Better Videos

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TayvaRP's picture
Better Videos

As it will be awhile before I start making new videos, I would like to ask if there's anything more I can do with my videos to make them better, and get more interest in my work. All of my stuff right now is up on Youtube. I wont be making new videos for a bit, until I get a new beachball to work with. The one I'm eyeing right now is supposed to be about 7 feet in diameter (my current one just under three), so I want to make sure I try harder this time around.


Be certain about that size—I've seen some beach balls rated by their inflated size, but most are rated by their deflated size. Multiply by 0.66 to get an inflated size. Thus a ball rated at 84" will really be about 55" inflated.

D&L on eBay is a good source for large beach balls, but watch those sizes. Write to them before ordering, if you are unsure. I think the largest beach ball I've seen on the market was 168", which is absurdly large by any scale.

(Weather balloons made out of latex or neoprene can be found in very large sizes, and they are very inexpensive, but they are not as robust as vinyl.)


Try sewing an air-tight zipper or something to it, and cutting holes small enough for your ankles, wrists and feet to fit through? sewing the ends of wetsuits to it will create that seal, then adding a sealant to fill all the wholes. viola, a berry ball suit. :)

HERP DERPIN since 1989


You've never worked with air-tight vinyl, have you?

MixMaster (not verified)

I haven't either, but I'd imagine you would have to add some dependent or independent chanbers in there somewhere for structural stability as well making sure that the seams would be able to handle the weight... 


Absolutely not, no. :)

HERP DERPIN since 1989

TayvaRP's picture
klaeresource - Can you link me to that particluar seller? And yeah I hate when that happens, because even the inflated size ends up being smaller than advertised (my current ball should be almost my size as im a foot taller, but its less than half :(
Right now I'm looking at these two for reference: This one if I can get one of my friends to take on the shipping since its US only
asdg & Mixmaster- I've never worked with actually modifying the ball itself. As much as I love the idea, I would be afraid of potentially ruining the ball all together :/ Plus I dont have immediate access to the other required items. However if there were someone who knew how to do this (and had notible examples), I would be much more willing to go to them instead.

Here's the link for D&L:

The price on that used ball (your first link) is a steal. Go for it—I'll explain more in a minute. The soccer ball is closer to the typical prices. 

I recommend against trying to modify one of these beach balls because you'd probably never get it air-tight again. Vinyl is much heavier than latex and really doesn't stretch much. It will stretch a tiny bit, but is otherwise known for holding its shape. Vinyl will also tolerate much greater abuse. Since you already have a 3-foot-when-inflated ball, you know that it will support the weight of an average person, and the balls get tougher as they get bigger—slightly thicker gauge vinyl, extra heavy welds on the seams, etc.

I'm not sure if vinyl can be glued; most manufactured items are electronically welded. Some especially ambitious cosplayers will create closely-tailored costumes out of vinyl, which is risky since the material doesn't stretch much worth mentioning. They can get away with sewing vinyl (which I've heard is a real PITA) because they're not making inflatables. 

Why that first-linked beach ball is a steal: Violet's "spherical" blueberry costume in the 1971 WONKA movie was made from two hemispheres of styrofoam—like the stuff cheap picnic coolers are made from. A cavity was scooped out to hold actress Denise Nickerson, and the parts were held together by the outer costume. It reportedly took an hour or so to get into and out of the costume. Being kidnapped and rolled up in a carpet sounds like more fun, but at least the "hard" styrofoam rolled cleanly on camera.

Since you want a visible, transformative inflation on camera, perhaps you could do the same thing, only use two giant beach balls instead of hard foam. One in front, one in back. The vinyl will not morph as easily to fill spaces as a latex suit, however the vinyl beach balls would probably support you, as well as stand up to a great deal of abuse. For example, if pumped up into an exaggerated human form, you could "trip" and land safely with a nice, pneumatic bounce. 

A spherical shape, like Violet Beauregarde, would probably not roll neatly on inflatables without some mushing. Also, you'd need a spherical outer costume (made of denim, or some other durable cloth) to hold a spherical shape. Inflating the beach balls in something stetchable, like spandex, would allow the inflatables too much freedom. You'd look like a mutant pumpkin.

Still, no one said you have to go for spherical. Beach balls might fit down your legs and fill the body of your costume, but you'd need other inflatables for your sleeves. You might consult with Sievert, who has some excellent multi-inflatable images in his artist gallery. 

You might want help with complex, inflatable costumes. It's a lot like bondage, and it would be embarrassing if you got yourself trapped and the wrong person found you. Good luck.


TayvaRP's picture

Thanks for your advice! Unfortunately I'm kinda stuck with the first link because again, the seller will only ship to the US (and since I'm in Canada, that doesn't quite work out). I need to try and find a close contact who would be willing to either bid for me, or let me use his address for the purchase. However I'm not that great with auctions, so I normally get outbid at the last moment :/


I did find that the three foot ball did manage to sustain some abuse, but I think the third or fourth time I tried to rest on it, the ball sprung a leak. Not long after the first hole, many more sprung up, and even after doing what I could to patch it I had to eventually get a new one.