How to make a inflatable suit

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How to make a inflatable suit

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I like inflation


Furst ve-a get zee roobber. Zeen ve-a get zee glooe-a. Eh, roobber, yes, guud. Glooe-a glooe-a glooe-a! Zeen ve-a feend zee cheeckee, und ve-a poot zee glooe-a oon zee cheeckee. Glooe-a cheeckee! Cheeckee cheeckee! Here-a cheeckee. Guud cheeckee. Zee cheeckee gues intu zee roobber. Zeen ve-a hefe-a zee roobber cheeckee! Bork Bork Bork!

-Blown Up

VManMagic (not verified)

zib zab zooobidibop!!!! The chocolate pudding and the KIDS!!! Like to play pokemon hahaha BLEH!


How to make you stop spamming:

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Hi my name is Tom. I run the inflatable chicks yahoo group

GLaDOS's picture

I like trains

My Belly is so fucking huge it is never going to stop growing!!!

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

This is an old thread, and I don't think it's going anywhere. Would it be wise to request that it becomes locked?

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)

firnov's picture

well, use you imagenation. watch around for things that you can inflate.

a really good one is a garbage-bag (under a t-shirt) with tape (and a small hole for a tube or pump). the bag can be really big. and if you like, it pops safely.

And boom goes the inflatee

BalloonInflator's picture

I'm seconding ACG's reqest that this thread be locked. It's obviously older spam, and it's just going to clutter up the legit threads at the top of the board.

Just a little more. You can take it...I hope...