Slow inflation?

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Slow inflation?

Everytime I look up artwork such as stories, drawings or comics. They are very often about being inflated quite fastm and staying huge, being helpless, which I find interesting to some point. I'm not sure if I've missed out on something, but for me the inflation prosess it self is way more interesting than staying huge. My oppiniom though.

I don't really have a point here, but the only stories I found so far that have met my needs are the ones from AirtankGirl and Sven. No offence to other writers, the stories are good, very good, but I just keep looking for more detailed inflation. And of ofcourse none than less slow inflation.

I know the community have a wide specter of interests here, which is good! I just feel a bit lonely out here. I can't really find slow and detailed infations to satisfy my needs.


Sorry for the randomness!



MixMaster (not verified)

Though it really depends on my particular mood, I feel you. Sometime I like to read stories where the inflation is described in a more detailed manner, or in a way that conveys what is happening is a slow and steady process. Airtankgirl I agree does that very well, I think Heliumgirl77 writing is superb when it comes to thos point as well.


Yeh, gotta agree Heliumgirl77 does that nicely as well. I'm not goint to complain about the quality of other stories and artwork, because I tried it my self and I failed like a cheap chinese copy!

Anyway, if people have sugestion to slow, or even detailed inflations I'd be very pleased to hear!

I know a lot of people are into the rapid thing, but I rather sugest this topic could go to those who where interested in the process it self :)





I forget who wrote it, but there was one inflation story which caught my eye a while back in which the inflation took months from initial exposure to the cause until the main character was fully a balloon.

It was set aboard a ship traveling between planets... The Cargo? That may have been the name. Not sure.


The interesting thing about this, and something which will probably eventually provoke me into writing a story about it, is that slow inflation is the most realistic kind. If you think about the size a normal person can become through gaining weight over a period of years, that can be many times the size any of us can manage with real-life inflation. Also, if you've ever tried it for real, you might have noticed that there's a sort of training process involved - the more you inflate, the bigger you can get each time. Therefore, slow inflation is definitely where it's at for the purposes of realism. The only thing is that for some people it lacks the rapid gratification that fast inflation brings.


BTBLL's picture

I like the points made here. Incorporating this concept does seem to make the idea more believable. I shall have to edit this into my next story that I am currently polishing up, as the idea of making the fantasy seem real was behind the origin of my stories to begin with.


To be honest, what I ment was like, blowing slowly up over several hours, insted of being in like seconds/minutes. But over several days would also be very interesting! or Month's, whatever~ xD

I was actually more conserned that there isn't many that are interested in slow process, so the amount of content is very low :)




I think it's because it's too slow to provide much of a focus for excitement for many people. That's not to say it can't be interesting or exciting for some, just that it would probably be a minority interest. It could be used in connection with the ideas of slavery and ownership though, which have obvious S&M connections.

Hours rather than days? Even that would probably be more realistic. It might even be that the most convincing possibilities are either very fast or somewhat slow inflation with an unrealistic trough in the intermediate timescale. Inflation over hours allows one to adapt. It usually takes me half an hour to inflate and i've also tried it with half hour gaps, which gives me maybe two hours of being inflated. My stories tend to have accelerating inflation because i can't convince myself that the inflatee could stay conscious towards the end unless it was brought to a sudden crescendo. I'm also interested in the "crush syndrome"-type scenario, where the inflatee gets into a state where they can't survive without being inflated, which sort of turns them into a balloon.



Sorry, double post.



For m this is all aout fantasy. I usually imagine a girl going to shop, and start inflating slowly as she go, making the dresses harder to fit over the chest in the beginning, then moving over to get bigger belly and so on. This is jsut an example. But I like the thought it happening over time. It might be because it gives more room for details, reaction and adaption.

To be honest, it seems that for most people it is about getting big and round, it is for me as well, but I do like the other aspect as starting with bigger breasts, hips, belly first then moving on to getting more spherical.

To be honest I'm tempted to start writing my self again, just to give an example! Allthough I tried before and failed.

to be honest, it's a bit sad that this comunity is so small.




I think you should just write.  Then again, someone said a while back that i should just draw and i don't!


Small yes, but do you ever feel some people might be open to persuasion?



hahaha.. I've spoken to a few people about my fetish.. and they get this wierd look and go.. okay... they understand big breasts, but the rest is just reminding them of fat people (no offence.) It's just peoples general picture of whats sexy.

I might do some writing once I get some time again. been a bit busy lately :)


I like slow inflation as well. :)