Inflation by swallowing air?

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Inflation by swallowing air?

Is this a thing? If so, how do you do it?

First, I will inflate you until you cannot be inflated anymore. Then you have my permission to die.


Not only is it a thing but it is in fact my main thing! Yes, you can do it. In the same way as you can gulp down air to make yourself burp, you can continue to do this until you are very bloated. I have videos about it on my YouTube channel, which is in my signature.

However, if you want instructions, here is one way to do it:

Start on an empty stomach, preferably first thing in the morning. Lie on your back and take a deep breath. As you breathe out, rather than letting the air out of your nose and mouth as usual, close the flap of skin at the back of your mouth as if you are pronouncing an M or N. Then start swallowing as if you're drinking water and continue to do so until your lungs are almost empty. Remain in a lying position, periodically shifting onto your right and left sides for a while, for about ten minutes. This will draw the air gradually from your stomach into your intestines. Resist the urge to fart or burp. Repeat the process a number of times, leaving a few minutes between each phase. Clothes make a difference because anything non-stretchy around your waist will restrict the free movement of air inside your body, so it might be a good idea to do it naked.


SonicExeDude's picture

Nineteenthy please go in depth on swallowing air. I am dying to exhale the first 15 seconds every time and when I do, it goes back to when I started. And really, my stomach doesnt get any bigger.

Got an Air Tank?Plug Me Up!


It should be noted that this takes practice.... I have been using this method for a number of years and can becom quite large. What i do notice with this technique more than anything is that "pushing" your stomach outwards is what really emphasizes how much air you swallowed. Also if you fill your stomach to it's mx and then turn on your side the air will move much faster. If you enjoy the sounds or sensation of your stomach or intestines gurgling (i certainly do) then this is a great method and can yeild fantastic results with practice.


I actually got to the point where it wasn't about pushing my stomach out or pulling it in because I couldn't do either.  I was simply full and stretched, and didn't have the strength to suck my belly in against the pressure or any remaining elasticity in my body wall to push it out.

It's been a long time now since I've done it, but I was thinking of doing it again to see if I could fool people into thinking I'm pregnant.  I clearly pass with some people now so it could be quite fun, although I don't like to deceive.



ikr i want to inflate my full body

Katloon's picture

Check the post date, this was 2 years old.