Looking for Models for balloon fetish vid.

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inflatingclothes's picture
Looking for Models for balloon fetish vid.

Hi guys.

I'm in the very early stages of making a balloon fetish movie, like how Mcguffin makes them, I'm looking for models to take part.

if you want to audition, send a video of you inflating and bursting a blouse it dont have to be a school blouse.

send the videos to my Email which is in my signature below.

Yours Inflating clothes

Contact me via Twitter https://twitter.com/wanna585?t=Ge9klnQkvF2HxSR8dF1efA&s=09


Here I had a small hope it would be a body inflation movie.. hehe! Sorry, I can't tell you about any models, but I wish you very good luck ;)

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Put out an ad on Craigslist.