Everytime I look up artwork such as stories, drawings or comics. They are very often about being inflated quite fastm and staying huge, being helpless, which I find interesting to some point. I'm not sure if I've missed out on something, but for me the inflation prosess it self is way more interesting than staying huge. My oppiniom though.
I don't really have a point here, but the only stories I found so far that have met my needs are the ones from AirtankGirl and Sven. No offence to other writers, the stories are good, very good, but I just keep looking for more detailed inflation. And of ofcourse none than less slow inflation.
I know the community have a wide specter of interests here, which is good! I just feel a bit lonely out here. I can't really find slow and detailed infations to satisfy my needs.
Sorry for the randomness!
Though it really depends on my particular mood, I feel you. Sometime I like to read stories where the inflation is described in a more detailed manner, or in a way that conveys what is happening is a slow and steady process. Airtankgirl I agree does that very well, I think Heliumgirl77 writing is superb when it comes to thos point as well.