to each other. 




I think that could happen on a planet, or rather, in a planetary atmosphere, say, of a gas giant.