
Inflation Types:
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Is this thing on?

Is... It is?

We're recording, right?


Hi, I'm Lola. I'm 17, and I'm going to tell you, whoever you are, about that time I became a human experiment.

I was walking down the street with my best friend Chelsey. We stumbled across a man in fully beige clothing. A hat, a trench coat, corduroys, boots. reading a book. Besides wondering why he was wearing such clothing, I dismissed it and we kept walking.

We took five steps before I felt what I later found was a dart piercing my neck. I didn't bother screaming, as only the trench coat guy was there. I fainted from tranquilization.

When I woke, there was a hose in my mouth. It was also to big to pull out without risking breaking my jaw. I was breifly relieved that my hands weren't tied. Then I realized that my chest and legs were, by very strong metal bands. Only my head, arms, and abdomen were uncovered.

After struggling on a metal table for ten seconds, I noticed Chelsey in the same situation. We stared at each other, terrified, until I heard that basturd say:

"I see you're finally awake. I left your arms uncuffed so that you can feel your torture in two different ways. Here's a little taste of hell from Delipio!"

I knew who Delipio was. A doctor who accidently killed his daughter, driving him insane, so he killed every teenage girl he met in the strangest of ways.

Suddenly, I felt air rushing down my throat, into my stomach.

Unrestrained by anything except my button-down shirt, my belly inflated. After twenty seconds, i looked 5 months pregnant. Then 9 months, then triplets at 9 months. My stomach popped all the buttons of my shirt, leaving the pale expanse of my still-growing stomach and the chest part of the shirt.

My stomach was now the size of an oven. A fridge! And now it looked like I ate 5 Homer Simpsons.

Chelsey looked the same.

I felt huge pressure and knew my limit was reached.

It looked like I'd swallowed 2000 watermelons when...


....that being the door opening.

The police flooded in, cuffed Delipio, and (thank god) turned off the hose.

They took me to the hospital, Interviewed me, and here I am, still with a gargantuan blimp belly bulging above me. Oh, and Chelsey? Let's just say I was the only intact living blimp leaving Delipio's Hideout that day. Turns out I'm more elastic then she is.

...Rest in Peace, Chelsey.

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